
Automates testing clojure.spec data generators
Version 0.1.8-SNAPSHOT
Always report problems as data.



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#Proof Specs

Automatic testing of clojure.spec data generators.

#Dependency coordinates

Clojars Project


API documentation is available inline and at cljdoc.


clojure.spec generators can fail for unexpected reasons. It requires expertise to see where a complex spec fails to generate.

A practical way to work around the problem is to build and test specs incrementally; the clojure.spec design encourages building nested specs from components; speccing collections independently of their components, building keysets (maps) out of individually specced keys allows testing spec compoments independently. It still takes dicipline to test incrementally and backtracing where a definition went wrong can take much longer than is desirable.


Test component specs automatically using proof-specs. This adds the requirement that all specs registered in a particular set of namespaces must have a working generator. proof-spes will attempt to generate data for each spec in the selected namespaces and reports on every failure.


Specs that are only used as return specs for functions must have a generator, even though they won't be used in any other test.


proof-specs will not try to figure out the reason for a spec/generator not working. It will just list all failing generators and the given errors.


#Running from clojure code

(require '[nl.jomco.proof-specs :refer [proof-specs]])

  :num-vals 10
  :verbose true
  :limit-ms 500
  :include [#"nl.jomco.*"])

Produces something like:

(proof-specs {:limit-ms 1000
                                             :num-vals 10
                                             :include #{#"nl\.jomco\.proof-specs-test"}})
                              "Unable to construct gen at: [] for: :nl.jomco.proof-specs-test/non-spec",
                              :clojure.spec.alpha/path [],
                              :clojure.spec.alpha/failure :no-gen},
                                                    "Unable to resolve spec: :nl.jomco.proof-specs-test/missing",
                              "Unable to construct gen at: [:nl.jomco.proof-specs-test/non-spec] for: :nl.jomco.proof-specs-test/non-spec",
                              :clojure.spec.alpha/failure :no-gen}},

The return value will not contain a :problems key when no problems were found.

#Running as a leiningen alias

Add a "proof-specs" alias to your project.clj - also make sure you include proof-specs as a development dependency.

  profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[nl.jomco/proof-specs "<VERSION>"]]}}
  :aliases {"proof-specs" ["run" "-m" "nl.jomco.proof-specs"
                           "--include" ".*jomco.*"
                           "--require" "nl.jomco.proof-specs,nl.jomco.blerk"]}

And run using:

lein proof-specs

Produces something like:

Problems generating data for 1 out of 12 specs:

#:nl.jomco.blerk{:yelp #error {
 :cause "Couldn't satisfy such-that predicate after 100 tries."
 :data {...}, :max-tries 100}
 [{:type clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
   :message "Couldn't satisfy such-that predicate after 100 tries."
   :data {...}, :max-tries 100}
   :at [...]}]

The exit status will be 0 when no problems were found, otherwise 1.

#Interpreting output

When there are multiple failing generators, a good strategy is to focus on and fix the simplest generators first, since that also fixes complex generators that only fail because of failing components.