
Phone testing setup - hub readme
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#Phone Testing Setup

This is the hub for the components of the Phone Testing Setup.

PTS is split up in multiple reusable components.


The central controller maintains the overall job queue and scheduling. It is also the webinterface the developers log in to to submit new testing jobs.

The controller is a daemon running on a computer in a test rack. The controller to central webinterface communication is designed so the controller can run behind NAT without any portforwarding. The only part that's accessible from the internet is the central webinterface.

The test devices hook up to the controller computer through USB and have a controller board based on the Raspberry Pi Pico that deals with power control. There can be as many devices hooked up to a controller as USB ports are available. The test racks with the controllers can be distributed around the internet instead of having a single location with all the test devices.


The web interface. Designed to run on a VPS as the public connection point and scheduler.

The daemon that communicates between the web interface and the actual hardware.

The firmware for the Pico boards between the test device and the controller.

Command line utility to run test jobs on a device hooked up to a pico without running the controller daemon or the central webinterface. With this local automated testing for development can be done, like automated kernel bisection.

The library for parsing ACT job definitions used in PTS

3D models for the physical phone mounting in the test rack.


This project was funded through the NGI0 PET Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 825310.

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