
Yet another experimental lang about piping data around
Add deprecated commit
Add more operators
Add support for split


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Deprecated! Moved to https://git.sr.ht/~kylep/pipes/

Yet another experimental lang about piping data around

Pipes includes as a foundational construct, pattern matching and rewriting.

Check out the playground here: https://kyleperik.com/pipes/

Warning, this language is a prototype and does not help you much with syntactic or runtime errors. Check the js console for some error information if something isn't working.


These links point point to urls which encode the full text of the program, so they can get pretty long.



Line Drawing

Basic snake game



Pipes statements define what it should select, and what to generate with it.

'marco' : 'polo';

This basic snippet selects on any 'marco' input, and spits out 'polo' in response.

In reality, things are a bit more complicated than that, since you may have multiple sources of data incoming, not just strings.

The basic implementation of pipes includes devices to handle basic string input and output. To select a device, simply specify the type in your match/result statements.

['input', 'marco', state] : ['log', 'polo'];

Now this is a working program. Type 'marco' in the input textbox and enter, and you will see 'polo' logged below.


To passthrough values received from input, don't specify a value for a key to give assign it to a reference, which can be used in the result.

['input', value, state] : ['log', value];


This can get a bit verbose. You can simplify it a bit by abstracting out the extraction to and from devices by including multiple stages.

['input', value, state] : value
| 'marco' : 'polo'
| value : ['log', value];

Each stage selects for criteria, and has it's own result which is passed to the following stage to process.

You can include multiple rules within each step using grouping.

['input', value, state] : value | (

  'marco' : 'polo';
  'dog' : 'woof';

) | value : ['log', value];


Definitions enable you to package a set of rules into a reusable pattern, making use very succinct.

def input
  ['input', value, state] : value;

def log
  value : ['log', value];

input | 'marco' : 'polo' | log;