M src/nl/zeekat/ring_openapi_validator.clj => src/nl/zeekat/ring_openapi_validator.clj +6 -2
@@ 132,11 132,15 @@
`opts` is an optional map of options:
- `:base-path` overrides the base path in the spec.
+ - `:inline? true` indicate that `spec` is the specification body
+ as a string, instead of a url or path
If you need to customize the validator you can create a builder using
- ([spec {:keys [base-path] :as opts}]
- (cond-> (OpenApiInteractionValidator/createFor spec)
+ ([spec {:keys [base-path inline?] :as opts}]
+ (cond-> (if inline?
+ (OpenApiInteractionValidator/createForInlineApiSpecification spec)
+ (OpenApiInteractionValidator/createFor spec))
(.withBasePathOverride base-path)
M test/nl/zeekat/ring_openapi_validator_test.clj => test/nl/zeekat/ring_openapi_validator_test.clj +7 -2
@@ 1,7 1,8 @@
(ns nl.zeekat.ring-openapi-validator-test
- (:require [nl.zeekat.ring-openapi-validator :as validator]
+ (:require [clojure.data.json :as json]
+ [clojure.java.io :as io]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is]]
- [clojure.data.json :as json]))
+ [nl.zeekat.ring-openapi-validator :as validator]))
(def ooapi-content-type "application/hal+json; charset=utf-8")
@@ 60,3 61,7 @@
(is (= "validation.response.body.schema.required"
(get-in (validator/validate-response validator :get "/" ooapi-invalid-response) [0 :key]))
"Report on invalid request"))))
+(deftest test-inline-validator
+ (is (instance? com.atlassian.oai.validator.OpenApiInteractionValidator
+ (validator/openapi-validator (slurp (io/resource "ooapi.json")) {:inline? true}))))