
v3 2 years ago

I Am the Night


⛧  When posting to Mastodon we're using some basic logic to ensure that
we don't include more releases in a post than would exceed the 500
characters limit.
⛧  Improving the heuristic for not showing the same release multiple
times as it sometimes happens if the name or the artists have been
edited by the source.


⛧  Added support to update the account that hosts the Rattlehead
application with new name, description, avatar and  header image, which
are embedded into the binary, so not available to change at runtime.
⛧  Added pentagram bulletpoints.
⛧  Because the number of releases in each post has decreased, we started
showing the tags for each release independently instead of grouping them
at the end.
⛧  Added support for storing links for a specific release. The accepted
ones at the moment are to Youtube, Soundcloud, Spotify or BandCamp.
⛧  Added a DuckDuckGo source which is queried to find these links. This
is not a long term solution as DDG throttles automatic searches.
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