A 0 About this branch.txt => 0 About this branch.txt +33 -0
@@ 0,0 1,33 @@
+I just had too much stuff going on at the same time.
+It was shaping up to become a way too big and messy commit.
+I'm gonna attack some of these things one at a time.
+- On-demand parsing (and maybe on-demand typechecking as well?)
+ As a first step on the road to query-based compilation,
+ I thought it proper to start with converting the lexer and parser.
+ This had consequences.
+ For an on-demand parser, we need a better module system.
+ We can't have everything in the same Module / Program.
+- Module system / namespacing
+ This would not be a huge diff in itself, but we need qualified names.
+- Qualified names
+ This has a dominoe effect.
+ All parts of the program assume that everything lives in the same global namespace,
+ and just uses local, relative, unqualified identifiers.
+ Mainly to consider, adding qualified identifiers (and module paths in imports) affects the type checker.
+- Common Trees That Grow, Concrete and Abstract
+ As part of making the qualified names change, I needed two new modules: Resolve{d}.
+ But a resolved parse-tree would basically be identical to Parsed, except the names.
+ So we should have a common Tree That Grows for both of them: Concrete.
+ And we're gonna have to update both Inferred and Checked with the new qualified names.
+ Why not merge these two into a single Abstract as well while we're at it?
+And so you see how it all grew pretty wild.
+Now, I'm thinking of putting all this mess aside for a little bit, and try to make the changes more progressively.
+In a first (series of) commits, we'll focus on: namespacing & qualified names, which depends on adding Resolve{d} as well.
+We really might as well split Parsed into Concrete while we're at it.
+I deem that valuable enough to warrant the increase in size of the changes.
+Then we'll look back at the stuff in this branch and decide on what to extract and finish next!
M app/Main.hs => app/Main.hs +9 -8
@@ 61,14 61,15 @@ runFile cfg = do
frontend :: Config cfg => cfg -> FilePath -> IO Ast.Program
frontend cfg f = do
let d = getDebug cfg
- verbose cfg " Lexing"
- !tts <- lex f
- when d $ writeFile ".dbg.lexd" (show tts)
- verbose cfg " Expanding macros"
- !tts' <- expandMacros f tts
- when d $ writeFile ".dbg.expanded" (show tts')
- verbose cfg " Parsing"
- !ast <- parse f tts'
+ -- verbose cfg " Lexing"
+ -- !tts <- lex f
+ -- when d $ writeFile ".dbg.lexd" (show tts)
+ -- verbose cfg " Expanding macros"
+ -- !tts' <- expandMacros f tts
+ -- when d $ writeFile ".dbg.expanded" (show tts')
+ -- verbose cfg " Parsing"
+ -- !ast <- parse f tts'
+ !ast <- queryParsedModule (QMName "main" ["main", "self"])
verbose cfg " Typechecking"
!ann <- typecheck' f ast
when d $ writeFile ".dbg.checked" (show ann)
M carth.cabal => carth.cabal +7 -1
@@ 26,8 26,12 @@ library
+ Query
+ Name
+ SrcPos
- Front.SrcPos
+ Front.Concrete
+ Front.Abstract
@@ 37,6 41,8 @@ library
+ Front.Resolve
+ Front.Resolved
M src/EnvVars.hs => src/EnvVars.hs +3 -3
@@ 1,9 1,9 @@
-module EnvVars (modulePaths) where
+module EnvVars (packagePaths) where
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import Misc
-modulePaths :: IO [FilePath]
-modulePaths = fmap (maybe [] (splitOn ":")) (lookupEnv "CARTH_MODULE_PATH")
+packagePaths :: IO [FilePath]
+packagePaths = fmap (maybe [] (splitOn ":")) (lookupEnv "CARTH_PACKAGE_PATH")
A src/Front/Abstract.hs => src/Front/Abstract.hs +139 -0
@@ 0,0 1,139 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+-- TODO: Can this and Checked be merged to a single, parametrized AST?
+-- | Type annotated AST as a result of typechecking
+module Front.Abstract where
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import Data.Bifunctor
+import Lens.Micro.Platform (makeLenses)
+import Misc
+import SrcPos
+import Name
+import Front.Concrete (Const (..))
+import Front.Resolved
+-- import qualified Front.Parsed as Parsed
+-- import Front.Concrete (Type, TConst, TVar(..), Const(..))
+-- import Front.Parsed
+import Front.TypeAst
+type LhsName = Ident
+type TConst = ResolvedTConst
+type Type = ResolvedType
+data TypeErr
+ = MainNotDefined
+ | InvalidUserTypeSig SrcPos Scheme Scheme
+ | CtorArityMismatch SrcPos String Int Int
+ | ConflictingPatVarDefs SrcPos String
+ | UndefCtor SrcPos String
+ | UndefVar SrcPos String
+ | InfType SrcPos Type Type TVar Type
+ | UnificationFailed SrcPos Type Type Type Type
+ | ConflictingTypeDef SrcPos String
+ | ConflictingCtorDef SrcPos String
+ | RedundantCase SrcPos
+ | InexhaustivePats SrcPos String
+ | ExternNotMonomorphic Ident TVar
+ | FoundHole SrcPos
+ | RecTypeDef String SrcPos
+ | UndefType SrcPos QualName
+ | WrongMainType SrcPos ResolvedScheme
+ | RecursiveVarDef (WithPos String)
+ | TypeInstArityMismatch SrcPos QualName Int Int
+ | ConflictingVarDef SrcPos String
+ | NoClassInstance SrcPos ClassConstraint
+ | FunCaseArityMismatch SrcPos Int Int
+ | FunArityMismatch SrcPos Int Int
+ | DeBruijnIndexOutOfRange SrcPos Word
+ | FreeVarsInData SrcPos TVar
+ | FreeVarsInAlias SrcPos TVar
+ deriving (Show)
+type ClassConstraint = (QualName, [Type])
+data Scheme = Forall
+ { _scmParams :: Set TVar
+ , _scmConstraints :: Set ClassConstraint
+ , _scmBody :: Type
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+makeLenses ''Scheme
+type VariantIx = Integer
+type Span = Integer
+data Variant = VariantIx VariantIx | VariantStr String
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+data Con = Con
+ { variant :: Variant
+ , span :: Span
+ , argTs :: [Type]
+ }
+ deriving Show
+data Pat'
+ = PVar LhsName Type
+ | PWild
+ | PCon Con [Pat]
+ | PBox Pat
+ deriving Show
+data Pat = Pat SrcPos Type Pat'
+ deriving Show
+type Fun match = ([(LhsName, Type)], (Expr match, Type))
+data Expr match typ
+ = Lit Const
+ | EVar QualName typ
+ | App (Expr match typ) [Expr match typ] typ
+ | If (Expr match typ) (Expr match typ) (Expr match typ)
+ | Let (Def match) (Expr match typ)
+ | Fun (Fun match)
+ | Match [Expr match typ] match
+ | Ctor VariantIx Span TConst [typ]
+ | Sizeof Type
+ deriving Show
+type Defs match = TopologicalOrder (Def match)
+data Def match = VarDef (VarDef match) | RecDefs (RecDefs match) deriving Show
+type VarDef match = (LhsName, (Scheme, Expr match))
+type RecDefs match = [(LhsName, (Scheme, Fun match))]
+data TypeDefRhs = Data [(WithPos QualName, [Type])] | Alias SrcPos Type
+ deriving Show
+type TypeDefs = Map QualName ([TVar], TypeDefRhs)
+type TypeAliases = Map QualName ([TVar], Type)
+type Ctors = Map LhsName (VariantIx, (String, [TVar]), [Type], Span)
+type Externs = Map LhsName Type
+instance Eq Con where
+ (==) (Con c1 _ _) (Con c2 _ _) = c1 == c2
+instance Ord Con where
+ compare (Con c1 _ _) (Con c2 _ _) = compare c1 c2
+ftv :: Type -> Set TVar
+ftv = \case
+ TVar tv -> Set.singleton tv
+ TPrim _ -> Set.empty
+ TFun pts rt -> Set.unions (ftv rt : map ftv pts)
+ TBox t -> ftv t
+ TConst (_, ts) -> Set.unions (map ftv ts)
+defSigs :: Def match -> [(LhsName, Scheme)]
+defSigs = \case
+ VarDef d -> [defSig d]
+ RecDefs ds -> map defSig ds
+defSig :: (LhsName, (Scheme, a)) -> (LhsName, Scheme)
+defSig = second fst
M src/Front/Check.hs => src/Front/Check.hs +251 -253
@@ 1,281 1,279 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+--{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-module Front.Check (typecheck) where
+--module Front.Check (typecheck) where
+module Front.Check where
-import Prelude hiding (span)
-import Control.Monad.Except
-import Control.Monad.Reader
-import Control.Monad.State.Strict
-import Data.Bifunctor
-import Data.Bitraversable
-import Data.Foldable
-import Data.Functor
-import Control.Applicative
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import Data.Set (Set)
+-- import Prelude hiding (span)
+-- import Control.Monad.Except
+-- import Control.Monad.Reader
+-- import Control.Monad.State.Strict
+-- import Data.Bifunctor
+-- import Data.Bitraversable
+-- import Data.Foldable
+-- import Data.Functor
+-- import Control.Applicative
+-- import qualified Data.Map as Map
+-- import Data.Map (Map)
+-- import qualified Data.Set as Set
+-- import Data.Set (Set)
-import Misc
-import Front.SrcPos
-import Front.Subst
-import qualified Front.Parsed as Parsed
-import Front.Parsed (Id(..), TVar(..), idstr)
-import Front.Err
-import qualified Front.Inferred as Inferred
-import Front.Match
-import Front.Infer
-import Front.TypeAst
-import qualified Front.Checked as Checked
-import Front.Checked (Virt(..))
+-- import Misc
+-- import SrcPos
+-- import Front.Subst
+-- import Front.Concrete (Id(..), TVar(..), idstr)
+-- import Front.Err
+-- import qualified Front.Inferred as Inferred
+-- import Front.Match
+-- import Front.Infer
+-- import Front.TypeAst
+-- import qualified Front.Checked as Checked
+-- import Front.Checked (Virt(..))
