@@ 1,329 0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2023 Marek Marecki
- *
- * This file is part of Viua VM.
- *
- * Viua VM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * Viua VM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with Viua VM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
-#include <array>
-#include <charconv>
-#include <vector>
-#include <viua/libs/assembler.h>
-#include <viua/libs/lexer.h>
-#include <viua/libs/parser.h>
-namespace viua::libs::stage {
-using namespace viua::libs::parser;
-auto expand_delete(std::vector<ast::Instruction>& cooked,
- ast::Instruction const& raw) -> void
- using namespace std::string_literals;
- auto synth = ast::Instruction{};
- synth.opcode = raw.opcode;
- synth.opcode.text = (raw.opcode.text.find("g.") == 0 ? "g." : "") + "move"s;
- synth.physical_index = raw.physical_index;
- synth.operands.push_back(raw.operands.front());
- synth.operands.push_back(raw.operands.front());
- synth.operands.front().ingredients.front().text = "void";
- synth.operands.front().ingredients.resize(1);
- cooked.push_back(synth);
-auto expand_li(std::vector<ast::Instruction>& cooked,
- ast::Instruction const& each,
- bool const force_full) -> void
- auto const& raw_value = each.operands.at(1).ingredients.front();
- auto value = uint64_t{};
- try {
- if (raw_value.text.find("0x") == 0) {
- value = std::stoull(raw_value.text, nullptr, 16);
- } else if (raw_value.text.find("0o") == 0) {
- value = std::stoull(raw_value.text, nullptr, 8);
- } else if (raw_value.text.find("0b") == 0) {
- value = std::stoull(raw_value.text, nullptr, 2);
- } else {
- value = std::stoull(raw_value.text);
- }
- } catch (std::invalid_argument const&) {
- using viua::libs::errors::compile_time::Cause;
- using viua::libs::errors::compile_time::Error;
- throw Error{raw_value, Cause::Invalid_operand, "expected integer"}.add(
- each.opcode);
- }
- using viua::libs::assembler::to_loading_parts_unsigned;
- auto const [hi, lo] = to_loading_parts_unsigned(value);
- auto const is_greedy = (each.opcode.text.find("g.") == 0);
- auto const full_form = each.operands.at(1).has_attr("full") or force_full;
- auto const is_unsigned = (raw_value.text.back() == 'u');
- constexpr auto LOW_24 = uint32_t{0x00ffffff};
- auto const fits_in_addi = ((lo & LOW_24) == lo);
- auto const needs_leader = full_form or hi or (not fits_in_addi);
- /*
- * When loading immediates we have several cases to consider:
- *
- * - the immediate is short ie, occupies only lower 24-bits and thus fits
- * fully in the immediate of an ADDI instruction
- * - the immediate is long ie, has any of the high 40 bits set
- *
- * In the first case we could be done with a single ADDI, and (if we are not
- * loading addresses and need to take the pessimistic route to accommodate
- * the linker) sometimes we can.
- *
- * However, in most cases the LI pseudoinstruction must be expanded into two
- * real instructions:
- *
- * - LUI to load the high word
- * - LLI to load the low word
- *
- * LUI is necessary even if the long immediate being loaded only has lower
- * 32 bits set, because LLI needs a value to be already present in the
- * output register to determine the signedness of its output.
- *
- * In any case, for long immediates the sequence of
- *
- * g.lui $x, <high-word>
- * lli $x, <low-word>
- *
- * is emitted which is cheap and executed without releasing the virtual CPU.
- */
- if (needs_leader) {
- using namespace std::string_literals;
- auto synth = each;
- synth.opcode.text = ((lo or is_greedy) ? "g.lui" : "lui");
- if (is_unsigned) {
- synth.opcode.text += 'u';
- }
- auto hi_literal = std::array<char, 2 + 8 + 1>{"0x"};
- std::to_chars(hi_literal.begin() + 2, hi_literal.end(), hi, 16);
- synth.operands.at(1).ingredients.front().text =
- std::string{hi_literal.data()};
- cooked.push_back(synth);
- }
- /*
- * In the second step we use LLI to load the lower word if we are dealing
- * with a long immediate; or ADDI if we have a short immediate to deal with.
- */
- if (needs_leader) {
- auto synth = ast::Instruction{};
- synth.opcode = each.opcode;
- synth.opcode.text = (is_greedy ? "g.lli" : "lli");
- synth.physical_index = each.physical_index;
- auto const& lx = each.operands.front().ingredients.at(1);
- using viua::libs::lexer::TOKEN;
- {
- auto dst = ast::Operand{};
- dst.ingredients.push_back(lx.make_synth("$", TOKEN::RA_DIRECT));
- dst.ingredients.push_back(lx.make_synth(
- std::to_string(std::stoull(lx.text)), TOKEN::LITERAL_INTEGER));
- dst.ingredients.push_back(lx.make_synth(".", TOKEN::DOT));
- dst.ingredients.push_back(lx.make_synth("l", TOKEN::LITERAL_ATOM));
- synth.operands.push_back(dst);
- }
- {
- auto immediate = ast::Operand{};
- immediate.ingredients.push_back(
- lx.make_synth(std::to_string(lo), TOKEN::LITERAL_INTEGER));
- synth.operands.push_back(immediate);
- }
- cooked.push_back(synth);
- } else {
- using namespace std::string_literals;
- auto synth = ast::Instruction{};
- synth.opcode = each.opcode;
- synth.opcode.text = (is_greedy ? "g." : "") + "addi"s;
- synth.physical_index = each.physical_index;
- if (is_unsigned) {
- synth.opcode.text += 'u';
- }
- synth.operands.push_back(each.operands.front());
- /*
- * If the first part of the load (the high 36 bits) was zero then it
- * means we don't have anything to add to so the source (left-hand side
- * operand) should be void ie, the default value.
