readme: Provide Void Linux installation instruction.
cli: Rename and redocument date-related arguments to make time requirement clear.
meta_command: Stop alluding to JSON as a thing that exists yet.
prune_command: Take clippy recommendation.
meta_command: Create a new feed if the provided path does not already exist.
add_command: Implement entry adding to feed.
prune_command: Implement pruning and rejecting.
kaboom_feed: Extract write_to_path method.
prune_command: Begin, but not complete, implementation.
kaboom_feed: Implement read_from_path helper.
meta_command: Insert <generator> on modification unless otherwise disabled.
chore: (Mostly) pass Clippy across the codebase.
cli: General code organization and modularization(ish).
kaboom_feed: Encapsulate pretty-printing functions in a trait.
cli: Implement rest of meta subcommand (r+w).
stringable_link: Remove redundant methods.
cli: Document intent when both add and remove flags are provided in meta subcommand.
stringable_link: Implement Display, From, Into as appropriate.
stringable_link: Ability to translate between atom_syndication::Feed and human-pretty String representations.