
Convert song jacket to BG image for StepMania/Project OutFox simfiles.
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#SM Jacket to Background

Convert a song jacket to a generic background image for use in StepMania/Project OutFox simfile projects. The algorithm used is based on this Zenius -I- vanisher.com forum post.


To install, simply copy the two .scm scripts into your GIMP scripts directory (detailed instructions here).


The scripts can be called from either the GIMP GUI or from the command line.


In the GUI, the option is currently located at the bottom of the Image menu. Selecting it will give you the choice to change the blur radius and brightness values, but the default values should be fine for most users.


For automated batch processing, the following command can be run so that all images matching PATTERN in the current directory will be converted.

gimp -i -b '(batch-sm-jacket-to-bg "PATTERN")'

For example, to convert all PNG images:

gimp -i -b '(batch-sm-jacket-to-bg "*.png")'

The output file names adhere to the following rules:

  • If the base name of the input file (without the extension) ends in jacket, then jacket is replaced by bg.
  • Otherwise, -bg is appended to the base name.
  • All output images are in PNG format (regardless of input format).

All images generated will overwrite any existing files, so be careful!


The .scm scripts are licensed under GPL-3.0-or-later, while this README.md is licensed under CC-BY-SA-4.0.

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