
e4c4e5b5ec15a268ced6b9b86b1059d6212f8178 — Marek Marecki 9 months ago 41a056a
Fix test suite crash when all tests failed
1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M new/tests/suite.py
M new/tests/suite.py => new/tests/suite.py +8 -0
@@ 1488,6 1488,14 @@ def main(args):

    # If all tests failed, then we do not have anything in the run statistics lists. This
    # breaks the code in many places, so let's just put dummy values where necessary to
    # avoid crashes.
    # Sure, the report may look weird, but at least the test suite will run to completion.
    if not run_times:
        run_times = [datetime.timedelta()]

    total_run_time = sum(run_times[1:], start=run_times[0])
        "\ntotal run time was {} ({} ~ {} per case)".format(