
49767a9be82e5649458fec2be527a0677eb3817e — Martijn Braam 1 year, 6 months ago ac46ace
Add more features to the readme
1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M README.md => README.md +2 -0
@@ 6,12 6,14 @@ Features:

* Based on the ESP8266 ESP-12F module
* On-board CP2102 usb-to-serial converter for programming and debugging
* USB Type-C connector for programming and power
* On-board SHT30 temperature and humidity sensor
* Header for a 3 pin screw-terminal for hooking up onewire sensors
* A pmod-i2c and pmod-spi header for attaching sensor breakout modules
* On-board battery charger for Li-ion or Li-Po cells (protected cells needed)
* Deep sleep timer circuitry included
* ADC pin is hooked up for low-power battery level monitoring
* Fabrication metadata for Aisler and JLCPCB assembly

Things that need fixing for the next revision: