rulesets/itd: Fix collision between G425/G426.
itd/tu: Apply Team Update 5.
rulesets/itd/glossary: Add stem aliases for overloaded glossary terms.
FIRST game manuals that bridge the gap between "color-coded cheat sheets" and the full blown manual, with better accessibility than the PDFs to boot. Maintained by Josh Klar, co-Senior Head Referee for FTC in Washington State, with input from plenty more folks.
See it online at
Rules, which are stored on disk as Markdown files, use a special link
destination to indicate interlinks (things which should link within What The
Ref to other things in the manual, and not to an external site), !!
. For
example, [ROBOT](!!)
would link to the glossary term for ROBOT
, and
would link to rule G404 in the in-match rules.
When converting FIRST rules from the manual into Markdown format, setting up all these interlinks can be an exhausting process, so I recommend some clever find-and-replace to help scriptify it. For example, in Vim, assuming I have a visual mode selection of the lines of real rule text (eg. not the header or the frontmatter), something like the following would automatically interlink any matching strings, saving me tons of typing:
:'<,'>s/\(DRIVE TEAM\)/\[\1\]\(!!\)/gI
Hard-wrap your Markdown at 80 characters, please!
All rules content, images, media, and the branding of the games themselves, are all copyright FIRST Robotics. The licensing of these resources is unclear, but my use of them here is intended as fair use as a volunteer member of the program, to improve the consistency of refereeing (and the quality of referee lives) across the program. Please don't come at me, FIRST, there are bigger fish to fry.
All original text, imagery, etc., including the prose intepretations of some rules, are licensed as closely to public domain as I can legally muster in all jurisdictions, Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal.
All code in this repository is likewise licensed as closely to public domain as possible in the form of the Zero-Clause BSD License.
Don't use this code, prose, or any resources generated by them, for nefarious purposes. This is a K12 education program for goodness' sake, be a good person.