
Fix multiple issues

Correctly parse must-revalidate and proxy-revalidate directives in cache-control header

Fix request URL reconstruction when loading a cached response

previously this was mangling the #fragments

Fix ShouldRevalidate for private and shared caches
Using authorization header as an element for the path
If HEAD request doesn't match the cached version do a full refresh
Expand the validation logic

We now take into account strong vs weak validation
Add a way to encode a parsed HeaderCacheControl instance to the corresponding string value
Sort header values before aggregating them for normalized equality
Avoid to use the passed transport if it's an instance of the local cached transport
Use dot for concatenating fragment and host in request path
We shouldn't override the headers, we need to append them
This also should help with the http->https redirects

By ensuring validation of cached request and new request fails
Add scheme to the request cache path

This ensures we don't serve a stale responses for http->https redirects
Slight improvements to the documentation
Improve validation of cached responses

We now update them in case of 304 NotModified with the headers of the new response
Added an in memory storage option with max size
Improve examples

Fix generating the request path that was ommitting the port in the host
Removed from duration cache the old skipCache method
Exporting the cache.Strategy interface
Moved ShouldRevalidate to the different cache checker types
Improve logic for checking cached responses according to the spec

Improving documentation for various pieces of logic
Fix tests for nil cached responses needing validation
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