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+#+TITLE: Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen
+#+AUTHOR: Remco van 't Veer
+#+DATE: 2022-10-12
+#+OPTIONS: ':t ^:nil toc:nil
+# Use ox-beamer to export
+#+ATTR_LATEX: :height .66\linewidth
+See also: [[file:doc/plot.sh]]
+* Hi, I am Remco
+- I like writing software
+- I don't like reading documentation
+* Disclaimer
+- I am not a BAG expert
+- I am not a GIS nerd
+* What's BAG?
+- BRA: Basisregistratie Adressen
+ (base registration addresses)
+- BGR: Basisgebouwenregistratie
+ (base registration buildings)
+- BRA + BGR = BAG
+- BAG: Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen
+ (base registration addresses and buildings)
+- LV BAG: Landelijke Voorziening BAG
+ (national facility BAG)
+* Objects
+- NUM: Nummeraanduiding
+ (number designation)
+- OPR: Openbareruimte
+ (public space)
+- WPL: Woonplaats
+ (city)
+- VBO: Verblijfsobject
+ (residence)
+- PND: Pand
+ (building)
+- LIG: Ligplaats
+ (berth for a houseboat etc.)
+- STA: Standplaats
+ (pitch of a caravan etc.)
+* Model
+#+begin_src dot :file "presentation-model.png"
+ digraph {
+ NUM -> OPR [label="1"];
+ OPR -> WPL [label="1"];
+ NUM -> WPL [label="0..1"];
+ VBO -> NUM [label="1"];
+ VBO -> PND [label="1..*"];
+ LIG -> NUM [label="1"];
+ STA -> NUM [label="1"];
+ }
+#+ATTR_LATEX: :height .75\linewidth
+* Nevenadressen
+Primary and secondary addresses.
+#+begin_src dot :file "presentation-neven.png"
+ digraph {
+ NUM -> OPR [label="1" color=grey];
+ OPR -> WPL [label="1" color=grey];
+ NUM -> WPL [label="0..1" color=grey];
+ VBO -> NUM [label="1" color=grey];
+ VBO -> PND [label="1..*" color=grey];
+ LIG -> NUM [label="1" color=grey];
+ STA -> NUM [label="1" color=grey];
+ VBO -> NUM [label="0..* (neven)" color=red];
+ LIG -> NUM [label="0..* (neven)" color=red];
+ STA -> NUM [label="0..* (neven)" color=red];
+ }
+#+ATTR_LATEX: :height .75\linewidth
+* Document based
+State including validity period.
+* Number of records
+| Object | All | Active |
+| NUM | 12.0m | 11.5m |
+| OPR | 343k | 337k |
+| WPL | 3.8k | 3.7k |
+| VBO | 21.3m | 20.7m |
+| PND | 29.4m | 20.5m |
+| LIG | 17.7k | 16.6k |
+| STA | 50.1k | 44.5m |
+| | | |
+Active = current (validity period of record) *AND* an "active" status
+(not revoked, demolished etc.)
+* Living data
+- Bad data:
+ #+begin_example
+ FROM verblijfsobject
+ WHERE actief AND oppervlakte = 1;
+ count
+ -------
+ 12512
+ #+end_example
+- More bad data:
+ #+begin_example
+ FROM pand
+ WHERE actief AND oorspronkelijk_bouwjaar = 9999;
+ count
+ -------
+ 27
+ #+end_example
+- Anecdotal: I live in my house since 2012 but
+ "oorspronkelijk_bouwjaar" in BAG is 2014
+* Oversharing
+FROM nummeraanduiding
+WHERE actief AND postcode IS NULL;
+ count
+ 983370
+- 3199KM 5
+# [[https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=51.96420149343773&mlon=3.9626308066261027#map=20/51.96420149343773/3.9626308066261027]]
+- 9143NZ 1
+# https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=53.45932339542564&mlon=6.055841821360722#map=20/53.45932339542564/6.055841821360722
+* History of project
+- NLExtract CSV
+- Ruby -> Elixer -> Clojure
+- NLExtract -> geotoko.nl (€€€)
+- Clojure (BAG 1.0)
+- Clojure (BAG 2.0)
+* Source
+- Municipalities record BAG data
+- Collected by Kadaster into LV BAG
+ (Landelijke Voorziening BAG / national facility BAG)
+- BAG Extract downloadable from PDOK
+ (Publieke Dienstverlening Op de Kaart)
+* Documentation
+- Catalogus BAG 2018
+ https://www.kadaster.nl/-/bag-catalogus-basisregistraties-adressen-en-gebouwen
+- Praktijkhandleiding BAG
+ https://imbag.github.io/praktijkhandleiding/
+- XSDs are excellent
+ https://www.kadaster.nl/zakelijk/producten/adressen-en-gebouwen/bag-2.0-extract
+* Code overview
