
5640e24ee066d1e8ed46ea4f53142e84d19399ca — lemon 1 year, 1 month ago 47f1eac
move definition of struct label
1 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

M c.c
M c.c => c.c +9 -10
@@ 15,16 15,6 @@ struct comp {
   pmap_of(struct label) labels;

struct label {
   struct span usespan;
   struct block *blk;
   /* if usespan.ex.len == 0, this label is resolved and blk is the block that
    * the label starts, otherwise the label is unresolved and blk is the head
    * of a linked list of relocations, the next list entry is in blk->s1, etc,
    * terminated by NULL */


/** Parsing helper functions **/
#define peek(Cm,Tk) lexpeek(&(Cm)->lx,Tk)
#define lex(Cm,Tk) lex(&(Cm)->lx,Tk)

@@ 2867,6 2857,15 @@ static void block(struct comp *cm, struct function *fn);
static bool stmt(struct comp *cm, struct function *fn);
static void localdecl(struct comp *cm, struct function *fn, bool forinit);

struct label {
   struct span usespan;
   struct block *blk;
   /* if usespan.ex.len == 0, this label is resolved and blk is the block that
    * the label starts, otherwise the label is unresolved and blk is the head
    * of a linked list of relocations, the next list entry is in blk->s1, etc,
    * terminated by NULL */

static void
deflabel(struct comp *cm, struct function *fn, const struct span *span, const char *name)