-typecheck :: Parsed.Program -> Either TypeErr Checked.Program
-typecheck (Parsed.Program defs tdefs externs) = runExcept $ do
- (tdefs', ctors) <- checkTypeDefs tdefs
- externs' <- checkExterns tdefs' externs
- inferred <- inferTopDefs tdefs' ctors externs' defs
- let bound = unboundTypeVarsToUnit inferred
- -- Remove aliases. They are should be replaced in the AST and no longer needed at this point.
- let tdefs'' = Map.mapMaybe
- (secondM $ \case
- Inferred.Data rhs -> Just rhs
- Inferred.Alias _ _ -> Nothing
- )
- tdefs'
- let mTypeDefs = fmap (map (unpos . fst) . snd) tdefs''
- compiled <- compileDecisionTrees mTypeDefs bound
- checkMainDefined compiled
- let tdefs''' = fmap (second (map (first unpos))) tdefs''
- pure (Checked.Program compiled tdefs''' externs')
- where
- checkMainDefined ds =
- unless ("main" `elem` map fst (Checked.flattenDefs ds)) (throwError MainNotDefined)
+-- typecheck :: Ast.Program -> Either TypeErr Checked.Program
+-- typecheck (Ast.Program defs tdefs externs) = runExcept $ do
+-- (tdefs', ctors) <- checkTypeDefs tdefs
+-- externs' <- checkExterns tdefs' externs
+-- inferred <- inferTopDefs tdefs' ctors externs' defs
+-- let bound = unboundTypeVarsToUnit inferred
+-- -- Remove aliases. They are should be replaced in the AST and no longer needed at this point.
+-- let tdefs'' = Map.mapMaybe
+-- (secondM $ \case
+-- Inferred.Data rhs -> Just rhs
+-- Inferred.Alias _ _ -> Nothing
+-- )
+-- tdefs'
+-- let mTypeDefs = fmap (map (unpos . fst) . snd) tdefs''
+-- compiled <- compileDecisionTrees mTypeDefs bound
+-- checkMainDefined compiled
+-- let tdefs''' = fmap (second (map (first unpos))) tdefs''
+-- pure (Checked.Program compiled tdefs''' externs')
+-- where
+-- checkMainDefined ds =
+-- unless ("main" `elem` map fst (Checked.flattenDefs ds)) (throwError MainNotDefined)
-type CheckTypeDefs a
- = ReaderT
- (Map String (Either Int ([TVar], Parsed.Type)))
- (StateT (Inferred.TypeDefs, Inferred.Ctors) (Except TypeErr))
- a
+-- type CheckTypeDefs a
+-- = ReaderT
+-- (Map String (Either Int ([TVar], Ast.Type)))
+-- (StateT (Inferred.TypeDefs, Inferred.Ctors) (Except TypeErr))
+-- a
-checkTypeDefs :: [Parsed.TypeDef] -> Except TypeErr (Inferred.TypeDefs, Inferred.Ctors)
-checkTypeDefs tdefs = do
- let tdefs' = Map.union (fmap (Left . length . fst) builtinTypeDefs) $ Map.fromList
- (map
- (\case
- Parsed.TypeDef x ps _ -> (idstr x, Left (length ps))
- Parsed.TypeAlias x ps t -> (idstr x, Right (map TVExplicit ps, t))
- )
- tdefs
- )
- (tdefs', ctors) <- execStateT (runReaderT (forM_ tdefs checkTypeDef) tdefs')
- (builtinTypeDefs, builtinConstructors)
- forM_ (Map.toList tdefs') (assertNoRec tdefs')
- pure (tdefs', ctors)
+-- checkTypeDefs :: [Ast.TypeDef] -> Except TypeErr (Inferred.TypeDefs, Inferred.Ctors)
+-- checkTypeDefs tdefs = do
+-- let tdefs' = Map.union (fmap (Left . length . fst) builtinTypeDefs) $ Map.fromList
+-- (map
+-- (\case
+-- Ast.TypeDef x ps _ -> (idstr x, Left (length ps))
+-- Ast.TypeAlias x ps t -> (idstr x, Right (map TVExplicit ps, t))
+-- )
+-- tdefs
+-- )
+-- (tdefs', ctors) <- execStateT (runReaderT (forM_ tdefs checkTypeDef) tdefs')
+-- (builtinTypeDefs, builtinConstructors)
+-- forM_ (Map.toList tdefs') (assertNoRec tdefs')
+-- pure (tdefs', ctors)
-checkTypeDef :: Parsed.TypeDef -> CheckTypeDefs ()
-checkTypeDef = \case
- Parsed.TypeDef (Parsed.Id x) ps cs -> do
- checkNotAlreadyDefined x
- let ps' = map TVExplicit ps
- cs' <- checkCtors (unpos x, ps') cs
- forM_ (foldMap (foldMap Inferred.ftv . snd) cs')
- $ \tv -> unless (tv `elem` ps') (throwError (FreeVarsInData (getPos x) tv))
- modify (first (Map.insert (unpos x) (ps', Inferred.Data cs')))
- Parsed.TypeAlias (Parsed.Id x) ps t -> do
- checkNotAlreadyDefined x
- let ps' = map TVExplicit ps
- t' <- checkType' (getPos x) t
- forM_ (Inferred.ftv t')
- $ \tv -> unless (tv `elem` ps') (throwError (FreeVarsInAlias (getPos x) tv))
- modify (first (Map.insert (unpos x) (ps', Inferred.Alias (getPos x) t')))
- where
- checkNotAlreadyDefined (WithPos xpos x) = do
- alreadyDefined <- gets (Map.member x . fst)
- when alreadyDefined (throwError (ConflictingTypeDef xpos x))
+-- checkTypeDef :: Ast.TypeDef -> CheckTypeDefs ()
+-- checkTypeDef = \case
+-- Ast.TypeDef (Ast.Id x) ps cs -> do
+-- checkNotAlreadyDefined x
+-- let ps' = map TVExplicit ps
+-- cs' <- checkCtors (unpos x, ps') cs
+-- forM_ (foldMap (foldMap Inferred.ftv . snd) cs')
+-- $ \tv -> unless (tv `elem` ps') (throwError (FreeVarsInData (getPos x) tv))
+-- modify (first (Map.insert (unpos x) (ps', Inferred.Data cs')))
+-- Ast.TypeAlias (Ast.Id x) ps t -> do
+-- checkNotAlreadyDefined x
+-- let ps' = map TVExplicit ps
+-- t' <- checkType' (getPos x) t
+-- forM_ (Inferred.ftv t')
+-- $ \tv -> unless (tv `elem` ps') (throwError (FreeVarsInAlias (getPos x) tv))
+-- modify (first (Map.insert (unpos x) (ps', Inferred.Alias (getPos x) t')))
+-- where
+-- checkNotAlreadyDefined (WithPos xpos x) = do
+-- alreadyDefined <- gets (Map.member x . fst)
+-- when alreadyDefined (throwError (ConflictingTypeDef xpos x))
- :: (String, [TVar])
- -> Parsed.ConstructorDefs
- -> CheckTypeDefs [(WithPos String, [Inferred.Type])]
-checkCtors parent (Parsed.ConstructorDefs cs) =
- let cspan = fromIntegral (length cs) in mapM (checkCtor cspan) (zip [0 ..] cs)
- where
- checkCtor cspan (i, (Id c'@(WithPos pos c), ts)) = do
- cAlreadyDefined <- gets (Map.member c . snd)
- when cAlreadyDefined (throwError (ConflictingCtorDef pos c))
- ts' <- mapM (checkType' pos) ts
- modify (second (Map.insert c (i, parent, ts', cspan)))
- pure (c', ts')
+-- checkCtors
+-- :: (String, [TVar]) -> Ast.ConstructorDefs -> CheckTypeDefs [(WithPos String, [Inferred.Type])]
+-- checkCtors parent (Ast.ConstructorDefs cs) =
+-- let cspan = fromIntegral (length cs) in mapM (checkCtor cspan) (zip [0 ..] cs)
+-- where
+-- checkCtor cspan (i, (Id c'@(WithPos pos c), ts)) = do
+-- cAlreadyDefined <- gets (Map.member c . snd)
+-- when cAlreadyDefined (throwError (ConflictingCtorDef pos c))
+-- ts' <- mapM (checkType' pos) ts
+-- modify (second (Map.insert c (i, parent, ts', cspan)))
+-- pure (c', ts')
-checkType' :: SrcPos -> Parsed.Type -> CheckTypeDefs Inferred.Type
-checkType' pos t = do
- tdefs <- ask
- let checkTConst (x, args) = case Map.lookup x tdefs of
- Nothing -> throwError (UndefType pos x)
- Just (Left expectedN) ->
- let foundN = length args
- in if expectedN == foundN
- then do
- args' <- mapM go args
- pure (TConst (x, args'))
- else throwError (TypeInstArityMismatch pos x expectedN foundN)
- Just (Right (params, u)) -> subst (Map.fromList (zip params args)) <$> go u
- go = checkType checkTConst
- go t
+-- checkType' :: SrcPos -> Ast.Type -> CheckTypeDefs Inferred.Type
+-- checkType' pos t = do
+-- tdefs <- ask
+-- let checkTConst (x, args) = case Map.lookup x tdefs of
+-- Nothing -> throwError (UndefType pos x)
+-- Just (Left expectedN) ->
+-- let foundN = length args
+-- in if expectedN == foundN
+-- then do
+-- args' <- mapM go args
+-- pure (TConst (x, args'))
+-- else throwError (TypeInstArityMismatch pos x expectedN foundN)
+-- Just (Right (params, u)) -> subst (Map.fromList (zip params args)) <$> go u
+-- go = checkType checkTConst
+-- go t
-builtinTypeDefs :: Inferred.TypeDefs
-builtinTypeDefs = Map.fromList $ map
- (\(x, ps, cs) ->
- (x, (ps, Inferred.Data $ map (first (WithPos (SrcPos "<builtin>" 0 0 Nothing))) cs))
- )
- builtinDataTypes'
+-- builtinTypeDefs :: Inferred.TypeDefs
+-- builtinTypeDefs = Map.fromList $ map
+-- (\(x, ps, cs) ->
+-- (x, (ps, Inferred.Data $ map (first (WithPos (SrcPos "<builtin>" 0 0 Nothing))) cs))
+-- )
+-- builtinDataTypes'
-builtinConstructors :: Inferred.Ctors
-builtinConstructors = Map.unions (map builtinConstructors' builtinDataTypes')
- where
- builtinConstructors' (x, ps, cs) =
