
Various command line tools to transform HTML documents
Fix htmlattr
No such thing
Add godocs link



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.



This is a collection of utilities to manipulate HTML documents.

  • htmltotext: removes all tags from an HTML document leaving only the text nodes
  • htmlremove: removes elements matching a selector from an HTML document
  • htmlunwrap: removes elements matching a selector from an HTML document and replaces them with their child nodes
  • htmlselect: prints all elements matching a selector from an HTML document
  • htmlindentheadings: indents (shifts) all h1-h6 elements by some level
  • htmlattr: prints attributes of top level nodes

You can find more info on how to use these tools in their scdoc documents found in their respective subfolders.

The top level package also usable as a library.


Either go get a specific tool like this:

go get entf.net/htmltools/cmd/htmltotext

or clone the repository and run make install. The latter will install all the tools and the manpages.