
Simple Budget App
Adjust category style
Add details and tools to transaction
Add mit licence


browse  log 



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.

To get started with a development environment


#Get started!

To run this in development, first you need to install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

(See this tutorial if you need help)

Now you can start running commands to setup your server

Copy your local environment file, using .env.example as an example

cp budgety/.env.example budgety/.env

First, you may need to run the database migrations:

python manage.py migrate

Then create a "superuser" to be able to login to the site. Enter in the requested info

python manage.py createsuperuser

Now you're ready to start up the server!

python manage.py runserver

Go to to login, then go to to view the site

For a new user you will need to assign a budget. Go to the admin page > Budgets > Budget object (0), then assign your user and save

In production, we use oauth with google, but logging in using credentials is a fine workaround for local development.


The frontend is managed separately with yarn and vue-loader

To develop the frontend, you'll need to have our frontend package manager yarn installed (make sure to have npm installed and run npm install yarn -g)

Navigate to the frontend folder and install the dependencies

cd frontend
yarn install

Start the frontend server

yarn serve

Navigate to It's important to use the same host for both in order to share cookies. You'll have to login to the django server first before you can access the api methods. Keep in mind this address also proxies any api/ calls to to integrate with the Django server.

Hot reloading works out of the box, and you can develop components in the tidy .vue files