
abf3394c59a09f1a5f7ef7885b16bb1c3e7ab4cf — Thomas Bracht Laumann Jespersen 12 years ago 74c6c80
Makefile, and a little restructuring.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Bracht Laumann Jespersen <laumann.thomas@gmail.com>
2 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

M begin/Makefile
M progress/use_progress.c
M begin/Makefile => begin/Makefile +31 -16
@@ 8,10 8,27 @@ CFLAGS	 := -Wall
OBJECTS	 := hello2.o h.o w.o
PROGRAMS := hello hello2 ager longstring bubble_array trigraph ex1_3 bit bit2\
		gitbit exp4_4 ex4_1 struct\
TARGETS	 := hello hello2 ager str ary_begin exercise1_3 trigraph bit bit2\
		gitbit example4_4 exercise4_1 struct\
		login utsname

TARGETS := hello
TARGETS += hello2
TARGETS += ager
TARGETS += str
TARGETS += ary_begin
TARGETS += exercise1_3
TARGETS += trigraph
TARGETS += bit
TARGETS += bit2
TARGETS += gitbit
TARGETS += example4_4
TARGETS += exercise4_1
TARGETS += struct
TARGETS += login
TARGETS += utsname

# TARGETS	 := hello hello2 ager str ary_begin exercise1_3 trigraph bit bit2\
# 		gitbit example4_4 exercise4_1 struct\
# 		login utsname

# If the user didn't specify anything, they will get some help.

@@ 35,6 52,7 @@ help:
	@echo "  exercise4_1    Exercise 4.1 from 'The C Book' (ex4_1)"
	@echo "  struct         A struct example program (struct)"
	@echo "  login          A login program"
	@echo "  utsname        Prints system information using uname()"
	@echo ""
	@echo "Less interesting targets:"
	@echo "  clean          Clean up"

@@ 59,24 77,19 @@ h.o: h.c
w.o: w.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c w.c

# Age determining program
ager: ageif.c
ager: ageif.c			# Age determining program
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ager ageif.c

# Strings
str: str.c
str: str.c			# Strings
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o longstring str.c

# Bubble sort an array
ary_begin: ary_begin.c
ary_begin: ary_begin.c		# Bubble sort an array
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o bubble_array ary_begin.c

# Exercise 1.3 from "The C Book"
exercise1_3: exercise1_3.c
exercise1_3: exercise1_3.c	# Exercise 1.3 from "The C Book"
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ex1_3 exercise1_3.c

# Program with trigraphs
trigraph: trigrapher.c
trigraph: trigrapher.c		# Program with trigraphs
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -trigraphs -o trigraph trigrapher.c

bit: bit.c

@@ 91,8 104,7 @@ gitbit: gitbit.c printbits.o
printbits.o: printbits.c printbits.h
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c printbits.c

# Example 4.4 from "The C Book"
example4_4: example4_4.c
example4_4: example4_4.c 	# Example 4.4 from "The C Book"
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o exp4_4 example4_4.c

exercise4_1: exercise4_1.c

@@ 104,6 116,9 @@ struct: struct.c
login: login.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<

utsname: utsname.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<

.PHONY: clean
	@rm -rvf *.o *~ $(PROGRAMS)

M progress/use_progress.c => progress/use_progress.c +2 -5
@@ 2,9 2,6 @@
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>

#define TOTAL	300
#define DELAY	200

static char usage_string[] =
	"Usage: use_progress [options]...\n\n"

@@ 20,8 17,8 @@ static struct {
	char *msg;
} config = {
	/* Defaults */
	.delay = DELAY, 
	.total = TOTAL,
	.delay = 150, 
	.total = 300,
	.msg   = "Process"