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Tantivy-based full-text search for org-roam
update (nixpkgs 23.11)
add cli args to allow configuring searching
adjust search index, some cleanup, steps towards making it usable


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Full-text search for org-roam, built using tantivy for search and counsel for the emacs frontend.

This is a very early prototype, but works already. To test it out manually, built the org-roam-tantivy binary from the rust sources (needs sqlite3 libs), load counsel-org-roam-tantivy.el (needs counsel and org-roam), set counsel-ort-cmd to the path to the compiled binary (or add it to your path) and call counsel-ort-index to index your notes and counsel-ort to search them. You'll need to re-index your notes when they change - either metadata or content. One way to do this is to add counsel-ort-index as :before advice to counsel-ort.

The package is currently not distributed anywhere - but you can always add the counsel-org-roam-tantivy.el file to your load path. A simple configuration, assuming you have the org-roam-tantivy in your path, would be:

(use-package counsel-org-roam-tantivy
  :after (org-roam ivy counsel)
  (counsel-ort-extra-search-args '("--max-results" "1000"))
  (advice-add #'counsel-ort :before #'counsel-ort-index))

If you have questions, want to contribute or just contact me, feel free to use my public-inbox mailing list ~lgcl/ Archives are available under

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