quick fix to add FM blog
way to compute search for hash
dont wait
Yet another news aggregator. Parses Atom and RSS feeds, although you have to discover the URL yourself and any special tags you might want to handle.
I am using Python 3.7.7 on OpenBSD 6.7 release
In addition I installed the following packges
cd ~ # or the parrent of whereever you want to install the software
git clone git@github.com:JonJFineman/rssFeed.git
You will need to change the settings in the sample_rss.conf file in the root directory. Also the character set in runRSS.sh
I provided a sample_feeds.json for you to follow. Copy it to feeds.json
cd ~/rssFeed
When run it will pull all of the entries from the URL and email each one as a story if not seen.
For keeping track of stories seen/sent I use a simple MD5 hash of the just the title, so I don't miss articles. For some overly aggressive sites I will hash the title URL and modify date. I keep these in a file named by the shortname field in the json appended by .list. I don't trim these files as some sites keep all of their stories available.
I added it to cron and run it every fifteen minutes. See crontab.txt for a sample.
Generally the email is text based but for some I chose to deliver as multi-part mime so I didn't always have to click through to the site.