
d31313f7dc8018aeb92eeb8caf2dccf71a443a43 — Hugo Osvaldo Barrera 1 year, 4 months ago 27618d5
Don't use 'sudo' when running as root

This cancels the need to install and configure `sudo` or `doas` on
single-user installations (e.g.: a VM dedicated to running pmbootstrap).

Fixes: https://gitlab.com/postmarketOS/pmbootstrap/-/issues/2224
Reviewed-by: Oliver Smith <ollieparanoid@postmarketos.org>
Link: https://lists.sr.ht/~postmarketos/pmbootstrap-devel/%3C20230529203922.22161-1-hugo@whynothugo.nl%3E
5 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

M pmb/chroot/root.py
M pmb/config/__init__.py
M pmb/config/sudo.py
M pmb/helpers/run.py
M test/test_run_core.py
M pmb/chroot/root.py => pmb/chroot/root.py +4 -2
@@ 78,8 78,10 @@ def root(args, cmd, suffix="native", working_dir="/", output="log",
    executables = executables_absolute_path()
    cmd_chroot = [executables["chroot"], chroot, "/bin/sh", "-c",
                  pmb.helpers.run.flat_cmd(cmd, working_dir)]
    cmd_sudo = [pmb.config.sudo, "env", "-i", executables["sh"], "-c",
                pmb.helpers.run.flat_cmd(cmd_chroot, env=env_all)]
    cmd_sudo = pmb.config.sudo([
        "env", "-i", executables["sh"], "-c",
        pmb.helpers.run.flat_cmd(cmd_chroot, env=env_all)]
    return pmb.helpers.run_core.core(args, msg, cmd_sudo, None, output,
                                     output_return, check, True,

M pmb/config/__init__.py => pmb/config/__init__.py +10 -1
@@ 58,7 58,16 @@ required_programs = [
sudo = which_sudo()

def sudo(cmd: list[str]) -> list[str]:
    """Adapt a command to run as root."""
    sudo = which_sudo()
    if sudo:
        return [sudo, *cmd]
        return cmd

# Keys saved in the config file (mostly what we ask in 'pmbootstrap init')
config_keys = [

M pmb/config/sudo.py => pmb/config/sudo.py +9 -2
@@ 2,13 2,20 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import os
import shutil
from functools import lru_cache

def which_sudo():
def which_sudo() -> str | None:
    """Returns a command required to run commands as root, if any.

    Find whether sudo or doas is installed for commands that require root.
    Allows user to override preferred sudo with PMB_SUDO env variable.

    if os.getuid() == 0:
        return None

    supported_sudos = ['doas', 'sudo']

    user_set_sudo = os.getenv("PMB_SUDO")

M pmb/helpers/run.py => pmb/helpers/run.py +1 -1
@@ 72,7 72,7 @@ def root(args, cmd, working_dir=None, output="log", output_return=False,
    if env:
        cmd = ["sh", "-c", flat_cmd(cmd, env=env)]
    cmd = [pmb.config.sudo] + cmd
    cmd = pmb.config.sudo(cmd)

    return user(args, cmd, working_dir, output, output_return, check, env,

M test/test_run_core.py => test/test_run_core.py +6 -4
@@ 83,7 83,7 @@ def test_foreground_pipe(args):
    assert ret == (-9, "first\n")

    # Kill with output timeout as root
    cmd = [pmb.config.sudo, "sh", "-c", "printf first; sleep 2; printf second"]
    cmd = pmb.config.sudo(["sh", "-c", "printf first; sleep 2; printf second"])
    args.timeout = 0.3
    ret = func(args, cmd, output_return=True, output_timeout=True,

@@ 99,9 99,11 @@ def test_foreground_pipe(args):
    # Check if all child processes are killed after timeout.
    # The first command uses ps to get its process group id (pgid) and echo it
    # to stdout. All of the test commands will be running under that pgid.
    cmd = [pmb.config.sudo, "sh", "-c",
           "pgid=$(ps -o pgid= | grep ^${1:-$$});echo $pgid | tr -d '\n';" +
           "sleep 10 | sleep 20 | sleep 30"]
    cmd = pmb.config.sudo([
        "sh", "-c",
        "pgid=$(ps -o pgid= | grep ^${1:-$$});echo $pgid | tr -d '\n';"
        "sleep 10 | sleep 20 | sleep 30"
    args.timeout = 0.3
    ret = func(args, cmd, output_return=True, output_timeout=True,