
Firmware for the Atreus keyboard
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#Atreus Firmware

This is the firmware for the Atreus keyboard.

This is my (jturner) personal fork of the codebase.

This branch is specific to the Atreus variant that uses the A-Star Micro.


Only a handful of punctuation marks (and no digits) are available unshifted, and all the modifiers are on the bottom row:

 q     w     e     r     t       ||       y     u     i     o    p
 a     s     d     f     g       ||       h     j     k     l    ;
 z     x     c     v     b       ||       n     m     ,     .    /
esc   tab  super shift bksp ctrl || alt space  fn     -     '  enter

The numbers and most of the punctuation are on the fn layer with a numpad-style arrangement under the right hand:

 !    @     up     {    }        ||     pgup    7     8     9    *
 #  left   down  right  $        ||     pgdn    4     5     6    +
 [    ]      (     )    &        ||       `     1     2     3    \
L2  insert super shift bksp ctrl || alt space   fn    .     0    =

The L2 key switches it to the function layer, and tapping L0 here brings it back to the first layer.

insert home up   end   pgup      ||      up     F7    F8    F9   F10
 del   left down right pgdn      ||     down    F4    F5    F6   F11
                       reset     ||             F1    F2    F3   F12
           super shift bksp ctrl || alt space   L0

Further alternate layouts are included; see "Customizing Layout" below for making your own.


Install gcc-avr and avrdude.

On OpenBSD:

$ doas pkg_add avrdude avr-libc

Activate the bootloader with reset. Run doas make upload.

To use another C layout, copy it to layout.h; for example cp layout_workman.h layout.h.


This is the pinout for the PCB-based Atreus using an A-Star microcontroller. (Mark 3 onwards.)


| row number |  0 |  1 |  2 |  3 |
| pin number | D0 | D1 | D3 | D2 |


| column number |  0 |  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |  8 |  9 | 10 |
| pin number    | B7 | B6 | F7 | F6 | B6 | D4 | E6 | B4 | B5 | C6 | D7 |

If you soldered the PCB in upside down, never fear! This can be fixed in the firmware without removing the switches and resoldering. Simply run make SWAPCOLUMNS=yes USB=... to use a reversed pinout configuration. You may need to run make clean before using this option.

#Customizing Layout

Layouts in C are arrays of integers. For basic key presses, use the keycodes defined in usb_keyboard.h. For modified key presses use the CTRL(), SHIFT(), ALT() and GUI() macros from atreus.c. These may be stacked for holding down multiple modifiers together. Layouts can also include references to functions to execute. Place a void function pointer in the layout_functions array and use the FUNCTION() macro providing the index of the function, and that keypress will cause the function to be invoked.

The layouts pointer should be set to an array of layouts. Every scan through the keyboard matrix will set the current layout to the current_layout_number of the element in the layouts array. To make a keybinding that changes the current layout use the LAYER() macro.

However, most functions will be called in the final pass where each keypress is looked up in the currently active layout. That means if you have a function that changes the current layout, it needs to run sooner so it can affect regular keycode lookups. The PRE_FUNCTION() macro will trigger functions that run on a separate pre-invoke pass before the rest of the keycodes are looked up, so this is how layer-changing functions should be defined. There is also a per_cycle function you can define which will run once per completed scan.

#How it works

Since the microcontroller has a limited number of pins, the switches are wired in a matrix where each has its positive contact connected to those in the same row and its negative contact wired in with those above and below it. Reading the state of the switches can only happen a row at a time: a single row (output) pin is brought low, and all the column inputs are read. Any of them that read low are recorded as a keypress. Low voltage is used to for pressed keys because each input pin has a built-in pullup resistor.

However, because of the electrical properties of switches, it's necessary to go through a debouncing process as the switches settle. This means taking a few scans over the matrix and waiting until you get N successive reads of the same state before counting any single keypress or release as legitimate.


Copyright © 2014-2016 Phil Hagelberg and contributors

Released under the GNU GPL version 3.