@@ 36,7 36,7 @@
;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-(defmacro colorless-themes-make (name bg bg+ current-line fade fg fg+ docs red orange yellow green)
+(defmacro colorless-themes-make (name bg bg+ current-line fade fg fg+ docs red warning yellow green)
"A generic macro to create new themes.
Using this macro, it only takes minutes to write a new colorless theme. To
@@ 45,7 45,7 @@ primary colors are BG, FG and DOCS. They together form the identity of the
newly created theme. CURRENT-LINE is the background color of, well, the current
line. BG+ is notably being used in the modline. FADE is used for whitespace
characters. FG+ is used in the cursor and the company tooltip. Finally, RED,
-ORANGE, YELLOW and GREEN are pretty self-explanatory."
+WARNING, YELLOW and GREEN are pretty self-explanatory."
@@ 121,7 121,7 @@ ORANGE, YELLOW and GREEN are pretty self-explanatory."
'(org-level-8 ((t (:foreground ,docs :weight bold))))
'(org-date ((t ())))
'(org-tag ((t (:foreground ,docs))))
- '(org-todo ((t (:foreground ,yellow))))
+ '(org-todo ((t (:foreground ,warning))))
'(org-done ((t (:foreground ,green))))
'(org-block ((t ())))
'(org-block-begin-line ((t (:foreground ,fg+ :height 0.8))))
@@ 135,7 135,7 @@ ORANGE, YELLOW and GREEN are pretty self-explanatory."
'(proof-locked-face ((t (:background ,fade))))
'(proof-queue-face ((t (:background ,bg+))))
'(proof-error-face ((t (:underline ,red))))
- '(proof-warning-face ((t (:underline ,orange))))
+ '(proof-warning-face ((t (:underline ,warning))))
'(proof-declaration-name-face ((t (:weight bold))))
'(coq-cheat-face ((t (:foreground ,bg :background ,red))))
'(coq-solve-tactics-face ((t ())))
@@ 158,12 158,12 @@ ORANGE, YELLOW and GREEN are pretty self-explanatory."
'(diff-hl-delete ((t (:foreground ,fade :background ,red))))
'(flycheck-info ((t (:underline ,green))))
'(flycheck-error ((t (:underline ,red))))
- '(flycheck-warning ((t (:underline ,orange))))
+ '(flycheck-warning ((t (:underline ,warning))))
'(flycheck-fringe-info ((t (:foreground ,green))))
'(flycheck-fringe-error ((t (:foreground ,red))))
- '(flycheck-fringe-warning ((t (:foreground ,orange))))
+ '(flycheck-fringe-warning ((t (:foreground ,warning))))
'(flyspell-incorrect ((t (:underline ,red))))
- '(flyspell-duplicate ((t (:underline ,orange))))
+ '(flyspell-duplicate ((t (:underline ,warning))))
'(fringe ((t (()))))
'(git-commit-summary ((t ())))
'(git-commit-overlong-summary ((t (:foreground ,red))))