Fix path shit
Allow waiting for specific async calls to end
‘Inherit’ signals from signals_unix.go
Andy is a shell named after my beloved OOP professor from my first year in university, Andy Zaidman. Andy if you’re reading this, you’re great! It’s just a shame that what you taught me best is why I should never use Java for anything.
The goal of the Andy shell is to provide a more sane experience to the shell as opposed to the highly deficient POSIX shells such as Bash and Zsh, while still remaining simple and small unlike Fish. It draws inspiration from various shells, most notably Rc from the Plan 9 operating system.
This shell is very much a work in progress, don’t expect anything from this for a while. The currently implemented features are:
cat foo bar
)cmd1 | … | cmdN
)cmd1 && … || cmdN
builtin function with pushd/popd
builtin functionecho
builtin functiontrue
builtin functionfalse
builtin functionexec
builtin function(a b …)
)(foo bar).c; (a b)(c d)
){ cmd; cmd }
)if cmd { … } else if cmd { … } else { … }
)while cmd { … }
)echo ~ ~username
)set x foo; set xʹ $x.c; echo $xʹ
)$var[1 1 -2 5]
, <{…}
, >{…}
, <>{…}
)cmd | read var
)eval file…
)func f arg1 … {…}
)set -g …; read -g …
)quote …
builtin function$cdstack
, $pid
, $ppid
, $status
)for … { echo $_ }
)for x in … { echo $x }
)`cmd …
)`(seps){cmd …}
builtin functiontype
builtin function$args
builtin function!
builtin functionasync
and wait
builtin functions for async code$xs[i..j]
)This is very early days and very likely to change. Also some of it is already outdated.
# Define a function ‘greet’ that takes an argument ‘name’
func greet name {
echo "Hello $name!"
# Multiline pipelines without newline escaping
grep foo /some/path
| sort
| nl
# Conditionals and writing to stderr
if test $# -lt 1 {
echo "Usage: $0 [-f] pattern [file ...]" >&2
exit 1
# Read and write to and from /dev/null
cat <_
cat >_
# Explicit file clobbering with ‘>!’
echo hello >my-file
echo hello >my-file # Fails
echo hello >!my-file # Succeeds
# Pattern match strings, with implicit breaks and explicit fallthroughs
x = 123
switch $x {
case foo bar
echo '$x is either ‘foo’ or ‘bar’'
case [0-9]*
echo '$x starts with a number'
case *
echo 'This is a default case'
# Lists
echo (foo bar).c # Echos ‘foo.c bar.c’
cat (a b)(x y z) # Reads the files ax, ay, az, bx, by, and bz
# The same
xs = 1 2 3
xs = (1 2 3)
xs = 1 (2 3)
# The same
xs = foo
xs = (foo)
xs = ('foo bar' baz)
cat $xs # Read the files ‘foo bar’ and ‘baz’
cat $^xs # Read the file ‘foo bar baz’
# Process substitution
diff <{cmd1} <{cmd2}