
ee18c8d73388d91ab6d9e02b6ce09c9cda60e95b — José Alberto Orejuela García 3 years ago e3ae463
Compile document automatically

I didn't want to use a Debian image, but I hit bugs in Alpine and Arch
images. Both were reported, and as soon as they are solved, I will
change this build manifest so the process of compiling the document can
use less resources.
1 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

A .build.yml
A .build.yml => .build.yml +26 -0
@@ 0,0 1,26 @@
image: debian/testing
  - texlive-full
  - biber
oauth: pages.sr.ht/PAGES:RW
  site: cv.josealberto4444.com
  cv: cv
- compile: |
    cd $cv
    pdflatex -file-line-error -interaction nonstopmode document.tex
    echo ""
    echo $PATH
    biber document
    texfot pdflatex -file-line-error -interaction nonstopmode document.tex > /dev/null
    echo ""
    texfot pdflatex -file-line-error -interaction nonstopmode document.tex
    mv document.pdf ../cv_es.pdf
# mv document.pdf ../cv_en.pdf
# git checkout spanish
# mv document.pdf ../cv_es.pdf
- package: |
    tar -cvz cv_*.pdf > site.tar.gz
- upload: |
    acurl -f https://pages.sr.ht/publish/$site -Fcontent=@site.tar.gz