sqlite: use box output mode
git: enable commit.verbose true
[z]sh: make mc's shell usable
konsole: change font activate hints
bin/pull-request: enrich PR URL before opening
Needed this in order to be able to insert related URLs in PR's
description, based on project (URL) and branch name. The enrichment is
done by an external command, so the whole thing works perfectly when the
command is not available.
sh: export GTK_USE_PORTAL=1
It occasionally break some apps (e.g. Ultimaker Cura) but it happens
rare enough, thus it takes me hours to debug. Not sure if I use any
non-KDE apps that are using Qt without their own custom theme, anyways.
bin/pull-request: forbid pushing to main by mistake
Happens way more often than I'd like to admit.
Makefile: assume ~/.config/environment.d might be missing
sh: enable Qt's auto-scale
tmux: rollback to default prefix
starship: show python environment
sh: add an alias for full workspace coverage
Looks like the default sane thing to ask for and yet is so well hidden.
sh: remove unused for a long time bundle alias
sqlite: use column output mode
bat: create configuration