@@ 176,26 176,26 @@ fn block(args: Vec<String>, blocklist_file: String, blocklist: String) {
fn help() {
println!("{} - terminal user interface for Twitch
- => [w]atch [name] - Watch [name] streamer.
- => [s]ub [name(s)] - Subscribe to [name] streamer.
- You can subscribe to multiple streamers in one command.
- => [u]nsub [name(s)] - Unsubscribe from [name] streamer.
- You can unsubscribe from multiple streamers in one command.
- => [c]heck - View your settings and the status of streamers you are
- subscribed to.
- => [e] [search-term] - Search games/categories for [search-term].
- => [n] [search-term] - Search streamers/channels for [search-term].
- => [g]ame [name] - View the top streamers for [name] game/category.
- => [t]op - View the top games and streamers on Twitch.
- => [l] - Toggle the usage of colors in wtwitch output.
- => [p]layer [program] - Change the player program that gets passed to streamlink.
- => [q]uality [quality] - Change the video quality that gets passed to streamlink.
- => [b]lock [name(s)] - Block [name] streamer, preventing them from appearing in any
- output. You can block multiple streamers in one command.
- => [v]ersion - Print the current version of wtwitch.
- => [h]elp - Print this help.
+=> [w]atch [name] - Watch [name] streamer.
+=> [s]ub [name(s)] - Subscribe to [name] streamer.
+ You can subscribe to multiple streamers in one command.
+=> [u]nsub [name(s)] - Unsubscribe from [name] streamer.
+ You can unsubscribe from multiple streamers in one command.
+=> [c]heck - View your settings and the status of streamers you are
+ subscribed to.
+=> [e] [search-term] - Search games/categories for [search-term].
+=> [n] [search-term] - Search streamers/channels for [search-term].
+=> [g]ame [name] - View the top streamers for [name] game/category.
+=> [t]op - View the top games and streamers on Twitch.
+=> [l] - Toggle the usage of colors in wtwitch output.
+=> [p]layer [program] - Change the player program that gets passed to streamlink.
+=> [q]uality [quality] - Change the video quality that gets passed to streamlink.
+=> [b]lock [name(s)] - Block [name] streamer, preventing them from appearing in any
+ output. You can block multiple streamers in one command.
+=> [v]ersion - Print the current version of wtwitch.
+=> [h]elp - Print this help.
- See \"man {}\" or https://krathalan.net/wtwitch.html for more information.", PROGRAM_NAME, PROGRAM_NAME);
+See \"man {}\" or https://krathalan.net/wtwitch.html for more information.", PROGRAM_NAME, PROGRAM_NAME);
fn version() {
@@ 218,12 218,20 @@ fn watch(streamer: String, player: String, quality: String) {
if cfg!(target_os = "windows") {
panic!("{} does not yet support launching a stream on Windows", PROGRAM_NAME);
} else {
- let streamlink_command = format!("streamlink -p {} --twitch-disable-ads \"https://www.twitch.tv/{}\" {}", player, streamer, quality);
- process::Command::new("sh")
- .arg("-c")
- .arg(streamlink_command)
- .stdout(process::Stdio::null())
+ let streamer_url = format!("https://www.twitch.tv/{}", streamer);
+ println!("{}, {}", player, quality);
+ let child = process::Command::new("streamlink")
+ .arg("-p")
+ .arg(player)
+ .arg("--twitch-disable-ads")
+ .arg(streamer_url)
+ .arg(quality.trim_start_matches("\"").trim_end_matches("\""))
+ .stdout(process::Stdio::piped())
- .expect("Failed to open streamlink")
+ .expect("Failed to open streamlink");
+ let output = child.wait_with_output().expect("failed to wait on child");
+ println!("{:?}", output);
\ No newline at end of file