- let cSpan = fromIntegral (length cs)
- in foldl' (\csAcc (i, (cx, cps)) -> Map.insert cx (i, (x, ps), cps, cSpan) csAcc)
- Map.empty
- (zip [0 ..] cs)
+-- builtinConstructors :: Inferred.Ctors
+-- builtinConstructors = Map.unions (map builtinConstructors' builtinDataTypes')
+-- where
+-- builtinConstructors' (x, ps, cs) =
+-- let cSpan = fromIntegral (length cs)
+-- in foldl' (\csAcc (i, (cx, cps)) -> Map.insert cx (i, (x, ps), cps, cSpan) csAcc)
+-- Map.empty
+-- (zip [0 ..] cs)
-builtinDataTypes' :: [(String, [TVar], [(String, [Inferred.Type])])]
-builtinDataTypes' =
- [ ( "Array"
- , [TVImplicit "a"]
- , [("Array", [Inferred.TBox (Inferred.TVar (TVImplicit "a")), Inferred.TPrim TNatSize])]
- )
- , ("Str", [], [("Str", [tArray (Inferred.TPrim (TNat 8))])])
- , ( "Cons"
- , [TVImplicit "a", TVImplicit "b"]
- , [("Cons", [Inferred.TVar (TVImplicit "a"), Inferred.TVar (TVImplicit "b")])]
- )
- , ("Unit", [], [unit'])
- , ("RealWorld", [], [("UnsafeRealWorld", [])])
- , ("Bool", [], [("False", []), ("True", [])])
- ]
- where unit' = ("Unit", [])
+-- builtinDataTypes' :: [(String, [TVar], [(String, [Inferred.Type])])]
+-- builtinDataTypes' =
+-- [ ( "Array"
+-- , [TVImplicit "a"]
+-- , [("Array", [Inferred.TBox (Inferred.TVar (TVImplicit "a")), Inferred.TPrim TNatSize])]
+-- )
+-- , ("Str", [], [("Str", [tArray (Inferred.TPrim (TNat 8))])])
+-- , ( "Cons"
+-- , [TVImplicit "a", TVImplicit "b"]
+-- , [("Cons", [Inferred.TVar (TVImplicit "a"), Inferred.TVar (TVImplicit "b")])]
+-- )
+-- , ("Unit", [], [unit'])
+-- , ("RealWorld", [], [("UnsafeRealWorld", [])])
+-- , ("Bool", [], [("False", []), ("True", [])])
+-- ]
+-- where unit' = ("Unit", [])
-assertNoRec :: Inferred.TypeDefs -> (String, ([TVar], Inferred.TypeDefRhs)) -> Except TypeErr ()
-assertNoRec tdefs' (x, (xinst, rhs)) = assertNoRec' (Set.singleton (x, map TVar xinst))
- rhs
- Map.empty
- where
- assertNoRec' seen (Inferred.Data cs) s =
- forM_ cs $ \(WithPos cpos _, cts) -> forM_ cts (assertNoRecType seen cpos . subst s)
- assertNoRec' seen (Inferred.Alias pos t) s = assertNoRecType seen pos (subst s t)
- assertNoRecType seen cpos = \case
- Inferred.TConst (y, yinst) -> do
- when (Set.member (y, yinst) seen) $ throwError (RecTypeDef x cpos)
- let (tvs, cs) = Map.findWithDefault
- (ice $ "assertNoRec: type id " ++ show y ++ " not in tdefs")
- y
- tdefs'
- let substs = Map.fromList (zip tvs yinst)
- assertNoRec' (Set.insert (y, yinst) seen) cs substs
- _ -> pure ()
+-- assertNoRec :: Inferred.TypeDefs -> (String, ([TVar], Inferred.TypeDefRhs)) -> Except TypeErr ()
+-- assertNoRec tdefs' (x, (xinst, rhs)) = assertNoRec' (Set.singleton (x, map TVar xinst))
+-- rhs
+-- Map.empty
+-- where
+-- assertNoRec' seen (Inferred.Data cs) s =
+-- forM_ cs $ \(WithPos cpos _, cts) -> forM_ cts (assertNoRecType seen cpos . subst s)
+-- assertNoRec' seen (Inferred.Alias pos t) s = assertNoRecType seen pos (subst s t)
+-- assertNoRecType seen cpos = \case
+-- Inferred.TConst (y, yinst) -> do
+-- when (Set.member (y, yinst) seen) $ throwError (RecTypeDef x cpos)
+-- let (tvs, cs) = Map.findWithDefault
+-- (ice $ "assertNoRec: type id " ++ show y ++ " not in tdefs")
+-- y
+-- tdefs'
+-- let substs = Map.fromList (zip tvs yinst)
+-- assertNoRec' (Set.insert (y, yinst) seen) cs substs
+-- _ -> pure ()
-checkExterns :: Inferred.TypeDefs -> [Parsed.Extern] -> Except TypeErr Inferred.Externs
-checkExterns tdefs = fmap (Map.union Checked.builtinExterns . Map.fromList) . mapM checkExtern
- where
- checkExtern (Parsed.Extern name t) = do
- t' <- checkType (checkTConst tdefs (getPos name)) t
- case Set.lookupMin (Inferred.ftv t') of
- Just tv -> throwError (ExternNotMonomorphic name tv)
- Nothing -> pure (idstr name, t')
+-- checkExterns :: Inferred.TypeDefs -> [Ast.Extern] -> Except TypeErr Inferred.Externs
+-- checkExterns tdefs = fmap (Map.union Checked.builtinExterns . Map.fromList) . mapM checkExtern
+-- where
+-- checkExtern (Ast.Extern name t) = do
+-- t' <- checkType (checkTConst tdefs (getPos name)) t
+-- case Set.lookupMin (Inferred.ftv t') of
+-- Just tv -> throwError (ExternNotMonomorphic name tv)
+-- Nothing -> pure (idstr name, t')
--- Any free / unbound type variables left in the AST after Infer are replacable with any
--- type, unless there's a bug in the compiler. Therefore, replace them all with Unit now.
-unboundTypeVarsToUnit :: Inferred.Defs -> Inferred.Defs
-unboundTypeVarsToUnit (Topo defs) = Topo $ runReader (mapM goDef defs) Set.empty
- where
- goDef :: Inferred.Def -> Reader (Set TVar) Inferred.Def
- goDef = \case
- Inferred.VarDef d -> Inferred.VarDef <$> secondM (goDefRhs goExpr) d
- Inferred.RecDefs ds -> Inferred.RecDefs <$> mapM (secondM (goDefRhs goFun)) ds
+-- -- Any free / unbound type variables left in the AST after Infer are replacable with any
+-- -- type, unless there's a bug in the compiler. Therefore, replace them all with Unit now.
+-- unboundTypeVarsToUnit :: Inferred.Defs -> Inferred.Defs
+-- unboundTypeVarsToUnit (Topo defs) = Topo $ runReader (mapM goDef defs) Set.empty
+-- where
+-- goDef :: Inferred.Def -> Reader (Set TVar) Inferred.Def
+-- goDef = \case
+-- Inferred.VarDef d -> Inferred.VarDef <$> secondM (goDefRhs goExpr) d
+-- Inferred.RecDefs ds -> Inferred.RecDefs <$> mapM (secondM (goDefRhs goFun)) ds
- goDefRhs f (scm, x) = (scm, ) <$> local (Set.union (Inferred._scmParams scm)) (f x)
+-- goDefRhs f (scm, x) = (scm, ) <$> local (Set.union (Inferred._scmParams scm)) (f x)
- goMatch :: Inferred.Match -> Reader (Set TVar) Inferred.Match
- goMatch (WithPos pos (ms, cs, tps, tb)) = do
- ms' <- mapM goExpr ms
- cs' <- mapM (bimapM (mapPosdM (mapM goPat)) goExpr) cs
- tps' <- mapM subst tps
- tb' <- subst tb
- pure (WithPos pos (ms', cs', tps', tb'))
+-- goMatch :: Inferred.Match -> Reader (Set TVar) Inferred.Match
+-- goMatch (WithPos pos (ms, cs, tps, tb)) = do
+-- ms' <- mapM goExpr ms
+-- cs' <- mapM (bimapM (mapPosdM (mapM goPat)) goExpr) cs
+-- tps' <- mapM subst tps
+-- tb' <- subst tb
+-- pure (WithPos pos (ms', cs', tps', tb'))
- goFun :: Inferred.Fun -> Reader (Set TVar) Inferred.Fun
- goFun (params, body) = liftA2 (,) (mapM (secondM subst) params) (bimapM goExpr subst body)
+-- goFun :: Inferred.Fun -> Reader (Set TVar) Inferred.Fun
+-- goFun (params, body) = liftA2 (,) (mapM (secondM subst) params) (bimapM goExpr subst body)
- goExpr :: Inferred.Expr -> Reader (Set TVar) Inferred.Expr
- goExpr = \case
- Inferred.Lit c -> pure (Inferred.Lit c)
- Inferred.Var v -> Inferred.Var <$> secondM goTypedVar v
- Inferred.App f as tr -> liftA3 Inferred.App (goExpr f) (mapM goExpr as) (subst tr)
- Inferred.If p c a -> liftA3 Inferred.If (goExpr p) (goExpr c) (goExpr a)
- Inferred.Let ld b -> liftA2 Inferred.Let (goDef ld) (goExpr b)
- Inferred.Fun f -> fmap Inferred.Fun (goFun f)
- Inferred.Match m -> fmap Inferred.Match (goMatch m)
- Inferred.Ctor v sp inst ts ->
- liftA2 (Inferred.Ctor v sp) (secondM (mapM subst) inst) (mapM subst ts)
- Inferred.Sizeof t -> fmap Inferred.Sizeof (subst t)
+-- goExpr :: Inferred.Expr -> Reader (Set TVar) Inferred.Expr
+-- goExpr = \case
+-- Inferred.Lit c -> pure (Inferred.Lit c)
+-- Inferred.Var v -> Inferred.Var <$> secondM goTypedVar v
+-- Inferred.App f as tr -> liftA3 Inferred.App (goExpr f) (mapM goExpr as) (subst tr)
+-- Inferred.If p c a -> liftA3 Inferred.If (goExpr p) (goExpr c) (goExpr a)
+-- Inferred.Let ld b -> liftA2 Inferred.Let (goDef ld) (goExpr b)
+-- Inferred.Fun f -> fmap Inferred.Fun (goFun f)
+-- Inferred.Match m -> fmap Inferred.Match (goMatch m)
+-- Inferred.Ctor v sp inst ts ->
+-- liftA2 (Inferred.Ctor v sp) (secondM (mapM subst) inst) (mapM subst ts)
+-- Inferred.Sizeof t -> fmap Inferred.Sizeof (subst t)
- goPat :: Inferred.Pat -> Reader (Set TVar) Inferred.Pat
