M example.lisp => example.lisp +17 -10
@@ 1,6 1,17 @@
(ql:quickload :fairy)
-; dealing with trivial-gamekit application initialization
+;; First, we create a description of our scene
+(defvar *root* (make-instance 'fairy:layer :scale 2))
+(defvar *rec* (make-instance 'fairy:rectangle
+ :origin (gamekit:vec2 5 5)
+ :width 100
+ :height 150
+ :color (gamekit:vec4 1 0.3 0 1)))
+(fairy:add-child *root* *rec*)
+;; Then, we create a trivial-gamekit application.
(gamekit:defgame app () ()
(:viewport-width 800)
(:viewport-height 600))
@@ 9,17 20,13 @@
(gamekit:bind-button :mouse-left :released
(lambda () (gamekit:stop))))
-(defvar *root* (fairy:init-root))
(defmethod gamekit:draw ((app app))
(fairy:draw *root*))
(gamekit:start 'app)
-; first, we create the element of our scene, starting with the fairy root
-(defvar *test-layer* (fairy:new-layer 70 0))
-(defvar *test-rec* (fairy:new-rectangle 5 5 100 150 (gamekit:vec4 0 0 0 1)))
-; then, we put everything together
-(fairy:layer-add-child *test-layer* *test-rec*)
-(fairy:root-add-child *root* *test-layer*)
+;; It is possible to update the scene description, and it will update the
+;; screen.
+(setf (fairy:width *rec*) 200)
+(setf (fairy:origin *rec*) (gamekit:vec2 230 20))
+(setf (fairy:boundary *root*) (gamekit:vec2 240 50))
M fairy.lisp => fairy.lisp +66 -96
@@ 1,105 1,75 @@
(defpackage :fairy
(:use :cl)
(:export draw
- init-root
- root-add-child
- root-delete-child
+ element
+ origin
+ scale
- new-rectangle
- rectangle-origin
- rectangle-width
- rectangle-height
- rectangle-color
+ width
+ height
- layer-add-child
- layer-delete-child
- new-layer
- layer-origin
- surface
- surface-add-child
- surface-delete-child
- new-surface
- surface-origin
- surface-width
- surface-height))
-(cl:in-package :fairy)
+ boundary
+ add-child
+ delete-child))
(defgeneric draw (element)
- (:documentation "Draw a new element on the screen"))
-(defstruct surface origin width height elements)
-(defun new-surface (x y width height)
- (make-surface :origin (gamekit:vec2 x y)
- :width width
- :height height
- :elements nil))
-(defmethod draw ((element surface))
- (gamekit:with-pushed-canvas ()
- (ge.vg:scissors (surface-origin element) (surface-width element) (surface-height element))
- (gamekit:translate-canvas (gamekit:x (surface-origin element))
- (gamekit:y (surface-origin element)))
- (dolist (el (surface-elements element))
- (draw el))))
-(defun surface-add-child (surface element)
- (setf (surface-elements surface)
- (cons element (surface-elements surface))))
-(defun surface-delete-child (surface element)
- (setf (surface-elements surface) (delete element (surface-elements surface))))
-(defstruct layer origin elements)
+ (:documentation "Draw the element on the screen"))
-(defun new-layer (x y)
- (make-layer :origin (gamekit:vec2 x y)
- :elements nil))
-(defmethod draw ((element layer))
- (gamekit:with-pushed-canvas ()
- (gamekit:translate-canvas (gamekit:x (layer-origin element))
- (gamekit:y (layer-origin element)))
- (dolist (el (layer-elements element))
- (draw el))))
-(defun layer-add-child (layer element)
- (setf (layer-elements layer) (cons element (layer-elements layer))))
-(defun layer-delete-child (layer element)
- (setf (layer-elements layer) (delete element (layer-elements layer))))
-(defstruct rectangle origin width height color)
-(defun new-rectangle (x y width height color)
- (make-rectangle :origin (gamekit:vec2 x y)
- :width width
- :height height
- :color color))
-(defmethod draw ((element rectangle))
- (gamekit:draw-rect (rectangle-origin element)
- (rectangle-width element)
- (rectangle-height element)
- :fill-paint (rectangle-color element)))
-(defstruct root elements)
-(defun root-add-child (root element)
- (setf (root-elements root)
- (cons element (root-elements root))))
-(defun root-delete-child (root element)
- (setf (root-elements layer) (delete element (root-elements layer))))
-(defmethod draw ((element root))
- (dolist (el (root-elements element))
- (draw el)))
+(cl:in-package :fairy)
-(defun init-root ()
- (make-root :elements nil))
+(defclass element ()
+ ((origin :initarg :origin
+ :initform (gamekit:vec2 0 0)
+ :accessor origin)
+ (scale :initarg :scale
+ :initform nil
+ :accessor :scale)))
+(defmacro defdraw ((el class) &rest body)
+ `(defmethod draw ((,el ,class))
+ (with-slots (origin scale) ,el
+ (gamekit:with-pushed-canvas ()
+ (when scale (gamekit:scale-canvas scale scale))
+ (gamekit:translate-canvas (gamekit:x origin)
+ (gamekit:y origin))
+ ,@body))))
+(defclass rectangle (element)
+ ((width :initarg :width
+ :initform (error "Must supply a width")
+ :accessor width)
+ (height :initarg :height
+ :initform (error "Must supply a height")
+ :accessor height)
+ (color :initarg :color
+ :initform (gamekit:vec4 0 0 0 1)
+ :accessor color)))
+(defdraw (el rectangle)
+ (with-slots (width height color) el
+ (gamekit:draw-rect (gamekit:vec2 0 0)
+ width
+ height
+ :fill-paint color)))
+(defclass layer (element)
+ ((children :initarg :children
+ :initform nil
+ :accessor children)
+ (boundary :initarg :boundary
+ :initform nil
+ :accessor boundary)))
+(defdraw (el layer)
+ (with-slots (boundary children) el
+ (when boundary
+ (ge.vg:scissors (gamekit:vec2 0 0)
+ (gamekit:x boundary) (gamekit:y boundary)))
+ (dolist (e children)
+ (draw e))))
+(defmethod add-child ((el layer) child)
+ (setf (children el) (cons child (children el))))
+(defmethod delete-child ((el layer) child)
+ (setf (children el) (delete child (children el))))