- */
- synth.operands.push_back(each.operands.front());
- synth.operands.back().ingredients.front().text = "void";
- synth.operands.back().ingredients.resize(1);
- synth.operands.push_back(each.operands.back());
- synth.operands.back().ingredients.front().text = std::to_string(lo);
- cooked.push_back(synth);
- }
-auto expand_if(std::vector<ast::Instruction>& cooked,
- ast::Instruction& each,
- std::map<size_t, size_t> l2p) -> void
- /*
- * The address to jump to is not cooked directly into the final
- * instruction sequence because we may have to try several times
- * before getting the "right" instruction sequence. Why? See the
- * comment for teh `branch_target' variable in the loop below.
- *
- * Basically, it boils down to the fact that:
- *
- * - we have to adjust the target instruction sequence based on the
- * value of the index of the instruction to jump to
- * - we have to adjust the target index also by the difference
- * between logical and physical instruction count
- */
- auto address_load = std::vector<ast::Instruction>{};
- auto prev_address_load_length = address_load.size();
- constexpr auto MAX_SIZE_OF_LI = size_t{9};
- do {
- prev_address_load_length = address_load.size();
- address_load.clear();
- auto const branch_target =
- l2p.at(std::stoull(each.operands.back().to_string()));
- auto li = ast::Instruction{};
- {
- li.opcode = each.opcode;
- li.opcode.text = "g.li";
- li.physical_index = each.physical_index;
- using viua::libs::lexer::TOKEN;
- auto const& lx = each.operands.front().ingredients.front();
- {
- auto reg = ast::Operand{};
- reg.ingredients.push_back(lx.make_synth("$", TOKEN::RA_DIRECT));
- reg.ingredients.push_back(
- lx.make_synth("253", TOKEN::LITERAL_INTEGER));
- reg.ingredients.push_back(lx.make_synth(".", TOKEN::DOT));
- reg.ingredients.push_back(
- lx.make_synth("l", TOKEN::LITERAL_ATOM));
- li.operands.push_back(reg);
- }
- {
- auto br = ast::Operand{};
- br.ingredients.push_back(
- lx.make_synth(std::to_string(branch_target) + 'u',
- li.operands.push_back(br);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Try cooking the instruction sequence to see what amount of
- * instructions we will get. If we get the same instruction
- * sequence twice - we got our match and the loop can end. The
- * downside of this brute-force algorithm is that we may have to
- * cook the same code twice in some cases.
- */
- expand_li(address_load, li);
- } while (address_load.size() < MAX_SIZE_OF_LI
- and prev_address_load_length != address_load.size());
- std::copy(
- address_load.begin(), address_load.end(), std::back_inserter(cooked));
- using viua::libs::lexer::TOKEN;
- auto reg = each.operands.back();
- each.operands.pop_back();
- auto const lx = reg.ingredients.front();
- reg.ingredients.pop_back();
- reg.ingredients.push_back(lx.make_synth("$", TOKEN::RA_DIRECT));
- reg.ingredients.push_back(lx.make_synth("253", TOKEN::LITERAL_INTEGER));
- reg.ingredients.push_back(lx.make_synth(".", TOKEN::DOT));
- reg.ingredients.push_back(lx.make_synth("l", TOKEN::LITERAL_ATOM));
- each.operands.push_back(reg);
- cooked.push_back(std::move(each));
-auto expand_memory_access(std::vector<ast::Instruction>& cooked,
- ast::Instruction const& raw) -> void
- using namespace std::string_literals;
- auto synth = ast::Instruction{};
- auto opcode_view = std::string_view{raw.opcode.text};
- auto greedy = opcode_view.starts_with("g.");
- if (greedy) {
- opcode_view.remove_prefix(2);
- }
- synth.opcode = raw.opcode;
- synth.opcode.text = opcode_view;
- synth.opcode.text[1] = 'm';
- if (opcode_view[0] == 'a') {
- switch (synth.opcode.text.back()) {
- case 'a':
- synth.opcode.text = "ama";
- break;
- case 'd':
- synth.opcode.text = "amd";
- break;
- default:
- abort();
- }
- }
- synth.physical_index = raw.physical_index;
- synth.operands.push_back(raw.operands.at(0));
- synth.operands.push_back(raw.operands.at(0));
- synth.operands.push_back(raw.operands.at(1));
- synth.operands.push_back(raw.operands.at(2));
- auto const unit = opcode_view[0] == 'a' ? opcode_view[2] : opcode_view[1];
- switch (unit) {
- case 'b':
- synth.operands.front().ingredients.front().text = "0";
- break;
- case 'h':
- synth.operands.front().ingredients.front().text = "1";
- break;
- case 'w':
- synth.operands.front().ingredients.front().text = "2";
- break;
- case 'd':
- synth.operands.front().ingredients.front().text = "3";
- break;
- case 'q':
- synth.operands.front().ingredients.front().text = "4";
- break;
- default:
- abort();
- }
- synth.operands.front().ingredients.resize(1);
- if (greedy) {
- synth.opcode.text = ("g." + synth.opcode.text);
- }
- cooked.push_back(synth);
-} // namespace viua::libs::stage