- goPat (Inferred.Pat pos t pat) = liftA2 (Inferred.Pat pos) (subst t) $ case pat of
- Inferred.PVar v -> fmap Inferred.PVar (goTypedVar v)
- Inferred.PWild -> pure Inferred.PWild
- Inferred.PCon con ps -> liftA2
- Inferred.PCon
- (fmap (\ts -> con { argTs = ts }) (mapM subst (argTs con)))
- (mapM goPat ps)
- Inferred.PBox p -> fmap Inferred.PBox (goPat p)
+-- goPat :: Inferred.Pat -> Reader (Set TVar) Inferred.Pat
+-- goPat (Inferred.Pat pos t pat) = liftA2 (Inferred.Pat pos) (subst t) $ case pat of
+-- Inferred.PVar v -> fmap Inferred.PVar (goTypedVar v)
+-- Inferred.PWild -> pure Inferred.PWild
+-- Inferred.PCon con ps -> liftA2
+-- Inferred.PCon
+-- (fmap (\ts -> con { argTs = ts }) (mapM subst (argTs con)))
+-- (mapM goPat ps)
+-- Inferred.PBox p -> fmap Inferred.PBox (goPat p)
- goTypedVar (Inferred.TypedVar x t) = fmap (Inferred.TypedVar x) (subst t)
+-- goTypedVar (Inferred.TypedVar x t) = fmap (Inferred.TypedVar x) (subst t)
- subst :: Inferred.Type -> Reader (Set TVar) Inferred.Type
- subst t =
- ask <&> \bound -> subst' (\tv -> if Set.member tv bound then Nothing else Just tUnit) t
+-- subst :: Inferred.Type -> Reader (Set TVar) Inferred.Type
+-- subst t =
+-- ask <&> \bound -> subst' (\tv -> if Set.member tv bound then Nothing else Just tUnit) t
-compileDecisionTrees :: MTypeDefs -> Inferred.Defs -> Except TypeErr Checked.Defs
-compileDecisionTrees tdefs = compDefs
- where
- compDefs (Topo defs) = Topo <$> mapM compDef defs
+-- compileDecisionTrees :: MTypeDefs -> Inferred.Defs -> Except TypeErr Checked.Defs
+-- compileDecisionTrees tdefs = compDefs
+-- where
+-- compDefs (Topo defs) = Topo <$> mapM compDef defs
- compDef :: Inferred.Def -> Except TypeErr Checked.Def
- compDef = \case
- Inferred.VarDef (lhs, rhs) -> fmap (Checked.VarDef . (lhs, )) (secondM compExpr rhs)
- Inferred.RecDefs ds -> fmap Checked.RecDefs $ forM ds $ secondM (secondM compFun)
+-- compDef :: Inferred.Def -> Except TypeErr Checked.Def
+-- compDef = \case
+-- Inferred.VarDef (lhs, rhs) -> fmap (Checked.VarDef . (lhs, )) (secondM compExpr rhs)
+-- Inferred.RecDefs ds -> fmap Checked.RecDefs $ forM ds $ secondM (secondM compFun)
- compFun (params, (body, tbody)) = do
- body' <- compExpr body
- pure (params, (body', tbody))
+-- compFun (params, (body, tbody)) = do
+-- body' <- compExpr body
+-- pure (params, (body', tbody))
- compMatch :: Inferred.Match -> Except TypeErr Checked.Expr
- compMatch (WithPos pos (ms, cs, tps, tb)) = do
- ms' <- mapM compExpr ms
- cs' <- mapM (secondM compExpr) cs
- case runExceptT (toDecisionTree tdefs pos tps cs') of
- Nothing -> pure (Checked.Absurd tb)
- Just e -> do
- dt <- liftEither e
- pure (Checked.Match ms' dt)
+-- compMatch :: Inferred.Match -> Except TypeErr Checked.Expr
+-- compMatch (WithPos pos (ms, cs, tps, tb)) = do
+-- ms' <- mapM compExpr ms
+-- cs' <- mapM (secondM compExpr) cs
+-- case runExceptT (toDecisionTree tdefs pos tps cs') of
+-- Nothing -> pure (Checked.Absurd tb)
+-- Just e -> do
+-- dt <- liftEither e
+-- pure (Checked.Match ms' dt)
- compExpr :: Inferred.Expr -> Except TypeErr Checked.Expr
- compExpr ex = case ex of
- Inferred.Lit c -> pure (Checked.Lit c)
- Inferred.Var (virt, Inferred.TypedVar x t) ->
- pure (Checked.Var (virt, Checked.TypedVar x t))
- Inferred.App f as _ -> liftA2 Checked.App (compExpr f) (mapM compExpr as)
- Inferred.If p c a -> liftA3 Checked.If (compExpr p) (compExpr c) (compExpr a)
- Inferred.Let ld b -> liftA2 Checked.Let (compDef ld) (compExpr b)
- Inferred.Fun f -> fmap Checked.Fun (compFun f)
- Inferred.Match m -> compMatch m
- Inferred.Ctor v span' inst ts ->
- let xs = map (\n -> "x" ++ show n) (take (length ts) [0 ..] :: [Word])
- params = zip xs ts
- args = map (Checked.Var . (NonVirt, ) . uncurry Checked.TypedVar) params
- ret = Checked.Ction v span' inst args
- tret = Inferred.TConst inst
- in pure $ if null params then ret else Checked.Fun (params, (ret, tret))
- Inferred.Sizeof t -> pure (Checked.Sizeof t)
+-- compExpr :: Inferred.Expr -> Except TypeErr Checked.Expr
+-- compExpr ex = case ex of
+-- Inferred.Lit c -> pure (Checked.Lit c)
+-- Inferred.Var (virt, Inferred.TypedVar x t) ->
+-- pure (Checked.Var (virt, Checked.TypedVar x t))
+-- Inferred.App f as _ -> liftA2 Checked.App (compExpr f) (mapM compExpr as)
+-- Inferred.If p c a -> liftA3 Checked.If (compExpr p) (compExpr c) (compExpr a)
+-- Inferred.Let ld b -> liftA2 Checked.Let (compDef ld) (compExpr b)
+-- Inferred.Fun f -> fmap Checked.Fun (compFun f)
+-- Inferred.Match m -> compMatch m
+-- Inferred.Ctor v span' inst ts ->
+-- let xs = map (\n -> "x" ++ show n) (take (length ts) [0 ..] :: [Word])
+-- params = zip xs ts
+-- args = map (Checked.Var . (NonVirt, ) . uncurry Checked.TypedVar) params
+-- ret = Checked.Ction v span' inst args
+-- tret = Inferred.TConst inst
+-- in pure $ if null params then ret else Checked.Fun (params, (ret, tret))
+-- Inferred.Sizeof t -> pure (Checked.Sizeof t)
M src/Front/Checked.hs => src/Front/Checked.hs +121 -96
@@ 1,102 1,127 @@
-module Front.Checked
- ( module Front.Checked
- , TVar(..)
- , TPrim(..)
- , Type
- , TConst
- , TConst'
- , Type'(..)
- , Scheme(..)
- , VariantIx
- , Span
- , Con(..)
- , mainType
- , Virt (..)
- )
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import Data.Word
-import Data.Bifunctor
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Misc
-import Front.Inferred
- ( TVar(..)
- , TConst
- , Type
- , Scheme(..)
- , Const(..)
- , VariantIx
- , Span
- , Con(..)
- , Virt(..)
- )
-import Front.TypeAst
-data TypedVar = TypedVar String Type
- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+module Front.Checked where
+import Front.Abstract
data Access
- = TopSel Word32 -- type of selectee
+ = TopSel Word -- type of selectee
| As Access Span VariantIx
- | Sel Access Word32 Span
+ | Sel Access Word Span
| ADeref Access
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-type VarBindings = Map TypedVar Access
-data DecisionTree
- = DLeaf (VarBindings, Expr)
- | DSwitch Span Access (Map VariantIx DecisionTree) DecisionTree
- | DSwitchStr Access (Map String DecisionTree) DecisionTree
- deriving Show
-type Fun = ([(String, Type)], (Expr, Type))
-type Var = (Virt, TypedVar)
-data Expr
- = Lit Const
- | Var Var
- | App Expr [Expr]
- | If Expr Expr Expr
- | Fun Fun
- | Let Def Expr
- | Match [Expr] DecisionTree
- | Ction VariantIx Span TConst [Expr]
- | Sizeof Type
- | Absurd Type
- deriving (Show)
-builtinExterns :: Map String Type
-builtinExterns = Map.fromList
- [ ("GC_add_roots", TFun [TBox tUnit, TBox tUnit] tUnit)
- , ("GC_malloc", TFun [TPrim TNatSize] (TBox tUnit))
- , ("malloc", TFun [TPrim TNatSize] (TBox tUnit))
- , ("str_eq", TFun [tStr, tStr] tBool)
- , ("carth_backtrace_push", TFun [tStr] tUnit)
- , ("carth_backtrace_pop", TFun [] tUnit)
- ]
-type Defs = TopologicalOrder Def
-data Def = VarDef VarDef | RecDefs RecDefs deriving Show
-type VarDef = (String, (Scheme, Expr))
-type RecDefs = [(String, (Scheme, Fun))]
-type TypeDefs = Map String ([TVar], [(String, [Type])])
-type Externs = Map String Type
-data Program = Program Defs TypeDefs Externs
- deriving Show
-flattenDefs :: Defs -> [(String, (Scheme, Expr))]
-flattenDefs (Topo defs) = defToVarDefs =<< defs
-defToVarDefs :: Def -> [(String, (Scheme, Expr))]
-defToVarDefs = \case
- VarDef d -> [d]
- RecDefs ds -> map funDefToVarDef ds
-funDefToVarDef :: (String, (Scheme, Fun)) -> VarDef
-funDefToVarDef = second (second Fun)
+-- type VarBindings = Map TypedVar Access
+-- data DecisionTree
+-- = DLeaf (VarBindings, Expr)
+-- | DSwitch Span Access (Map VariantIx DecisionTree) DecisionTree
+-- | DSwitchStr Access (Map String DecisionTree) DecisionTree
+-- deriving Show
+-- type CheckedExpr = Expr DecisionTree
+-- module Front.Checked
+-- ( module Front.Checked
+-- , TVar(..)
