flake/purs-nix: make node-os available to the purs-nix overlay
readme: add usage with purs-nix section
initial implementation with tests
Temporary file and directory support. Purescript implementation for UnliftIO.Temporary, which was strongly inspired by/stolen from the https://github.com/feuerbach/temporary package.
To use this package you will need a patched version of purescript-node-os
until this PR gets merged.
repository: https://github.com/marijanp/purescript-node-os.git
rev = d0d672eb42007b544a3148988cf58e9806e70266
In your flake.nix
inherit (inputs.purescript-node-fs-temporary.packages.x86_64-linux) node-fs-temporary;
purs-nix = inputs.purs-nix {
inherit system;
overlays = [
my-package = purs-nix.build {
name = "my-package";
src.path = ./.;
info = {
version = "0.0.1";
dependencies = [
node-fs-temporary # important: refer to the derivation not the string
packages.x86_64-linux.my-package = my-package;
To run the unit-tests:
nix run .#checks.x86_64-linux.node-fs-temporary
nix develop
nix develop .#default
feedback -- purs-nix test
purs-nix compile
purs-nix test