
88e2a9577acc025f7b0922ab68b622f01a61131d — Thomas Letan 3 years ago 447b08c
No more fci-mode
1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

M colorless-themes.el
M colorless-themes.el => colorless-themes.el +0 -4
@@ 47,10 47,6 @@ line.  BG+ is notably being used in the modline.  FADE is used for whitespace
characters.  FG+ is used in the cursor and the company tooltip.  Finally, RED,
ORANGE, YELLOW and GREEN are pretty self-explanatory."
      '(fci-rule-color ,fade))

      '(default ((t (:background ,bg :foreground ,fg))))