First commit
This git repo is a collection of plaintext versions of my PhD thesis.
I've left it here for posterity.
It was originally written in .docx format (unfortunately). I used pandoc to covert it to an org file and tidied it up a bit. I then used org-export to produce the various versions available here.
The bibliography section and all the footnotes/citations are hand-formatted, which isn't ideal. I may come back at some point in the future and try to automate these. I've also included a .bib file with the bibliographic information, but this was automatically generated and its consistency can't be guaranteed.
You can try using pdflatex on the .tex version of the thesis.
pdflatex Technologies-In-Practice.tex
As far as I (the author) am concerned, you are free to use any of the material in this repo under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence .
The original (official) version of this thesis is available under the British Library EThOS system or through the University of Dundee Discovery web portal.