+- updater
+- importer
+- sanity check
+- API
+* Updater
+- atom feed (gets updated every 8th of the month)
+* Importer
+- src/straatnaam/data.clj
+ - updater
+ - sanity check
+- src/straatnaam/lvbag.clj
+ - extract
+ - parse
+ - SQL
+* Zips a zip
+Archive: lvbag-extract-nl.zip
+ Length Date Time Name
+ --------- ---------- ----- ----
+ 788 09-08-2022 21:37 Leveringsdocument-BAG-Extract.xml
+ 50051 09-08-2022 21:37 GEM-WPL-RELATIE-08092022.zip
+ 1550578 09-08-2022 21:34 9999LIG08092022.zip
+ 17297535 09-08-2022 21:34 9999NietBag08092022.zip
+ 3577291 09-08-2022 21:34 9999STA08092022.zip
+ 983923925 09-08-2022 21:34 9999VBO08092022.zip
+ 20923408 09-08-2022 21:35 9999WPL08092022.zip
+1677454980 09-08-2022 21:35 9999PND08092022.zip
+ 310004529 09-08-2022 21:37 9999NUM08092022.zip
+ 114721 09-08-2022 21:37 9999Inactief08092022.zip
+ 10742024 09-08-2022 21:37 9999OPR08092022.zip
+ 110996158 09-08-2022 21:37 9999InOnderzoek08092022.zip
+ --------- -------
+3136635988 12 files
+* XML a zips
+Archive: lvbag-extract-nl/9999PND08092022.zip
+ Length Date Time Name
+--------- ---------- ----- ----
+ 14795612 09-08-2022 11:41 9999PND08092022-000001.xml
+ 14668254 09-08-2022 11:41 9999PND08092022-000002.xml
+ 14715853 09-08-2022 11:41 9999PND08092022-000003.xml
+ 14142790 09-08-2022 18:07 9999PND08092022-002049.xml
+ 14896460 09-08-2022 18:07 9999PND08092022-002050.xml
+ 10306002 09-08-2022 18:07 9999PND08092022-002051.xml
+--------- -------
+30403929905 2051 files
+* XML
+- 10000 records per XML
+- clojure.data.xml/source-seq event stream
+- insert into Postgres in batches
+* One table per object type
+One to many relation (like nevenadres) link tables build using
+`generate_subscripts` and Postgres array datatype.
+INSERT INTO verblijfsobject_neven
+SELECT id, a[i] FROM (
+ x.id AS id,
+ x.neven_ids AS a,
+ generate_subscripts(x.neven_ids, 1) AS i
+ FROM verblijfsobject
+* Geometry
+- Rijksdriehoekscoördinaten aka EPSG:28992
+ (governmental triangulation coordinates?)
+#+ATTR_LATEX: :height .33\linewidth
+- PostGIS to the rescue
+* Sanity checks
+- Never trust data from the internet!
+- Inserts into versioned schema aka namespace
+- Counters and searches for some railway stations
+* Bag view
+| Column | Type |
+| id | numeric |
+| openbareruimte | character varying(120) |
+| huisnummer | integer |
+| huisletter | character varying(1) |
+| huisnummertoevoeging | character varying(4) |
+| postcode | character varying(6) |
+| woonplaats | character varying(80) |
+| x | double precision |
+| y | double precision |
+| gebruiksdoel | character varying(24) |
+| nevenadres | boolean |
+| object_type | character varying(15) |
+| object_id | numeric |
+| lengtegraad | double precision |
+| breedtegraad | double precision |
+* Eerlijke WOZ extras
+#+begin_src sql
+ bag.*, vbo.oppervlakte, pnd.oorspronkelijk_bouwjaar
+ bag
+ verblijfsobject vbo
+ vbo.id = bag.object_id
+ verblijfsobject_pand vbo_pnd
+ vbo_pnd.id = bag.object_id
+ pand pnd
+ vbo_pnd.pand_id = pnd.id
+* Eerlijke WOZ address
+| id | 363200000520973 |
+| openbareruimte | Johan Huizingalaan |
+| huisnummer | 763 |
+| huisletter | A |
+| huisnummertoevoeging | |
+| postcode | 1066VH |
+| woonplaats | Amsterdam |
+| x | 117021 |
+| y | 483978 |
+| gebruiksdoel | industriefunctie |
+| nevenadres | f |
+| object_type | verblijfsobject |
+| object_id | 363010001036463 |
+| lengtegraad | 4.829889464736984 |
+| breedtegraad | 52.34240599219023 |
+| oppervlakte | 39570 |
+| oorspronkelijk_bouwjaar | 1969 |
+* Please contribute
+Discussion and patches to: [[mailto:~jomco/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht][~jomco/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht]]
+* Questions?
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