+-- , TPrim(..)
+-- , Type
+-- , TConst
+-- , TConst'
+-- , Type'(..)
+-- , Scheme(..)
+-- , VariantIx
+-- , Span
+-- , Con(..)
+-- -- , mainType
+-- , Virt (..)
+-- )
+-- where
+-- import Data.Map (Map)
+-- import Data.Word
+-- import Data.Bifunctor
+-- import qualified Data.Map as Map
+-- import Misc
+-- import Name
+-- import Front.Inferred
+-- ( TVar(..)
+-- , TConst
+-- , Type
+-- , Scheme(..)
+-- , Const(..)
+-- , VariantIx
+-- , Span
+-- , Con(..)
+-- )
+-- import Front.TypeAst
+-- data TypedVar = TypedVar String Type
+-- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+-- data Access
+-- = TopSel Word32 -- type of selectee
+-- | As Access Span VariantIx
+-- | Sel Access Word32 Span
+-- | ADeref Access
+-- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+-- type VarBindings = Map TypedVar Access
+-- data DecisionTree
+-- = DLeaf (VarBindings, Expr)
+-- | DSwitch Span Access (Map VariantIx DecisionTree) DecisionTree
+-- | DSwitchStr Access (Map String DecisionTree) DecisionTree
+-- deriving Show
+-- type Fun = ([(String, Type)], (Expr, Type))
+-- type Var = (Virt, TypedVar)
+-- data Expr
+-- = Lit Const
+-- | Var Var
+-- | App Expr [Expr]
+-- | If Expr Expr Expr
+-- | Fun Fun
+-- | Let Def Expr
+-- | Match [Expr] DecisionTree
+-- | Ction VariantIx Span TConst [Expr]
+-- | Sizeof Type
+-- | Absurd Type
+-- deriving (Show)
+-- builtinExterns :: Map String Type
+-- builtinExterns = Map.fromList
+-- [ ("GC_add_roots", TFun [TBox tUnit, TBox tUnit] tUnit)
+-- , ("GC_malloc", TFun [TPrim TNatSize] (TBox tUnit))
+-- , ("malloc", TFun [TPrim TNatSize] (TBox tUnit))
+-- , ("str_eq", TFun [tStr, tStr] tBool)
+-- , ("carth_backtrace_push", TFun [tStr] tUnit)
+-- , ("carth_backtrace_pop", TFun [] tUnit)
+-- ]
+-- where
+-- tUnit = TConst (QName (Ident "Unit") QMBuiltin, [])
+-- tStr = TConst (QName (Ident "Str") QMBuiltin, [])
+-- tBool = TConst (QName (Ident "Bool") QMBuiltin, [])
+-- type Defs = TopologicalOrder Def
+-- data Def = VarDef VarDef | RecDefs RecDefs deriving Show
+-- type VarDef = (String, (Scheme, Expr))
+-- type RecDefs = [(String, (Scheme, Fun))]
+-- type TypeDefs = Map String ([TVar], [(String, [Type])])
+-- type Externs = Map String Type
+-- data Program = Program Defs TypeDefs Externs
+-- deriving Show
+-- flattenDefs :: Defs -> [(String, (Scheme, Expr))]
+-- flattenDefs (Topo defs) = defToVarDefs =<< defs
+-- defToVarDefs :: Def -> [(String, (Scheme, Expr))]
+-- defToVarDefs = \case
+-- VarDef d -> [d]
+-- RecDefs ds -> map funDefToVarDef ds
+-- funDefToVarDef :: (String, (Scheme, Fun)) -> VarDef
+-- funDefToVarDef = second (second Fun)
A src/Front/Concrete.hs => src/Front/Concrete.hs +175 -0
@@ 0,0 1,175 @@
+-- {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+-- | Concrete syntax tree / parse tree
+-- Not actually 100% concrete, because of macros, but it's close.
+module Front.Concrete (module Front.Concrete, Const (..), TPrim (..), Ident (..)) where
+-- import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Data.Set (Set)
+-- import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
+-- import Data.Bifunctor
+import Name
+import SrcPos
+-- import FreeVars
+import Front.TypeAst
+import Front.Lexd (Const (..))
+type LhsName = WithPos Ident
+type ClassConstraint t n = (n, [(SrcPos, t)])
+data Scheme t n = Forall SrcPos (Set TVar) (Set (ClassConstraint t n)) t
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Pat n
+ = PConstruction SrcPos n [Pat n]
+ | PInt SrcPos Int
+ | PStr SrcPos String
+ | PVar LhsName
+ | PBox SrcPos (Pat n)
+ | PTuple SrcPos (Tuple (Pat n))
+ -- TODO: Add special pattern for Lazy
+ deriving (Show)
+type FunPats n = WithPos [Pat n]
+data Tuple a = Tuple [a] (Maybe a)
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+data Expr' t n
+ = Lit Const
+ | Var n
+ | App (Expr t n) [Expr t n]
+ | If (Expr t n) (Expr t n) (Expr t n)
+ | Let1 (DefLike t n) (Expr t n)
+ | Let [DefLike t n] (Expr t n)
+ | LetRec [Def t n] (Expr t n)
+ | TypeAscr (Expr t n) t
+ | Match (Expr t n) [(Pat n, Expr t n)]
+ | Fun (FunPats n) (Expr t n)
+ | DeBruijnFun Word (Expr t n)
+ | DeBruijnIndex Word
+ | FunMatch [(FunPats n, Expr t n)]
+ | Ctor n
+ | Sizeof t
+ | ETuple (Tuple (Expr t n))
+ deriving (Show)
+type Expr t n = WithPos (Expr' t n)
+data Def t n
+ = VarDef SrcPos LhsName (Maybe (Scheme t n)) (Expr t n)
+ | FunDef SrcPos LhsName (Maybe (Scheme t n)) (FunPats n) (Expr t n)
+ | FunMatchDef SrcPos LhsName (Maybe (Scheme t n)) [(FunPats n, Expr t n)]
+ deriving (Show)
+data DefLike t n = Def (Def t n) | Deconstr (Pat n) (Expr t n)
+ deriving (Show)
+newtype ConstructorDefs t = ConstructorDefs [(LhsName, [t])]
+ deriving (Show)
+data TypeDef t
+ = TypeDef LhsName [LhsName] (ConstructorDefs t)
+ | TypeAlias LhsName [LhsName] t
+ deriving (Show)
+data Extern t = Extern
+ { externName :: LhsName
+ , externType :: t
+ }
+ deriving Show
+data Module t n = Module
+ { moduleImports :: [n]
+ , moduleDefs :: [Def t n]
+ , moduleTypes :: [TypeDef t]
+ , moduleExterns :: [Extern t]
+ }
+ deriving Show
+-- instance Eq Pat where
+-- (==) = curry $ \case
+-- (PConstruction _ x ps, PConstruction _ x' ps') -> x == x' && ps == ps'
+-- (PVar x, PVar x') -> x == x'
+-- _ -> False
+-- instance FreeVars Def Ident where
+-- freeVars = \case
+-- VarDef _ _ _ rhs -> freeVars rhs
+-- FunDef _ _ _ pats rhs ->
+-- Set.difference (freeVars rhs) (Set.unions (map bvPat (unpos pats)))
+-- FunMatchDef _ _ _ cs -> fvCases (map (first unpos) cs)
+-- instance FreeVars DefLike Ident where
+-- freeVars = \case
+-- Def d -> freeVars d
+-- Deconstr _ matchee -> freeVars matchee
+-- instance FreeVars Expr Ident where
+-- freeVars = fvExpr
+-- instance HasPos (Id a) where
+-- getPos (Id x) = getPos x
+-- instance HasPos Pat where
+-- getPos = \case
+-- PConstruction p _ _ -> p
+-- PInt p _ -> p
+-- PStr p _ -> p
+-- PVar v -> getPos v
+-- PBox p _ -> p
+-- fvExpr :: Expr -> Set Ident
+-- fvExpr = unpos >>> fvExpr'
+-- where
+-- fvExpr' = \case
+-- Lit _ -> Set.empty
+-- Var x -> Set.singleton x
+-- App f as -> fvApp f as
+-- If p c a -> fvIf p c a
+-- Let1 b e -> Set.union (freeVars b) (Set.difference (freeVars e) (bvDefLike b))
+-- Let bs e -> foldr
+-- (\b fvs -> Set.union (freeVars b) (Set.difference fvs (bvDefLike b)))
+-- (freeVars e)
+-- bs
+-- LetRec ds e -> fvLet (unzip (map (\d -> (defLhs d, d)) ds)) e
+-- TypeAscr e _t -> freeVars e
+-- Match e cs -> fvMatch e cs
+-- Fun (WithPos _ pats) e -> Set.difference (freeVars e) (Set.unions (map bvPat pats))
+-- DeBruijnFun _ body -> freeVars body
+-- DeBruijnIndex _ -> Set.empty
+-- FunMatch cs -> fvCases (map (first unpos) cs)
+-- Ctor _ -> Set.empty
+-- Sizeof _t -> Set.empty
+-- bvDefLike = \case
+-- Def d -> Set.singleton (defLhs d)
+-- Deconstr pat _ -> bvPat pat
+-- defLhs :: Def -> Ident
+-- defLhs = \case
+-- VarDef _ lhs _ _ -> lhs
+-- FunDef _ lhs _ _ _ -> lhs
+-- FunMatchDef _ lhs _ _ -> lhs
+-- fvMatch :: Expr -> [(Pat, Expr)] -> Set Ident
+-- fvMatch e cs = Set.union (freeVars e) (fvCases (map (first pure) cs))
+-- fvCases :: [([Pat], Expr)] -> Set Ident
+-- fvCases = Set.unions . map (\(ps, e) -> Set.difference (freeVars e) (Set.unions (map bvPat ps)))
+-- bvPat :: Pat -> Set Ident
+-- bvPat = \case
+-- PConstruction _ _ ps -> Set.unions (map bvPat ps)
+-- PInt _ _ -> Set.empty
+-- PStr _ _ -> Set.empty
+-- PVar x -> Set.singleton x
+-- PBox _ p -> bvPat p
+-- idstr :: Id a -> String
+-- idstr (Id (WithPos _ x)) = x
M src/Front/Err.hs => src/Front/Err.hs +7 -6
@@ 5,10 5,11 @@ module Front.Err (module Front.Err, TypeErr(..)) where
import Text.Megaparsec (match)
import Misc
-import Front.SrcPos
+import SrcPos
+import Name
import Front.TypeAst
-import qualified Front.Parsed as Parsed
-import Front.Inferred
+import Front.Abstract
+--import Front.Inferred
import Pretty
import Front.Lex
@@ 50,7 51,7 @@ printTypeErr = \case
RedundantCase p -> posd p "Redundant case in pattern match."
