
7fffba81924a7d9875075091611f6b3c270df037 — Thomas Bracht Laumann Jespersen 2 years ago 2360895
Hello again, here's another commit straight from Acme
1 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M Git.go
M Git.go => Git.go +11 -0
@@ 46,6 46,17 @@ func status() {

func commit() {
	// I can see a couple of ways to implement "commit". (1) Open another buffer
	// to hold the commit message, and when closing that buffer capture the content
	// and pass it into git commit somehow. (2) write a script to be the "editor" that pops open a buffer and waits for it to be closed, then uses the contents as the commit message.

	// Call mktemp, get the file name
	// Run the following:
	// GIT_EDITOR=./acme-ed.sh git commit -e -F /tmp/tmp.RS2v3ssoXL

func main() {
	var err error