
f3ee6f7fe6c13cc2ffa95e94d61477e039ca42c1 — Marius Orcsik 2 months ago 5304c8a
Updated the makefile with a help target to list everything else
1 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

M Makefile
M Makefile => Makefile +19 -14
@@ 45,44 45,49 @@ endif
BUILD := $(GO) build $(BUILDFLAGS)
TEST := $(GO) test $(BUILDFLAGS)

.PHONY: all run clean test coverage integration install download
.PHONY: all run clean test coverage integration install download help

all: fedbox fedboxctl

help: ## Help target that shows this message.
	@sed -rn 's/^([^:]+):.*[ ]##[ ](.+)/\1:\2/p' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | column -ts: -l2

all: fedbox fedboxctl ##

download: ## Downloads dependencies and tidies the go.mod file.
	$(GO) mod download all
	$(GO) mod tidy

fedbox: bin/fedbox
fedbox: bin/fedbox ## Builds the main FedBOX service binary.
bin/fedbox: go.mod cmd/fedbox/main.go $(APPSOURCES)
	$(BUILD) -tags "$(TAGS)" -o $@ ./cmd/fedbox/main.go

systemd/fedbox.service: systemd/fedbox.service.in
systemd/fedbox.service: systemd/fedbox.service.in ## Creates a systemd service file for the FedBOX service.

systemd/fedbox.socket: systemd/fedbox.socket.in
systemd/fedbox.socket: systemd/fedbox.socket.in ## Creates a socket systemd unit file to accompany the service file.

fedboxctl: bin/fedboxctl
fedboxctl: bin/fedboxctl ## Builds the control binary for the FedBOX service.
bin/fedboxctl: go.mod cmd/control/main.go $(APPSOURCES)
	$(BUILD) -tags "$(TAGS)" -o $@ ./cmd/control/main.go

run: fedbox
run: fedbox ## Runs the FedBOX binary.

clean: ## Cleanup the build workspace.
	-$(RM) bin/*
	$(MAKE) -C tests $@

test: TEST_TARGET := . ./{activitypub,storage,internal}/...
test: download
test: download ## Run unit tests for the service.

coverage: TEST_TARGET := .
coverage: TEST_FLAGS += -covermode=count -coverprofile $(PROJECT).coverprofile
coverage: test
coverage: test ## Run unit tests for the service with coverage.

integration: download
integration: download ## Run integration tests for the service.
	$(MAKE) -C tests $@


@@ 91,9 96,9 @@ $(FEDBOX_HOSTNAME).key $(FEDBOX_HOSTNAME).crt:

cert: $(FEDBOX_HOSTNAME).key
cert: $(FEDBOX_HOSTNAME).key ## Create a certificate.

install: ./bin/fedbox systemd/fedbox.service systemd/fedbox.socket $(FEDBOX_HOSTNAME).crt $(FEDBOX_HOSTNAME).key
install: ./bin/fedbox systemd/fedbox.service systemd/fedbox.socket $(FEDBOX_HOSTNAME).crt $(FEDBOX_HOSTNAME).key ## Install the application.
	useradd -m -s /bin/false -u 2000 fedbox
	install bin/fedbox $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/bin
	install -m 644 -o fedbox systemd/fedbox.service $(DESTDIR)/etc/systemd/system