InexhaustivePats p patStr -> posd p $ "Inexhaustive patterns: " ++ patStr ++ " not covered."
ExternNotMonomorphic name tv -> case tv of
- TVExplicit (Parsed.Id (WithPos p tv')) ->
+ TVExplicit (WithPos p (Ident tv')) ->
posd p
$ ("Extern " ++ pretty name ++ " is not monomorphic. ")
++ ("Type variable " ++ tv' ++ " encountered in type signature")
@@ 61,7 62,7 @@ printTypeErr = \case
$ ("Type `" ++ x ++ "` ")
++ "has infinite size due to recursion without indirection.\n"
++ "Insert a pointer at some point to make it representable."
- UndefType p x -> posd p $ "Undefined type `" ++ x ++ "`."
+ UndefType p x -> posd p $ "Undefined type `" ++ pretty x ++ "`."
WrongMainType p s ->
posd p
$ "Incorrect type of `main`.\n"
@@ 71,7 72,7 @@ printTypeErr = \case
posd p ("Non-function variable definition `" ++ x ++ "` is recursive.")
TypeInstArityMismatch p t expected found ->
posd p
- $ ("Arity mismatch for instantiation of type `" ++ t)
+ $ ("Arity mismatch for instantiation of type `" ++ pretty t)
++ ("`.\nExpected " ++ show expected)
++ (", found " ++ show found)
ConflictingVarDef p x -> posd p $ "Conflicting definitions for variable `" ++ x ++ "`."
M src/Front/Infer.hs => src/Front/Infer.hs +710 -700
@@ 1,704 1,714 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, DataKinds, RankNTypes #-}
-module Front.Infer (inferTopDefs, checkType, checkTConst) where
+module Front.Infer () where
import Prelude hiding (span)
-import Lens.Micro.Platform (makeLenses, over, view, mapped, to, Lens')
-import Control.Applicative hiding (Const(..))
-import Control.Monad.Except
-import Control.Monad.Reader
-import Control.Monad.State.Strict
-import Control.Monad.Writer
-import Data.Bifunctor
-import Data.Functor
-import Data.Graph (SCC(..), stronglyConnComp)
-import Data.List hiding (span)
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import Data.Maybe
-import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import Data.Set (Set)
-import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
-import Misc
-import Sizeof
-import Front.SrcPos
-import FreeVars
-import Front.Subst
-import qualified Front.Parsed as Parsed
-import Front.Parsed (Id(..), IdCase(..), idstr, defLhs)
-import Front.Err
-import Front.Inferred
-import Front.TypeAst hiding (TConst)
-newtype ExpectedType = Expected Type
-data FoundType = Found SrcPos Type
-unFound :: FoundType -> Type
-unFound (Found _ t) = t
-type EqConstraint = (ExpectedType, FoundType)
-type Constraints = ([EqConstraint], [(SrcPos, ClassConstraint)])
-data Env = Env
- { _envTypeDefs :: TypeDefs
- -- Separarate global (and virtual) defs and local defs, because `generalize` only has to look
- -- at local defs.
- , _envVirtuals :: Map String Scheme
- , _envGlobDefs :: Map String Scheme
- , _envLocalDefs :: Map String Scheme
- -- | Maps a constructor to its variant index in the type definition it constructs, the
- -- signature/left-hand-side of the type definition, the types of its parameters, and the span
- -- (number of constructors) of the datatype
- , _envCtors :: Map String (VariantIx, (String, [TVar]), [Type], Span)
- , _freshParams :: [String]
- , _envDeBruijn :: [TypedVar]
- }
-makeLenses ''Env
-type FreshTVs = [String]
-type Infer a = WriterT Constraints (ReaderT Env (StateT FreshTVs (Except TypeErr))) a
-inferTopDefs :: TypeDefs -> Ctors -> Externs -> [Parsed.Def] -> Except TypeErr Defs
-inferTopDefs tdefs ctors externs defs =
- let initEnv = Env { _envTypeDefs = tdefs
- , _envVirtuals = builtinVirtuals
- , _envGlobDefs = fmap (Forall Set.empty Set.empty) externs
- , _envLocalDefs = Map.empty
- , _envCtors = ctors
- , _freshParams = freshParams
- , _envDeBruijn = []
- }
- freshTvs =
- let ls = "abcdehjkpqrstuvxyz"
- ns = map show [1 :: Word .. 99]
- vs = [ l : n | l <- ls, n <- ns ] ++ [ l : v | l <- ls, v <- vs ]
- in vs
- freshParams = map (("generated/param" ++) . show) [0 :: Word ..]
- in evalStateT (runReaderT (fmap fst (runWriterT (inferDefs envGlobDefs defs))) initEnv)
- freshTvs
- where
- builtinVirtuals :: Map String Scheme
- builtinVirtuals =
- let
- tv a = TVExplicit (Parsed.Id (WithPos (SrcPos "<builtin>" 0 0 Nothing) a))
- tva = tv "a"
- ta = TVar tva
- tvb = tv "b"
- tb = TVar tvb
- arithScm =
- Forall (Set.fromList [tva]) (Set.singleton ("Num", [ta])) (TFun [ta, ta] ta)
- bitwiseScm =
- Forall (Set.fromList [tva]) (Set.singleton ("Bitwise", [ta])) (TFun [ta, ta] ta)
- relScm =
- Forall (Set.fromList [tva]) (Set.singleton ("Ord", [ta])) (TFun [ta, ta] tBool)
- in
- Map.fromList
- [ ("+", arithScm)
- , ("-", arithScm)
- , ("*", arithScm)
- , ("/", arithScm)
- , ("rem", arithScm)
- , ("shift-l", bitwiseScm)
- , ("lshift-r", bitwiseScm)
- , ("ashift-r", bitwiseScm)
- , ("bit-and", bitwiseScm)
- , ("bit-or", bitwiseScm)
- , ("bit-xor", bitwiseScm)
- , ("=", relScm)
- , ("/=", relScm)
- , (">", relScm)
- , (">=", relScm)
- , ("<", relScm)
- , ("<=", relScm)
- , ( "transmute"
- , Forall (Set.fromList [tva, tvb])
- (Set.singleton ("SameSize", [ta, tb]))
- (TFun [ta] tb)
- )
- , ("deref", Forall (Set.fromList [tva]) Set.empty (TFun [TBox ta] ta))
- , ("store", Forall (Set.fromList [tva]) Set.empty (TFun [ta, TBox ta] (TBox ta)))
- , ( "cast"
- , Forall (Set.fromList [tva, tvb])
- (Set.singleton ("Cast", [ta, tb]))
- (TFun [ta] tb)
- )
- ]
-checkType :: MonadError TypeErr m => (Parsed.TConst -> m Type) -> Parsed.Type -> m Type
-checkType checkTConst = go
- where
- go = \case
- Parsed.TVar v -> pure (TVar v)
- Parsed.TPrim p -> pure (TPrim p)
- Parsed.TConst tc -> checkTConst tc
- Parsed.TFun ps r -> liftA2 TFun (mapM go ps) (go r)
- Parsed.TBox t -> fmap TBox (go t)
--- TODO: Include SrcPos in Parsed.Type. The `pos` we're given here likely doesn't quite make sense.
-checkType' :: SrcPos -> Parsed.Type -> Infer Type
-checkType' pos t = do
- tdefs <- view envTypeDefs
- checkType (checkTConst tdefs pos) t
-checkTConst :: MonadError TypeErr m => TypeDefs -> SrcPos -> Parsed.TConst -> m Type
-checkTConst tdefs pos (x, args) = case Map.lookup x tdefs of
- Nothing -> throwError (UndefType pos x)
- Just (params, Data _) ->
- let expectedN = length params
- foundN = length args
- in if expectedN == foundN
- then do
- args' <- mapM go args
- pure (TConst (x, args'))
- else throwError (TypeInstArityMismatch pos x expectedN foundN)
- Just (params, Alias _ u) -> subst (Map.fromList (zip params args)) <$> go u
- where go = checkType (checkTConst tdefs pos)
-inferDefs :: Lens' Env (Map String Scheme) -> [Parsed.Def] -> Infer Defs
-inferDefs envDefs defs = do
- checkNoDuplicateDefs Set.empty defs
- let ordered = orderDefs defs
- foldr
- (\scc inferRest -> do
- def <- inferComponent scc
- Topo rest <- augment envDefs (Map.fromList (defSigs def)) inferRest
- pure (Topo (def : rest))
- )
- (pure (Topo []))
- ordered
- where
- checkNoDuplicateDefs :: Set String -> [Parsed.Def] -> Infer ()
- checkNoDuplicateDefs already = uncons >>> fmap (first defLhs) >>> \case
- Just (Id (WithPos p x), ds) -> if Set.member x already
- then throwError (ConflictingVarDef p x)
- else checkNoDuplicateDefs (Set.insert x already) ds
- Nothing -> pure ()
--- For unification to work properly with mutually recursive functions, we need to create a
--- dependency graph of non-recursive / directly-recursive functions and groups of mutual
--- functions. We do this by creating a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of strongly connected
--- components (SCC), where a node is a definition and an edge is a reference to another
--- definition. For each SCC, we infer types for all the definitions / the single definition before
--- generalizing.
