no go
Maybe go
This project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License - see the LICENSE file for details
Another one
Either using go or nodejs
Separate tools:
SQL Driven
Manifest system for advanced usage
Definitly for linux, maybe for windows, we'll see.
Simple no bs commands, talks to the main daemon through an api to make creating alternative clients easier (gui, web...)
For example
# Add a simple video
client add video.mp4
# Add a video from a manifest
client add video.toml
# List videos
client list
# Pauses the daemons except the main one
client stop
# Unpauses the daemons
client start
# Remove a video from the list
client remove 1
client remove video.mp4
# Create a preset,
client presets add "anime" --encoder aom --parameters " --enable-chroma-deltaq=1 --enable-keyframe-filtering=0 --lag-in-frames=28 -b 10 " --pix_fmt "yuv420p10le"
# set a default encoder,
client set default_encoder aom
# set the preset as default for this encoder,
client set default_presset anime --encoder aom
# encode a video with them.
client add video.mp4
# Add a simple video to a remote daemon
client --remote add video.mp4
client set remote
client unset remote
This is what the client is talking to
This daemon can create and remove config files for presets, encoders...
This daemon initially sets up the database
This daemon's sole purpose is to chunk videos
This daemon's sole purpose is to encode videos and search for target vmaf
This daemon's sole purpose is to mux and output videos
Using TOML
Simple one input job
output = "/path/to/my_vid.mkv"
input = "/path/to/video.mp4"
streams = [0, 1, 2]
encoders = ["aom", "libopus", "libopus"]
tags = [ {}, {lang="jpn"}, {lang = "eng", source = "Some source"} ]
video_preset = "anime"
audio_preset = "anime"
Complex two input job
output = "my_vid.mkv"
<!-- Streams -->
[0] <!-- Output stream 0, The video -->
input = "/path/to/video.mp4"
stream = 0
encoder = "aom"
<!-- Parameters -->
parameters_global = "--end-usage=q --cq-level={cq} --tile-columns=1 --tile-rows=0 -b 10 --enable-chroma-deltaq=1 --enable-keyframe-filtering=0 --lag-in-frames=28 --enable-cdef=0"
<!-- Parameters only used by target vmaf -->
parameters_target_vmaf = "--cpu-used=6"
<!-- Parameters only used on the final encode -->
paraters_final = "--cpu-used=3"
<!-- VMAF metrics targeting -->
target_vmaf = 92
target_vmaf_minq = 15
target_vmaf_maxq = 45
target_vmaf_steps = 5
<!-- ffmpeg complex filters with -vf -->
preprocessing_complex_filters = "scale=1920x1080:flags=spline"
[1] <!-- Audio 1 -->
input = "/path/to/video.mp4"
stream = 1
encoder = libopus
parameters_global = "--vbr"
[2] <!-- Audio 2 -->
input = "/path/to/audio2.flac"
stream = 0
encoder = libopus
parameters_global = "--vbr"
<!-- Muxing! -->
[tags] <!-- Global tags -->
Episode = 1
Title = "A Nice Title"
Date = 1979-05-27T07:32:00-08:00
[tags.1] <!-- tags for stream 1 (audio) -->
lang = "jpn"
[tags.2] <!-- tags for stream 2 (audio) -->
lang = "eng"
source = "Some source"
<!-- Add 92ms of delay to sync the audio -->
delay_ms = 92
The encoders and preset will be specified in config files.