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call blocker for landlines
add re expression to call block function
misc, change order of checking, add email notificaion, support xfinity ani text


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.

This uses a USRobitics USB [modem][0] to get caller ID from a Plain Old Telphone Service (POTS) line.

If the caller ID:

  • is not a valid phone number[1] it requests the modem to answer the phone and then immediatly [hang up][2] on the caller.
  • is on the phonebook list it will announce the caller twice.
  • is on the block list it requests the modem to answer the phone and then immediatly [hang up][2] on the caller.
  • is on the silent list it will not announce the call. These are local numbers that regulary get spoofed. While we normally don't get any calls from them we want to be able to pick up just in case.
  • is not on any list it will announce one.

[0]Of course I had thrown out all of my modems long ago!


[2]Interestingly once I added the hang up feature I got much less calls. I guess they don't like being forced to play for a call completion. Otherwise they typically hang up before it goes to voice mail.

I am using Python 3.7.7 on OpenBSD 6.7 release

In addition I installed the following packages:

  • py3-pip 3.7
  • socat
  • py3-distutils-extra
  • espeak
  • py3-serial-3.4

#Software Dependencies

  • pyserial
  • python-distutils-extra
  • vobject
  • argparse
  • logging

#Hardware Dependencies


cd ~ # or the parrent of whereever you want to install the software
git clone

I use vdirsyncer[3] to download my phone book. Alternativly you can manually download it.

set permissions for:

  • OpenBSD: /dev/ttyU0
  • Raspbian: /dev/ttyACM0



You will need to convert the downloaded VCF file to a flat text file by running:

Then you will want to add/change any entries in listBlock.txt, listSilent.txt. I provided a sample for you to follow.


Run the below command to run from the command line, which will place it in the background:

Or you can run it from cron at boot time by adding the below entry into your crontab. See crontab.txt.

@reboot /home/YOUR-PATH/callerID/ > /tmp/callerid.log 2>&1
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