
8060459dc777d69a22fdf0a7694b1d9c03265787 — Luxferre 1 year, 6 months ago aa3a252
Improved gmi2map logic
2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

M tools/README-tools.md
M tools/gmi2map.sh
M tools/README-tools.md => tools/README-tools.md +9 -9
@@ 73,7 73,7 @@ Note that by default, reflow logic in `gmi2map.sh` is optional and you have to s
cat [file] | gmi2map.sh [page_width] [leading_spaces] [trailing_spaces] [placeholder_char]

I.e. it looks like the `phlow.sh` and `gopherinfo.sh` options combined, but the spaces part only applies to the reflow, which is also off by default.
I.e. it looks like the `phlow.sh` and `gopherinfo.sh` options combined, but the spaces part only applies to the reflow, which is also off by default. Also, it doesn't align the whitespaces after the infolines unless there is non-zero amount of trailing spaces.

Example - imagine we have this rudimentary Gemtext document in the `example.gmi` file:

@@ 87,19 87,19 @@ I write a bit longer Gemtext here to showcase reflow capabilities of Bopher Tool
See ya!

When running `cat example.gmi | bash gmi2map.sh 67`, this file translates to the following Gophermap:
When running `cat example.gmi | bash gmi2map.sh 67 0 1`, this file translates to the following Gophermap:

$ cat example.gmi | bash gmi2map.sh 67
iI write short Gemtext here.                                            ;       ;       0
i                                                                       ;       ;       0
iI write a bit longer Gemtext here to showcase reflow capabilities      ;       ;       0
iof Bopher Tools' gmi2map.sh script, because it really is cool.         ;       ;       0
i                                                                       ;       ;       0
iI write short Gemtext here.                                             ;       ;       0
i                                                                        ;       ;       0
iI write a bit longer Gemtext here to showcase reflow capabilities       ;       ;       0
iof Bopher Tools' gmi2map.sh script, because it really is cool.          ;       ;       0
i                                                                        ;       ;       0
1Anyway, why not publish it on Gopher?  luxferre        happynetbox.com 79
hOr read my blog on Web...      URL:https://chronovir.us        ;       0
i                                                                       ;       ;       0
iSee ya!                                                                ;       ;       0
i                                                                        ;       ;       0
iSee ya!                                                                 ;       ;       0

M tools/gmi2map.sh => tools/gmi2map.sh +4 -1
@@ 22,8 22,11 @@ CRLF=$'\r\n'
[[ -z "$TSPACES" ]] && TSPACES=0
[[ -z "$DELIM" ]] && DELIM=';'

FORMAT_WIDTH=0 # make formatting width distinct from the target reflow width
(( TSPACES > 0 )) && FORMAT_WIDTH="$TARGET_WIDTH" # and only use it if there are trailing spaces

# format strings to use in different situations:
reflowfmt="%-$(( LSPACES ))s%-${TARGET_WIDTH}s%-$(( TSPACES ))s\n" # params: smth, line, smth
reflowfmt="%-$(( LSPACES ))s%-${FORMAT_WIDTH}s%-$(( TSPACES ))s\n" # params: smth, line, smth
infofmt="i%s${TAB}%s${TAB}%s${TAB}0${CRLF}"        # params: line, DELIM, DELIM
gopherlinkfmt="%s%s${TAB}%s${TAB}%s${TAB}%d${CRLF}" # params: type, name, selector, host, port
extlinkfmt="h%s${TAB}URL:%s${TAB}%s${TAB}0${CRLF}" # params: name, URL, DELIM