
My personal NixOS configuration
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#NixOS Configuration


  • galactica: My Thinkpad X280 Laptop (So say we all!)
  • omnissiah: My desktop computer (The emperor protects!)
  • caprica: My tiny vps (Capital of the colonies!)
  • sagittaron: An old Mac Mini, my homeserver (The ninth colony!)


  • Theres an SSH key in ~/.ssh/agenix
    • Its configured as age.identityPaths in home/agenix.nix, so agenix knows wich key to use to decrypt
    • Its public key is configured in home/secrets/secrets.nix, so agenix knows wich key to use to encrypt
    • home/secrets/secrets.nix does not get imported to home-manager config! Its only used by agenix cli!
    • Secrets are used for example in home/ssh.nix
  • To encrypt a new secret
    • Define it in home/secrets/secrets.nix
    • Execute in home/screts: agenix -e <secretname>
    • Use it like age.secrets.<secretname>.*

#Useful stuff

#Find GNOME dconf settings

To find the right dconf settings to configure GNOME you may execute dconf watch / and then just click around in GNOMEs settings. caprica common galactica omnissiah sagittaron