M rascal.asd => rascal.asd +5 -2
@@ 13,14 13,17 @@
- #:trivia)
+ #:trivia
+ #:esrap)
:build-operation "program-op"
:build-pathname "bin/rascal"
:entry-point "rascal:main"
:components ((:module "src"
:serial t
- ((:file "debug")
+ ((:file "protocol")
+ (:file "parse")
+ (:file "debug")
(:file "shell")
(:file "docs")
(:file "rascal"))))
M src/docs.lisp => src/docs.lisp +3 -1
@@ 8,7 8,9 @@
(defsection @rascal (:title "rascal")
(@links section)
(@overview section)
- (rascal.shell:@command section))
+ (rascal.shell:@command section)
+ (rascal.protocol:@protocol section)
+ (rascal.parse:@parse section))
(defsection @links (:title "Links")
"[repo]: https://git.sr.ht/~kingcons/rascal
A src/parse.lisp => src/parse.lisp +76 -0
@@ 0,0 1,76 @@
+(mgl-pax:define-package :rascal.parse
+ (:use :cl :alexandria :mgl-pax :esrap)
+ (:import-from :serapeum #:~>>))
+(in-package :rascal.parse)
+(defsection @parse (:title "Parsing Tools")
+ "[esrap]: https://scymtym.github.io/esrap/
+Before we can begin the business of compiling programs, we have
+to be able to parse them. Rascal's parser is based on the powerful
+[esrap][esrap] PEG parsing library. Most importantly, it provides a
+concrete implementation of the PARSE-PROGRAM generic-function defined
+in `rascal.protocol` for pathnames and strings. Various types of AST
+nodes are also provided."
+ (primitive class)
+ (operator-of (accessor primitive))
+ (args-of (accessor primitive))
+ (num class)
+ (value-of (accessor num)))
+(defclass primitive ()
+ ((operator :initarg :operator :accessor operator-of :type symbol)
+ (args :initarg :args :accessor args-of :type list)))
+(defmethod print-object ((primitive primitive) stream)
+ (print-unreadable-object (primitive stream :type t)
+ (format stream "~S" (operator-of primitive))))
+(defclass num ()
+ ((value :initarg :value :accessor value-of :type fixnum)))
+(defmethod print-object ((num num) stream)
+ (print-unreadable-object (num stream :type t)
+ (format stream "~D" (value-of num))))
+(defun maybe-strip-whitespace (item)
+ (if (consp item)
+ (remove :ws item)
+ item))
+(defrule letter
+ (or (character-ranges (#\a #\z))
+ (character-ranges (#\A #\Z))))
+(defrule digit
+ (character-ranges (#\0 #\9)))
+(defrule digits
+ (+ digit)
+ (:text t)
+ (:lambda (x)
+ (make-instance 'num :value (parse-integer x))))
+(defrule whitespace
+ (or #\Space #\Tab #\Newline)
+ (:constant :ws))
+(defrule prim-op
+ (or "read" "+" "-")
+ (:lambda (op) (intern (string-upcase op))))
+(defrule form
+ (and "(" prim-op (* (or whitespace digits form)) ")")
+ (:lambda (list)
+ (let ((children (~>> (1- (length list))
+ (subseq list 1)
+ (mapcar #'maybe-strip-whitespace))))
+ (make-instance 'primitive
+ :operator (first children)
+ :args (second children)))))
+;; (defrule identifier
+;; (+ (or letter digit #\- #\! #\?))
+;; (:text t))
A src/protocol.lisp => src/protocol.lisp +40 -0
@@ 0,0 1,40 @@
+(mgl-pax:define-package :rascal.protocol
+ (:use :cl :mgl-pax))
+(in-package :rascal.protocol)
+(defsection @protocol (:title "The Compiler Protocol")
+ "For purposes of testing and organizing the various iterations of
+compiler passes that make up rascal, we will have some common structure here.
+First and foremost, there is a PROGRAM class that we will use to represent
+parsed source fragments. Additionally, the *LANGUAGES* variable will keep
+track of the subsets currently supported by the rascal suite. We also provide
+a method LINT to validate a source program according to the language grammar
+and a method INTERPRET to execute the program via a simple interpreter."
+ (*languages* variable)
+ (program class)
+ (metadata (accessor program))
+ (body (accessor program))
+ (parse-program generic-function)
+ (lint generic-function)
+ (interpret generic-function))
+(defvar *languages*
+ '(:lang-ints)
+ "A list of symbols naming all language subsets that rascal supports.")
+(defclass program ()
+ ((metadata :initarg :metadata :accessor metadata :type list)
+ (body :initarg :body :accessor body :type list)))
+(defgeneric parse-program (source)
+ (:documentation "Parse the supplied source into a PROGRAM with any available
+metadata and a list of AST nodes as the body."))
+(defgeneric lint (program language)
+ (:documentation "Ensure that the supplied PROGRAM is valid according to
+the rules of the supplied LANGUAGE."))
+(defgeneric interpret (program language)
+ (:documentation "Run the supplied PROGRAM as LANGUAGE and return the result."))