
42d1ad26be4a89e0881d26b6c46b7793ebfa0003 — lucas 1 year, 1 month ago 647508a
add: to readme
1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M README.md => README.md +6 -1
@@ 12,7 12,12 @@ This is a simple tool to help productivity.

To install `make install`, then run it with `pomodoro`.

## How does it work?

`pomodoro` is a fairly simple shell script that will sleep for the time of the `POMODORO_TIME`, and at the end will pop a rofi screen that will ask you what you did and in which project. All this information will be saved in your `$HOME/.config/pomodoro/worklog.csv`, to later be seen with `pomodoro-viewer`. 

## Todos

- [ ] Create an optional argument to save how the tool was used?
- [X] Create an optional argument to save how the tool was used?
  This was changed. Now one file to control everything.
- [ ] Add a config file to control time, settings etc