
2639c0248a35e7e5d26ceca6b73cea27d654aa81 — Josh Holland 7 months ago 49e87e3
fix index bio
1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

M index.dj
M index.dj => index.dj +5 -39
@@ 1,44 1,10 @@
# About me

My name is Josh Holland, and I'm currently a PhD student at the
University of Southampton.  I am investigating ways to use the string
diagrams of symmetric monoidal category theory to model systems of
computation such as signal flow graphs and Petri nets.  For a friendly
introduction, see [Graphical Linear Algebra][], the blog run by my
supervisor, Paweł Sobociński.

Before I started my PhD, I worked for [Sirius][], an independent IT
contractor based in the South of England specialising in open source
solutions, and prior to that I studied Mathematics at Keble College,
Oxford for my undergraduate degree, culminating in an MMath.  I grew up
in Worcester, in the West Midlands of the UK.

My extra-curricular interests include music, tabletop games, and
languages.  I sing with the [Southampton Philharmonic Choir][], and
previously in the Keble College Chapel Choir and Worcester Cathedral
Choir.  As well as my personal collection of board games, I play Go
and [Yomi][] online, uploading tournament games of the latter to my
[YouTube][] channel.  Beyond using languages to connect with people, I
am interested in languages which exemplify radically different
foundations to my native English, particularly conlangs.  To that end,
I have spent some time learning [Lojban][], [Toki Pona][] and [Esperanto][];
I regularly attend the meetings of the [Southampton Esperanto Group][],
whose website I maintain and host.

I also enjoy playing with yoyos.  I post videos of tricks to my
[Instagram][], as well as documenting my culinary exploits, family pets
and other things I see around my life that catch my eye.
My name is Josh Holland, and I work on a mix of development and devops
tasks at an environmental research organisation in Lancaster, in
north-west England.  My background is in pure maths and theoretical
computer science, and I'm also interested in music, languages, and

You can get in touch with me via the social media links in the
navigation bar, or by email to <josh@inv.alid.pw>.

[Graphical Linear Algebra]: https://graphicallinearalgebra.net/
[Sirius]: http://www.siriusopensource.com/
[Southampton Philharmonic Choir]: http://www.southamptonphil.org/
[YouTube]: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCms6DP1DA1cHUWsa-4ga7bQ
[Yomi]: http://sirlingames.com/yomi
[Southampton Esperanto Group]: https://www.esperanto-southampton.org.uk/
[Lojban]: https://mw.lojban.org/papri/Lojban
[Toki Pona]: http://tokipona.org/
[Esperanto]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esperanto
[Instagram]: https://instagram.com/jshholland