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+# Mosquitto board
+This is a Kicad 7 project for the Mosquitto board.
+* Based on the ESP8266 ESP-12F module
+* On-board CP2102 usb-to-serial converter for programming and debugging
+* On-board SHT30 temperature and humidity sensor
+* Header for a 3 pin screw-terminal for hooking up onewire sensors
+* A pmod-i2c and pmod-spi header for attaching sensor breakout modules
+* On-board battery charger for Li-ion or Li-Po cells (protected cells needed)
+* Deep sleep timer circuitry included
+* ADC pin is hooked up for low-power battery level monitoring
+Things that need fixing for the next revision:
+* Fix the backfeed diodes between the ESP and the CP2102, these need to be bridged for programming now
+* Add a battery protection chip
+* Include an auto-reset circuit for programming
+* Decouple the heat generated from the usb-serial chip from the on-board temperature sensor better
+* Add a pin header for the serial port