M cmd/main.go => cmd/main.go +1 -1
@@ 26,7 26,7 @@ func main() {
secret = fs.String("secret", "", "The application secret")
serv = fs.String("url", spammy.ServiceIRI.String(), "The FedBOX url to connect to")
cc = fs.String("cc", "", "CC all the activities that we generate to these IRIs")
- actorCount = fs.Int("clients", DefaultActorCount, "How many actors to create")
+ actorCount = fs.Int("actors", DefaultActorCount, "How many actors to create")
ff.Parse(fs, os.Args[1:])
M spammer.go => spammer.go +4 -3
@@ 218,13 218,14 @@ func RandomObject(parent ap.Item) ap.Item {
buf := make([]byte, base64.RawStdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(data)))
base64.RawStdEncoding.Encode(buf, data)
data = buf
+ ob.Name = ap.NaturalLanguageValues{
+ {ap.NilLangRef, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("random %s", mime))},
+ }
} else {
+ ob.Name = getNameFromData(data, 5)
ob.Summary = ap.NaturalLanguageValues{
{ap.NilLangRef, data[:bytes.Index(data, []byte{'.'})]},
- if rr := rand.Int31n(4); rr > 1 {
- ob.Name = getNameFromData(data, int(rr))
- }
ob.Content = ap.NaturalLanguageValues{
{ap.NilLangRef, data},