
8e125af5a97b9cbfe480bba7368212af1e3721d5 — Karl Schultheisz 3 years ago b9e759c
simplify; fix regressions
1 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

M main.go
M main.go => main.go +22 -40
@@ 95,6 95,9 @@ func getCVEs(bulletin bulletin) (entries []entry) {

	doc.Find("h2").Each(func(_ int, patchLevelHeading *goquery.Selection) {
		if !strings.HasPrefix(patchLevelHeading.Text(), "20") {
		patchLevel := strings.Fields(patchLevelHeading.Text())[0]
		patchLevelHeading.NextFilteredUntil("h3", "h2").Each(func(_ int, componentHeading *goquery.Selection) {
			component := shave(componentHeading.Text())

@@ 104,8 107,8 @@ func getCVEs(bulletin bulletin) (entries []entry) {
			rows := colgroup.Next().Find("tr")

			headingRow := rows.First()
			nColumns := headingRow.Find("th").Length()
			position := getHeadingPositions(headingRow.Children())
			headingCells := headingRow.Find("th")
			nColumns := headingCells.Length()

			savedRowspans := make([]rowspanCounter, nColumns)
			headingRow.NextAll().Each(func(_ int, row *goquery.Selection) {

@@ 113,17 116,14 @@ func getCVEs(bulletin bulletin) (entries []entry) {

				if cells.Length() < nColumns {
					for index, rowspanData := range savedRowspans {
						if rowspanData.rowsLeft < 1 {
						if rowspanData.rowsLeft > 0 {

						//cells.insert(index, rowspanData.pop())
					// the document has been modified, so the selection must be refreshed
					cells = row.Find("td")

				// the document has been modified, but the selection must be refreshed
				cells = row.Find("td")
				cells.Each(func(index int, cell *goquery.Selection) {
					if _, ok := cell.Attr("rowspan"); ok {
						savedRowspans[index] = newRowspanCounter(cell.Clone())

@@ 137,17 137,24 @@ func getCVEs(bulletin bulletin) (entries []entry) {

				cells.Each(func(index int, cell *goquery.Selection) {
					text := shave(cell.Text())
					switch position[index] {
					case "cve":
					heading := headingCells.Eq(index).Text()
					switch heading {
					case "CVE":
						e.cve = text
					case "type":
					case "Type":
						e.Type = text
					case "severity":
					case "Severity", "Severity*":
						e.severity = text
					case "versions":
					case "Updated AOSP versions":
						e.versions = strings.Split(cell.Text(), ", ")
					case "component":
					case "Component":
						e.component2 = text
					case "References", "Abbreviation", "Definition", "Prefix", "Reference",
						"Version", "Date", "Notes", "Date reported", "Updated Google devices",
						"Updated Nexus devices", "CVEs", "Android bug", "Android bugs", "":
						// these table headings are ignored
						fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "unexpected table heading %q\n", heading)

@@ 158,31 165,6 @@ func getCVEs(bulletin bulletin) (entries []entry) {
	return entries

func getHeadingPositions(headingRowCells *goquery.Selection) map[int]string {
	position := make(map[int]string)
	headingRowCells.Each(func(i int, heading *goquery.Selection) {
		switch heading.Text() {
		case "CVE":
			position[i] = "cve"
		case "Severity", "Severity*":
			position[i] = "severity"
		case "Updated AOSP versions":
			position[i] = "versions"
		case "Type":
			position[i] = "type"
		case "Component":
			position[i] = "component"
		case "References", "Abbreviation", "Definition", "Prefix", "Reference",
			"Version", "Date", "Notes", "Date reported", "Updated Google devices",
			"Updated Nexus devices", "CVEs", "Android bug", "Android bugs", "":
			// these table headings are ignored
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "unexpected table heading %q\n", heading.Text())
	return position

type rowspanCounter struct {
	rowsLeft int
	value    *goquery.Selection