-orderDefs :: [Parsed.Def] -> [SCC Parsed.Def]
-orderDefs = stronglyConnComp . graph
- where graph = map (\d -> (d, defLhs d, Set.toList (freeVars d)))
-inferComponent :: SCC Parsed.Def -> Infer Def
-inferComponent = \case
- AcyclicSCC vert -> fmap VarDef (inferNonrecDef vert)
- CyclicSCC verts -> fmap RecDefs (inferRecDefs verts)
-inferNonrecDef :: Parsed.Def -> Infer VarDef
-inferNonrecDef = \case
- Parsed.FunDef dpos lhs mayscm params body -> do
- t <- fresh
- mayscm' <- checkScheme (idstr lhs) mayscm
- (fun, cs) <- listen $ inferDef t mayscm' dpos (inferFun dpos params body)
- (sub, ccs) <- solve cs
- env <- view envLocalDefs
- scm <- generalize (substEnv sub env) (fmap _scmConstraints mayscm') ccs (subst sub t)
- let fun' = substFun sub fun
- pure (idstr lhs, (scm, Fun fun'))
- Parsed.FunMatchDef dpos lhs mayscm cases -> do
- t <- fresh
- mayscm' <- checkScheme (idstr lhs) mayscm
- (fun, cs) <- listen $ inferDef t mayscm' dpos (inferFunMatch dpos cases)
- (sub, ccs) <- solve cs
- env <- view envLocalDefs
- scm <- generalize (substEnv sub env) (fmap _scmConstraints mayscm') ccs (subst sub t)
- let fun' = substFun sub fun
- pure (idstr lhs, (scm, Fun fun'))
- Parsed.VarDef dpos lhs mayscm body -> do
- t <- fresh
- mayscm' <- checkScheme (idstr lhs) mayscm
- (body', cs) <- listen $ inferDef t mayscm' dpos (infer body)
- -- TODO: Can't we get rid of this somehow? It makes our solution more complex and expensive
- -- if we have to do nested solves. Also re-solves many constraints in vain.
- --
- -- I think we should switch to bidirectional type checking. This will be fixed then.
- (sub, ccs) <- solve cs
- env <- view envLocalDefs
- scm <- generalize (substEnv sub env) (fmap _scmConstraints mayscm') ccs (subst sub t)
- let body'' = substExpr sub body'
- pure (idstr lhs, (scm, body''))
-inferRecDefs :: [Parsed.Def] -> Infer RecDefs
-inferRecDefs ds = do
- (names, mayscms', ts) <- fmap unzip3 $ forM ds $ \d -> do
- let (name, mayscm) = first idstr $ case d of
- Parsed.FunDef _ x s _ _ -> (x, s)
- Parsed.FunMatchDef _ x s _ -> (x, s)
- Parsed.VarDef _ x s _ -> (x, s)
- t <- fresh
- mayscm' <- checkScheme name mayscm
- pure (name, mayscm', t)
- let dummyDefs = Map.fromList $ zip names (map (Forall Set.empty Set.empty) ts)
- (fs, ucs) <- listen $ augment envLocalDefs dummyDefs $ mapM (uncurry3 inferRecDef)
- (zip3 mayscms' ts ds)
- (sub, cs) <- solve ucs
- env <- view envLocalDefs
- scms <- zipWithM
- (\s -> generalize (substEnv sub env) (fmap _scmConstraints s) cs . subst sub)
- mayscms'
- ts
- let fs' = map (substFun sub) fs
- pure (zip names (zip scms fs'))
- where
- inferRecDef :: Maybe Scheme -> Type -> Parsed.Def -> Infer Fun
- inferRecDef mayscm t = \case
- Parsed.FunDef fpos _ _ params body -> inferDef t mayscm fpos $ inferFun fpos params body
- Parsed.FunMatchDef fpos _ _ cases -> inferDef t mayscm fpos $ inferFunMatch fpos cases
- Parsed.VarDef fpos _ _ (WithPos pos (Parsed.Fun params body)) ->
- inferDef t mayscm fpos (inferFun pos params body)
- Parsed.VarDef fpos _ _ (WithPos pos (Parsed.FunMatch cs)) ->
- inferDef t mayscm fpos (inferFunMatch pos cs)
- Parsed.VarDef _ (Id lhs) _ _ -> throwError (RecursiveVarDef lhs)
-inferDef :: Type -> Maybe Scheme -> SrcPos -> Infer (Type, body) -> Infer body
-inferDef t mayscm bodyPos inferBody = do
- whenJust mayscm $ \(Forall _ _ scmt) -> unify (Expected scmt) (Found bodyPos t)
- (t', body') <- inferBody
- unify (Expected t) (Found bodyPos t')
- pure body'
--- | Verify that user-provided type signature schemes are valid
-checkScheme :: String -> Maybe Parsed.Scheme -> Infer (Maybe Scheme)
-checkScheme = curry $ \case
- ("main", Nothing) -> pure (Just (Forall Set.empty Set.empty mainType))
- ("main", Just s@(Parsed.Forall pos vs cs t))
- | Set.size vs /= 0 || Set.size cs /= 0 || t /= mainType -> throwError (WrongMainType pos s)
- (_, Nothing) -> pure Nothing
- (_, Just (Parsed.Forall pos vs cs t)) -> do
- t' <- checkType' pos t
- cs' <- mapM (secondM (mapM (uncurry checkType'))) (Set.toList cs)
- let s1 = Forall vs (Set.fromList cs') t'
- env <- view envLocalDefs
- s2@(Forall vs2 _ t2) <- generalize env (Just (_scmConstraints s1)) Map.empty t'
- if (vs, t') == (vs2, t2) then pure (Just s1) else throwError (InvalidUserTypeSig pos s1 s2)
-infer :: Parsed.Expr -> Infer (Type, Expr)
-infer (WithPos pos e) = case e of
- Parsed.Lit l -> pure (litType l, Lit l)
- Parsed.Var (Id (WithPos p "_")) -> throwError (FoundHole p)
- Parsed.Var x -> fmap (second Var) (lookupVar x)
- Parsed.App f as -> do
- tas <- mapM (const fresh) as
- tr <- fresh
- (tf', f') <- infer f
- case tf' of
- TFun tps _ -> unless (length tps == length tas)
- $ throwError (FunArityMismatch pos (length tps) (length tas))
- _ -> pure () -- If it's not k
- (tas', as') <- unzip <$> mapM infer as
- unify (Expected (TFun tas tr)) (Found (getPos f) tf')
- forM_ (zip3 as tas tas') $ \(a, ta, ta') -> unify (Expected ta) (Found (getPos a) ta')
- pure (tr, App f' as' tr)
- Parsed.If p c a -> do
- (tp, p') <- infer p
- (tc, c') <- infer c
- (ta, a') <- infer a
- unify (Expected tBool) (Found (getPos p) tp)
- unify (Expected tc) (Found (getPos a) ta)
- pure (tc, If p' c' a')
- Parsed.Let1 def body -> inferLet1 pos def body
- Parsed.Let defs body ->
- -- FIXME: positions
- let (def, defs') = fromJust $ uncons defs
- in inferLet1 pos def $ foldr (\d b -> WithPos pos (Parsed.Let1 d b)) body defs'
- Parsed.LetRec defs b -> do
- Topo defs' <- inferDefs envLocalDefs defs
- let withDef def inferX = do
- (tx, x') <- withLocals (defSigs def) inferX
- pure (tx, Let def x')
- foldr withDef (infer b) defs'
- Parsed.TypeAscr x t -> do
- (tx, x') <- infer x
- t' <- checkType' pos t
- unify (Expected t') (Found (getPos x) tx)
- pure (t', x')
- Parsed.Fun param body -> fmap (second Fun) (inferFun pos param body)
- Parsed.DeBruijnFun nparams body -> fmap (second Fun) (inferDeBruijnFun nparams body)
- Parsed.DeBruijnIndex ix -> do
- args <- view envDeBruijn
- if fromIntegral ix < length args
- then let tv@(TypedVar _ t) = args !! fromIntegral ix in pure (t, Var (NonVirt, tv))
- else throwError (DeBruijnIndexOutOfRange pos ix)
- Parsed.FunMatch cases -> fmap (second Fun) (inferFunMatch pos cases)
- Parsed.Match matchee cases -> inferMatch pos matchee cases
- Parsed.Ctor c -> do
- (variantIx, tdefLhs, cParams, cSpan) <- lookupEnvConstructor c
- (tdefInst, cParams') <- instantiateConstructorOfTypeDef tdefLhs cParams
- let tCtion = TConst tdefInst
- let t = if null cParams' then tCtion else TFun cParams' tCtion
- pure (t, Ctor variantIx cSpan tdefInst cParams')
- Parsed.Sizeof t -> fmap ((TPrim TNatSize, ) . Sizeof) (checkType' pos t)
-inferLet1 :: SrcPos -> Parsed.DefLike -> Parsed.Expr -> Infer (Type, Expr)
-inferLet1 pos defl body = case defl of
- Parsed.Def def -> do
- def' <- inferNonrecDef def
- (t, body') <- augment1 envLocalDefs (defSig def') (infer body)
- pure (t, Let (VarDef def') body')
- Parsed.Deconstr pat matchee -> inferMatch pos matchee [(pat, body)]
-inferMatch :: SrcPos -> Parsed.Expr -> [(Parsed.Pat, Parsed.Expr)] -> Infer (Type, Expr)
-inferMatch pos matchee cases = do
- (tmatchee, matchee') <- infer matchee
- (tbody, cases') <- inferCases [tmatchee]
- (map (first (\pat -> WithPos (getPos pat) [pat])) cases)
- pure (tbody, Match (WithPos pos ([matchee'], cases', [tmatchee], tbody)))
-inferFun :: SrcPos -> Parsed.FunPats -> Parsed.Expr -> Infer (Type, Fun)
-inferFun pos pats body = do
- (tpats, tbody, case') <- inferCase pats body
- let tpats' = map unFound tpats
- funMatchToFun pos [case'] tpats' (unFound tbody)
-inferDeBruijnFun :: Word -> Parsed.Expr -> Infer (Type, Fun)
-inferDeBruijnFun nparams body = genParams nparams $ \paramNames -> do
- tparams <- replicateM (fromIntegral nparams) fresh
- let params = zip paramNames tparams
- paramSigs = map (second (Forall Set.empty Set.empty)) params
- args = map (uncurry TypedVar) params
- (tbody, body') <- locallySet envDeBruijn args $ withLocals paramSigs (infer body)
- pure (TFun tparams tbody, (params, (body', tbody)))
-inferFunMatch :: SrcPos -> [(Parsed.FunPats, Parsed.Expr)] -> Infer (Type, Fun)
-inferFunMatch pos cases = do
- arity <- checkCasePatternsArity
- tpats <- replicateM arity fresh
- (tbody, cases') <- inferCases tpats cases
- funMatchToFun pos cases' tpats tbody
- where
- checkCasePatternsArity = case cases of
- [] -> ice "inferFunMatch: checkCasePatternsArity: fun* has no cases, arity 0"
- (pats0, _) : rest -> do
- let arity = length (unpos pats0)
- forM_ rest $ \(WithPos pos pats, _) -> unless
- (length pats == arity)
- (throwError (FunCaseArityMismatch pos arity (length pats)))
- pure arity
-funMatchToFun :: SrcPos -> Cases -> [Type] -> Type -> Infer (Type, Fun)
-funMatchToFun pos cases' tpats tbody = genParams (length tpats) $ \paramNames -> do
- let paramNames' = zipWith fromMaybe paramNames $ case cases' of
- [(WithPos _ ps, _)] -> flip map ps $ \(Pat _ _ p) -> case p of
- PVar (TypedVar x _) -> Just x
- _ -> Nothing
- _ -> repeat Nothing
- params = zip paramNames' tpats
- args = map (Var . (NonVirt, ) . uncurry TypedVar) params
- pure (TFun tpats tbody, (params, (Match (WithPos pos (args, cases', tpats, tbody)), tbody)))
--- | All the patterns must be of the same types, and all the bodies must be of the same type.
