@@ 60,7 60,7 @@ You get the idea.
### Known build failures
-Currently, nne can't be compiled with [TCC](https://bellard.org/tcc/) and [lacc](https://github.com/larmel/lacc) because they both fail with `undefined reference to `__dso_handle'` error. This symbol is used by the `atexit()` call that sets up the handler to clean up the terminal environment on any abnormal exit. For TCC, the error can be mitigated by directly linking with the `libc.a` from musl (as shown above) but the resulting binary still is dynamically linked with glibc and displays unstable behavior.
+Currently, nne can't be compiled with [TCC](https://bellard.org/tcc/) and [lacc](https://github.com/larmel/lacc) because they both fail with `undefined reference to '__dso_handle'` error. This symbol is used by the `atexit()` call that sets up the handler to clean up the terminal environment on any abnormal exit. For TCC, the error can be mitigated by directly linking with the `libc.a` from musl (as shown above) but the resulting binary still is dynamically linked with glibc and displays unstable behavior.
Also, [neatcc](https://github.com/aligrudi/neatcc) (+ [neatlibc](https://github.com/aligrudi/neatlibc)) can't compile nne because it lacks support for variadic macros.