M assets/css/style.css => assets/css/style.css +13 -2
@@ 86,6 86,10 @@ pre {
color: black;
+a.card-link {
+ text-decoration: none !important;
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display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
@@ 150,11 154,18 @@ pre {
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max-width: 10rem;
max-height: 10rem;
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margin: 0 1rem 0 0;
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color: black;
A assets/icons/file-dotfiles.svg => assets/icons/file-dotfiles.svg +54 -0
@@ 0,0 1,54 @@
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M home/index.org => home/index.org +10 -1
@@ 1,4 1,13 @@
#+begin_card NixNG :link "https://github.com/nix-community/NixNG" :image "/icons/nix-ng-greener-no-gradient.svg"
A NixOS derivative with simpler design, currently replacing systemd with runit,
- aiming to deliver lighter systems and containers. TEST
+ aiming to deliver lighter systems and containers.
+#+begin_card NixNG :link "https://git.sr.ht/~magic_rb/dotfiles" :image "/icons/file-dotfiles.svg"
+ Set of Nix files and other configuration files, which define my every past, present and future system. Including a Raspberry Pi 3, a complex SuperMicro server, a laptop and in the future many more. Also contains definition for a multitude of NixNG containers.
+# dont add links, nesting <a> :(
+#+begin_card NixNG :link "https://git.sr.ht/~magic_rb/website" :image "/icons/favicon-512x512.png"
+ The repository from which this website is built. It utilizes a =org-thtml= and =org-special-block-extra= to turn Emacs into a pretty good static website generator, complete with unparalleled syntax highlighting thanks to =emacs-htmlize= and =modus-themes=.
M => +4 -2
@@ 15,14 15,16 @@
title contents))
card (name "Card" link "" image "")
card (name "Card" link "" image nil image-html nil)
(cl-case backend
((html templated-html)
"<a class=\"card-link\" href=\"" link "\">"
" <div class=\"card-entry\">"
" <img src=\"" image "\" class=\"card-icon\"/>"
(if image
(concat "<img src=\"" image "\" class=\"card-icon\"/>")
(concat "<div class=\"card-icon\">" image-html "</div>"))
" <div class=\"card-separator\"></div>"
" <div class=\"card-body\">"
" <h4 class=\"card-heading\">" name "</h4>"