
Gnome-tweaks clone for mobile
Support the C backend of pyyaml
Update documentation for the file backend
Handle newlines in the file backend



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.

#postmarketOS tweaks

This is a mobile gtk3 application for tweaking settings on desktop environments supported by postmarketOS.

The tweakable settings are defined in yaml formatted config files in /usr/share/postmarketos-tweaks and /etc/postmarketos-tweaks.

#Setting definition file format

The settings are organized in a tree with 3 levels: page, section and setting. All the config files are read and pages/sections with the same name are merged. All pages/sections/settings are sorted according to the weight if set.

- name: the page name
  weight: the page weight
    - name: the section name
      weight: the section weight
        - name: The setting name
          weight: the setting weight
          help: The setting description
          type: the widget type to show
          backend: The storage backend for this setting


The application supports multiple backends to store/read settings from. Most of the settings in Tweaks are stored in the gsettings backend.

#Generic options

type: The widget type to create for the setting, one of:

  • boolean: gets rendered as a switch
  • choice: a dropdown with the options defined by the map option
  • number: gets rendered as a number textfield
  • font: the OS font picker

map: Mapping between the setting in the backend and the setting in the UI. Can be used to define the options for a choice or make a boolean option store a specific string in the backend.

  Display value 1: stored-value1
  Display value 2: stored-value2

# for a boolean
  true: suspend
  false: nothing

min, max, step: Sets the range for a number widget and the step value for the [+] and [-] keys in the widget.

percentage: true: Remaps the min,max value for a number field to 0-100. It's basically like map: but for setting the whole number range.


backend: gsettings
gtype: boolean
key: org.postmarketos.Tweaks.coolsetting

Uses gsettings to read and write the settings. The key is the full path to the setting. It's possible to set the key to a list of settings in which case the first one found will be used.

The gtype option is used to define which type the gsetting is in case it's different than the type of the widget. This is mainly useful when things are remapped.


type: boolean
backend: gtk3settings
key: gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme
default: "0"
  true: "1"
  false: "0"

This is a backend for modifying the ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini file. The key is the name of the setting inside the [Settings] section.


backend: sysfs
key: /sys/class/power_supply/axp20x-battery/voltage_max_design
stype: int
multiplier: 1000000

Used to set settings at runtime in sysfs, the tweakd background daemon will get the root permissions to actually change the setting and re-apply the setting after booting.

The stype is the type of the variable that will be written, currently only int is supported. The multiplier is used to get the final integer value to write since floats are stored as integers with a multiplier in the kernel. The multiplier defaults to 1.

backend: symlink
key: ~/.local/var/example.data
source_ext: false

This creates a symlink where the source is the input data from the user and the target is the key.

If source_ext is true the extension of the source file will be appended to the key before using that as the target path for the symlink.

Setting the value to None will remove the symlink.

This backend is normally used with the file widget.


backend: soundtheme
key: ~/.local/share/sounds/__custom/phone-incoming-call

The soundtheme is the same as the symlink backend. The source_ext parameter is always true with this backend.

It also ensures that the index.theme file exists in the same directory as the symlink to make it a valid custom sound theme.


backend: file
key: ~/.config/example-file
needs-root: false
trailing-newline: true

The file backend is for writing plain text to a file without any parsing. The key is the filename to write.

The needs-root argument signifies that the file needs root permissions to write to. This will defer the writing to tweakd. Expanduser is not used in this case since tweakd runs as root.

The trailing-newline setting defaults to true, if this is set a newline will be added at the end of the file and removed again on reading.