
bdc0b31ea0792ef210fff178785b6b6d3f0320b4 — Marek Marecki 1 year, 4 months ago 1f0c7cd
Fix implementations of SM and LM instructions

The addresses need to be checked by the VM to prevent badly written, or
just malicious, programs from trashing VM's memory.
2 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

M new/include/viua/vm/core.h
M new/src/vm/ins.cpp
M new/include/viua/vm/core.h => new/include/viua/vm/core.h +7 -0
@@ 445,6 445,13 @@ struct Process {
    using Pointer = std::pair<bool, uintptr_t>;
    auto memory_at(Pointer const) const -> void const*;
    auto memory_at(Pointer const) -> void*;
    inline auto memory_at(size_t const ptr) -> uint8_t*
        if (ptr >= (MEM_PAGE_SIZE * memory.size())) {
            return nullptr;
        return memory.front().data() + ptr;

    explicit inline Process(pid_type const p, Core* c, Module const& m)
            : pid{p}, core{c}, module{m}, strtab{&m.strings_table}, stack{*this}

M new/src/vm/ins.cpp => new/src/vm/ins.cpp +28 -18
@@ 2078,36 2078,41 @@ auto execute(ECALL const, Stack&, ip_type const) -> void

auto execute(SM const op, Stack& stack, ip_type const ip) -> void
    auto& registers = stack.frames.back().registers;
    auto const base       = get_value(registers, op.instruction.in, ip);
    auto const base       = get_value(stack, op.instruction.in, ip);
    auto const offset     = op.instruction.immediate;

    auto const unit       = op.instruction.spec;
    auto const copy_size  = (1 << unit);

    auto const addr = offset + (base.holds<void>() ? 0 : base.get<uint64_t>());
    auto& memory = stack.proc->memory.front();
    auto const user_addr = offset + (base.holds<void>() ? 0 : base.get<uint64_t>());
    auto const addr = stack.proc->memory_at(user_addr);
    if (addr == nullptr) {
        auto o = std::ostringstream{};
        o << "invalid store address: ";
        o << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(16) << user_addr;
        throw abort_execution{ip, o.str()};

    auto const in         = get_value(registers, op.instruction.out, ip).get<uint64_t>();
    auto const in         = get_value(stack, op.instruction.out, ip).get<uint64_t>();
    switch (unit) {
        case 0: {
            auto const val = static_cast<uint8_t>(in);
            memcpy(memory.data() + addr, &val, copy_size);
            memcpy(addr, &val, copy_size);
        case 1: {
            auto const val = htole16(static_cast<uint16_t>(in));
            memcpy(memory.data() + addr, &val, copy_size);
            memcpy(addr, &val, copy_size);
        case 2: {
            auto const val = htole32(static_cast<uint32_t>(in));
            memcpy(memory.data() + addr, &val, copy_size);
            memcpy(addr, &val, copy_size);
        case 3: {
            auto const val = htole64(static_cast<uint64_t>(in));
            memcpy(memory.data() + addr, &val, copy_size);
            memcpy(addr, &val, copy_size);
        case 4:

@@ 2117,39 2122,44 @@ auto execute(SM const op, Stack& stack, ip_type const ip) -> void
auto execute(LM const op, Stack& stack, ip_type const ip) -> void
    auto& registers = stack.frames.back().registers;
    auto const base       = get_value(registers, op.instruction.in, ip);
    auto const base       = get_value(stack, op.instruction.in, ip);
    auto const offset     = op.instruction.immediate;

    auto const unit       = op.instruction.spec;
    auto const copy_size  = (1 << unit);

    auto const addr = offset + (base.holds<void>() ? 0 : base.get<uint64_t>());
    auto& memory = stack.proc->memory.front();
    auto const user_addr = offset + (base.holds<void>() ? 0 : base.get<uint64_t>());
    auto const addr = stack.proc->memory_at(user_addr);
    if (addr == nullptr) {
        auto o = std::ostringstream{};
        o << "invalid load address: ";
        o << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(16) << user_addr;
        throw abort_execution{ip, o.str()};

    auto out         = get_proxy(registers, op.instruction.out, ip);
    auto out         = get_proxy(stack, op.instruction.out, ip);
    switch (unit) {
        case 0: {
            auto val = uint8_t{};
            memcpy(&val, memory.data() + addr, copy_size);
            memcpy(&val, addr, copy_size);
            out = static_cast<uint64_t>(val);
        case 1: {
            auto val = uint16_t{};
            memcpy(&val, memory.data() + addr, copy_size);
            memcpy(&val, addr, copy_size);
            out = static_cast<uint64_t>(le16toh(val));
        case 2: {
            auto val = uint32_t{};
            memcpy(&val, memory.data() + addr, copy_size);
            memcpy(&val, addr, copy_size);
            out = static_cast<uint64_t>(le32toh(val));
        case 3: {
            auto val = uint64_t{};
            memcpy(&val, memory.data() + addr, copy_size);
            memcpy(&val, addr, copy_size);
            out = le64toh(val);