
4c9fd4eb5dc010e353064fa3bb5fabf5c1b14336 — Remco van 't Veer 1 year, 9 months ago 5668b2e
Automatic prune old versions

Use RETENTION_SUCCESS and RETENTION_FAILURE environment variables to
configure the amount of versions to retain.
A resources/migrations/20221218100000-add-ok-to-bag_syncs.down.sql => resources/migrations/20221218100000-add-ok-to-bag_syncs.down.sql +2 -0
@@ 0,0 1,2 @@
ALTER TABLE public.bag_syncs

A resources/migrations/20221218100000-add-ok-to-bag_syncs.up.sql => resources/migrations/20221218100000-add-ok-to-bag_syncs.up.sql +8 -0
@@ 0,0 1,8 @@
ALTER TABLE public.bag_syncs
UPDATE public.bag_syncs
  SET ok = TRUE;
ALTER TABLE public.bag_syncs

M src/straatnaam/core.clj => src/straatnaam/core.clj +20 -8
@@ 33,9 33,14 @@
   :pgport     "5432"
   :pguser     (environ/env :user)
   :pgpassword nil
   :http-host  "localhost"
   :http-port  "8080"
   :feed-url   "https://service.pdok.nl/kadaster/adressen/atom/v1_0/adressen.xml"})

   :http-host "localhost"
   :http-port "8080"

   :feed-url "https://service.pdok.nl/kadaster/adressen/atom/v1_0/adressen.xml"

   :retention-success "2"
   :retention-failure "1"})

(defn get-env
  [env k]

@@ 70,13 75,19 @@
                 :password (get-str env :pgpassword)}]
    {:db-spec  db-spec
     :feed-url (get-str env :feed-url)

     :retention {:success (get-int env :retention-success)
                 :failure (get-int env :retention-failure)}

     :migratus {:store         :database
                :migration-dir "migrations"
                :db            db-spec}
     :jetty    {:host  (get-str env :http-host)
                :port  (get-int env :http-port)
                :join? false}
     :web      {:allowed-origins (get-set env :http-allowed-origins)}}))

     :jetty {:host  (get-str env :http-host)
             :port  (get-int env :http-port)
             :join? false}

     :web {:allowed-origins (get-set env :http-allowed-origins)}}))

(defonce server-atom (atom nil))

@@ 102,5 113,6 @@
  (let [config (mk-config environ/env)]
    (migratus/migrate (:migratus config))
    (data/start-updater! (:db-spec config)
                         (:feed-url config))
                         (:feed-url config)
                         (:retention config))
    (start! config)))

M src/straatnaam/data.clj => src/straatnaam/data.clj +43 -19
@@ 93,19 93,22 @@
          (log/info "importing fresh dataset")
          (with-open [in (.getInputStream conn)]
            (lvbag/import-from-stream db sn in))
          (sql/insert! db "bag_syncs" {"updated"     (sql-ts updated)
                                       "started_at"  (sql-ts started-at)
                                       "finished_at" (sql-ts (Date.))
                                       "schema"      sn})
          (log/info "importing done")

          (if (version-ok? db sn)
              (activate-version! db sn)
              (log/warn "version rejected" sn)

          (let [ok (version-ok? db sn)]
            (sql/insert! db "bag_syncs" {"updated"     (sql-ts updated)
                                         "started_at"  (sql-ts started-at)
                                         "finished_at" (sql-ts (Date.))
                                         "schema"      sn
                                         "ok"          ok})
            (log/info "importing done")

            (if ok
                (activate-version! db sn)
                (log/warn "version rejected" sn)

          (log/info "dataset unchanged")

@@ 118,12 121,33 @@

(defonce updater-running (atom false))

(def prune-select "SELECT schema
                   FROM bag_syncs
                   WHERE ok = ?
                   ORDER BY updated DESC
                   OFFSET ?")

(defn prune
  [db {:keys [success failure] :or {success 2, failure 1}}]
  (let [sns (map :schema
                 (concat (sql/query db [prune-select true success])
                         (sql/query db [prune-select false failure])))]
    (if (seq sns)
      (sql/with-db-transaction [db db]
        (doseq [sn sns]
          (sql/execute! db (str "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS " sn " CASCADE"))
          (sql/execute! db ["DELETE FROM bag_syncs WHERE schema = ?" sn]))
        (log/info "pruned" (count sns) "version(s)")
        (log/debug "versions pruned" sns))
      (log/info "nothing to prune"))))

(defn start-updater!
  "Start an async updater when not already running."
  [db feed-url]
  [db feed-url retention]
  (when (compare-and-set! updater-running false true)
    (log/info "starting updater")
    (async/go-loop []
      (prune db retention)
      (sync db feed-url)
      (async/<! (async/timeout update-frequency-ms))

@@ 133,9 157,9 @@
  [db postcode huisnummer]
  (log/debug "lookup" postcode huisnummer)
  (sql/query db
             [(str "SELECT *
                    FROM bag
                    WHERE postcode = ? AND huisnummer = ?
                    ORDER BY openbareruimte, huisletter NULLS FIRST,
                             huisnummertoevoeging NULLS FIRST")
             ["SELECT *
               FROM bag
               WHERE postcode = ? AND huisnummer = ?
               ORDER BY openbareruimte, huisletter NULLS FIRST,
                        huisnummertoevoeging NULLS FIRST"
              postcode, huisnummer]))

M src/straatnaam/lvbag.clj => src/straatnaam/lvbag.clj +18 -15
@@ 251,6 251,20 @@
        table (str sn "." table)]
    (insert-rows! db table cols rows tmpl)))

(def template-tables

(defn- prepare-schema! [db sn]
  (log/debug "preparing schema for" sn)
  (sql/db-do-commands db true

@@ 258,18 272,7 @@
                             (str "CREATE SCHEMA " sn "")]
                            (map #(str "CREATE TABLE " sn "." %
                                       " (LIKE template." % " INCLUDING ALL)")

(defn- insert-links! [db sn]
  (log/debug "inserting linking data for" sn)

@@ 354,9 357,9 @@
             (async/thread (import-type-from-file db sn file #{"9999PND"}))
             (async/thread (import-type-from-file db sn file #{"9999VBO"}))
             (async/thread (import-type-from-file db sn file #{"9999LIG"
    (async/<!! c))

  (insert-links! db sn)