fix: Use the returned, sorted list of children
feature: Reorder elements of a layers with :sort-with
feature: A new element for printing text
feature: Add a new animation called goto
feature: An a new element to display an image
fix: Revert the resource-key function, fix setf get-child
feature: Basic display of a tiled map
fix: The first to be add is the first to be drawn
chore: Add a LICENSE and a README
feature: It is now possible to add animation (at least to tiles)
refactor: width and height becomes true generic method
feature: Introduce fairy/tiled to work with the famous game editor
feature: Specify a keys equality when deleting a child (optional)
feature: Retrieve a child from a layer with its key
feature: Add a new attribute to hide an element
feature: It is possible to associate a key to an element in a layer
refactor: Use classes in place of structs
refactor: A more lispy implementation
doc: Add a new example file
feature: Add a proper root element