
14517ee91fc29751fc791e80d613c5130eb2fa3d — Lyndsy Simon 5 years ago 76bcf58 develop
1 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M README.rst => README.rst +35 -2
@@ 28,13 28,46 @@ structured reports based on a model:
        def email(self, row):
            return row.email

Once a report is defined, executing it and sending it multiple places at once is

.. code-block:: python

    from columnist import transform, destination

    report = RegisteredUsersReport()
    # Save the CSV to disk
    # Send encrypted CSV as an email attachment

Note that ``add_output()`` defines a workflow, but *does not perform it*.
``.output()`` must be called before the report is generated. This is due to the
fact that Columnist is designed to iterate over the source query *once and only
once*. Transformations are applied one row at a time, and that row is sent to
each destination in turn before the next row is transformed. This allows large
reports to be streamed to multiple destinations simultaneously, potentially even
in multiple formats?

Have a query that takes ten minutes to run, and need it to output it to disk,
encrypt it with GPG and send it to an SFTP server, and store a backup on S3
after running it through SOPS? No problem!

Project Roadmap

``columnist`` is currently incomplete, but under active development. Upcoming
features include:

- [ ] Explicit column ordering in output, other than the order in which the
- [x] Explicit column ordering in output, other than the order in which the
  are defined
- [ ] Simpler definition of columns that are simply untransformed row attributes
- [ ] Aggregation based on a time series

@@ 44,7 77,7 @@ features include:

- [ ] Report generation in multiple formats

  - [ ] CSV
  - [x] CSV
  - [ ] JSON
  - [ ] XML
  - [ ] Plugin architecture for arbitrary output