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# About me
-My name is Josh Holland, and I'm currently a PhD student at the
-University of Southampton. I am investigating ways to use the string
-diagrams of symmetric monoidal category theory to model systems of
-computation such as signal flow graphs and Petri nets. For a friendly
-introduction, see [Graphical Linear Algebra][], the blog run by my
-supervisor, Paweł Sobociński.
-Before I started my PhD, I worked for [Sirius][], an independent IT
-contractor based in the South of England specialising in open source
-solutions, and prior to that I studied Mathematics at Keble College,
-Oxford for my undergraduate degree, culminating in an MMath. I grew up
-in Worcester, in the West Midlands of the UK.
-My extra-curricular interests include music, tabletop games, and
-languages. I sing with the [Southampton Philharmonic Choir][], and
-previously in the Keble College Chapel Choir and Worcester Cathedral
-Choir. As well as my personal collection of board games, I play Go
-and [Yomi][] online, uploading tournament games of the latter to my
-[YouTube][] channel. Beyond using languages to connect with people, I
-am interested in languages which exemplify radically different
-foundations to my native English, particularly conlangs. To that end,
-I have spent some time learning [Lojban][], [Toki Pona][] and [Esperanto][];
-I regularly attend the meetings of the [Southampton Esperanto Group][],
-whose website I maintain and host.
-I also enjoy playing with yoyos. I post videos of tricks to my
-[Instagram][], as well as documenting my culinary exploits, family pets
-and other things I see around my life that catch my eye.
+My name is Josh Holland, and I work on a mix of development and devops
+tasks at an environmental research organisation in Lancaster, in
+north-west England. My background is in pure maths and theoretical
+computer science, and I'm also interested in music, languages, and
You can get in touch with me via the social media links in the
navigation bar, or by email to <josh@inv.alid.pw>.
-[Graphical Linear Algebra]: https://graphicallinearalgebra.net/
-[Sirius]: http://www.siriusopensource.com/
-[Southampton Philharmonic Choir]: http://www.southamptonphil.org/
-[YouTube]: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCms6DP1DA1cHUWsa-4ga7bQ
-[Yomi]: http://sirlingames.com/yomi
-[Southampton Esperanto Group]: https://www.esperanto-southampton.org.uk/
-[Lojban]: https://mw.lojban.org/papri/Lojban
-[Toki Pona]: http://tokipona.org/
-[Esperanto]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esperanto
-[Instagram]: https://instagram.com/jshholland