- :: [Type] -- Type of matchee(s). Expected type(s) of pattern(s).
- -> [(WithPos [Parsed.Pat], Parsed.Expr)]
- -> Infer (Type, Cases)
-inferCases tmatchees cases = do
- (tpatss, tbodies, cases') <- fmap unzip3 (mapM (uncurry inferCase) cases)
- forM_ tpatss $ zipWithM (unify . Expected) tmatchees
- tbody <- fresh
- forM_ tbodies (unify (Expected tbody))
- pure (tbody, cases')
- :: WithPos [Parsed.Pat] -> Parsed.Expr -> Infer ([FoundType], FoundType, (WithPos [Pat], Expr))
-inferCase (WithPos pos ps) b = do
- (tps, ps', pvss) <- fmap unzip3 (mapM inferPat ps)
- let pvs' = map (bimap Parsed.idstr (Forall Set.empty Set.empty . TVar))
- (Map.toList (Map.unions pvss))
- (tb, b') <- withLocals pvs' (infer b)
- let tps' = zipWith Found (map getPos ps) tps
- pure (tps', Found (getPos b) tb, (WithPos pos ps', b'))
--- | Returns the type of the pattern; the pattern in the Pat format that the Match module wants,
--- and a Map from the variables bound in the pattern to fresh schemes.
-inferPat :: Parsed.Pat -> Infer (Type, Pat, Map (Id 'Small) TVar)
-inferPat pat = fmap (\(t, p, ss) -> (t, Pat (getPos pat) t p, ss)) (inferPat' pat)
- where
- inferPat' = \case
- Parsed.PConstruction pos c ps -> inferPatConstruction pos c ps
- Parsed.PInt _ n -> pure (TPrim TIntSize, intToPCon n 64, Map.empty)
- Parsed.PStr _ s ->
- let span' = ice "span of Con with VariantStr"
- p = PCon (Con (VariantStr s) span' []) []
- in pure (tStr, p, Map.empty)
- Parsed.PVar (Id (WithPos _ "_")) -> do
- tv <- fresh
- pure (tv, PWild, Map.empty)
- Parsed.PVar x@(Id (WithPos _ x')) -> do
- tv <- fresh'
- pure (TVar tv, PVar (TypedVar x' (TVar tv)), Map.singleton x tv)
- Parsed.PBox _ p -> do
- (tp', p', vs) <- inferPat p
- pure (TBox tp', PBox p', vs)
- intToPCon n w = PCon
- (Con { variant = VariantIx (fromIntegral n), span = 2 ^ (w :: Integer), argTs = [] })
- []
- inferPatConstruction
- :: SrcPos -> Id 'Big -> [Parsed.Pat] -> Infer (Type, Pat', Map (Id 'Small) TVar)
- inferPatConstruction pos c cArgs = do
- (variantIx, tdefLhs, cParams, cSpan) <- lookupEnvConstructor c
- let arity = length cParams
- let nArgs = length cArgs
- unless (arity == nArgs) (throwError (CtorArityMismatch pos (idstr c) arity nArgs))
- (tdefInst, cParams') <- instantiateConstructorOfTypeDef tdefLhs cParams
- let t = TConst tdefInst
- (cArgTs, cArgs', cArgsVars) <- fmap unzip3 (mapM inferPat cArgs)
- cArgsVars' <- nonconflictingPatVarDefs cArgsVars
- forM_ (zip3 cParams' cArgTs cArgs)
- $ \(cParamT, cArgT, cArg) -> unify (Expected cParamT) (Found (getPos cArg) cArgT)
- let con = Con { variant = VariantIx variantIx, span = cSpan, argTs = cArgTs }
- pure (t, PCon con cArgs', cArgsVars')
- nonconflictingPatVarDefs = flip foldM Map.empty $ \acc ks ->
- case listToMaybe (Map.keys (Map.intersection acc ks)) of
- Just (Id (WithPos pos v)) -> throwError (ConflictingPatVarDefs pos v)
- Nothing -> pure (Map.union acc ks)
-instantiateConstructorOfTypeDef :: (String, [TVar]) -> [Type] -> Infer (TConst, [Type])
-instantiateConstructorOfTypeDef (tName, tParams) cParams = do
- tVars <- mapM (const fresh) tParams
- let cParams' = map (subst (Map.fromList (zip tParams tVars))) cParams
- pure ((tName, tVars), cParams')
-lookupEnvConstructor :: Id 'Big -> Infer (VariantIx, (String, [TVar]), [Type], Span)
-lookupEnvConstructor (Id (WithPos pos cx)) =
- view (envCtors . to (Map.lookup cx)) >>= maybe (throwError (UndefCtor pos cx)) pure
-litType :: Const -> Type
-litType = \case
- Int _ -> TPrim TIntSize
- F64 _ -> TPrim TF64
- Str _ -> tStr
-lookupVar :: Id 'Small -> Infer (Type, Var)
-lookupVar (Id (WithPos pos x)) = do
- virt <- fmap (Map.lookup x) (view envVirtuals)
- glob <- fmap (Map.lookup x) (view envGlobDefs)
- local <- fmap (Map.lookup x) (view envLocalDefs)
- case fmap (NonVirt, ) (local <|> glob) <|> fmap (Virt, ) virt of
- Just (virt, scm) -> instantiate pos scm <&> \t -> (t, (virt, TypedVar x t))
- Nothing -> throwError (UndefVar pos x)
-genParams :: Integral n => n -> ([String] -> Infer a) -> Infer a
-genParams n f = do
- ps <- view (freshParams . to (take (fromIntegral n)))
- locally freshParams (drop (fromIntegral n)) (f ps)
-withLocals :: [(String, Scheme)] -> Infer a -> Infer a
-withLocals = augment envLocalDefs . Map.fromList
-instantiate :: SrcPos -> Scheme -> Infer Type
-instantiate pos (Forall params constraints t) = do
- s <- Map.fromList <$> zipWithM (fmap . (,)) (Set.toList params) (repeat fresh)
- forM_ constraints $ \c -> unifyClass pos (substClassConstraint s c)
- pure (subst s t)
- :: (MonadError TypeErr m)
- => Map String Scheme
- -> Maybe (Set ClassConstraint)
- -> Map ClassConstraint SrcPos
- -> Type
- -> m Scheme
-generalize env mayGivenCs allCs t = fmap (\cs -> Forall vs cs t) constraints
- where
- -- A constraint should be included in a signature if the type variables include at least one of
- -- the signature's forall-qualified tvars, and the rest of the tvars exist in the surrounding
- -- environment. If a tvar is not from the signature or the environment, it comes from an inner
- -- definition, and should already have been included in that signature.
- --
- -- TODO: Maybe we should handle the propagation of class constraints in a better way, so that
- -- ones belonging to inner definitions no longer exist at this point.
- constraints = fmap (Set.fromList . map fst) $ flip filterM (Map.toList allCs) $ \(c, pos) ->
- let vcs = ftvClassConstraint c
- belongs =
- any (flip Set.member vs) vcs
- && all (\vc -> Set.member vc vs || Set.member vc ftvEnv) vcs
- in if belongs
- then if matchesGiven c then pure True else throwError (NoClassInstance pos c)
- else pure False
- matchesGiven = case mayGivenCs of
- Just gcs -> flip Set.member gcs
- Nothing -> const True
- vs = Set.difference (ftv t) ftvEnv
- ftvEnv = Set.unions (map ftvScheme (Map.elems env))
- ftvScheme (Forall tvs _ t) = Set.difference (ftv t) tvs
-substEnv :: Subst' -> Map String Scheme -> Map String Scheme
-substEnv s = over (mapped . scmBody) (subst s)
-ftvClassConstraint :: ClassConstraint -> Set TVar
-ftvClassConstraint = mconcat . map ftv . snd
-substClassConstraint :: Subst' -> ClassConstraint -> ClassConstraint
-substClassConstraint sub = second (map (subst sub))
-fresh :: Infer Type
-fresh = fmap TVar fresh'
-fresh' :: Infer TVar
-fresh' = fmap TVImplicit (gets head <* modify tail)
-unify :: ExpectedType -> FoundType -> Infer ()
-unify e f = tell ([(e, f)], [])
-unifyClass :: SrcPos -> ClassConstraint -> Infer ()
-unifyClass p c = tell ([], [(p, c)])
-data UnifyErr = UInfType TVar Type | UFailed Type Type
--- TODO: I actually don't really like this approach of keeping the unification solver separate from
--- the inferrer. The approach of doing it "inline" is, at least in some ways, more flexible,
--- and probably more performant. Consider this further -- maybe there's a big con I haven't
--- considered or have forgotten. Will updating the substitution map work well? How would it
--- work for nested inferDefs, compared to now?
-solve :: Constraints -> Infer (Subst', Map ClassConstraint SrcPos)
-solve (eqcs, ccs) = do
- sub <- lift $ lift $ lift $ solveUnis Map.empty eqcs
- ccs' <- solveClassCs (map (second (substClassConstraint sub)) ccs)
- pure (sub, ccs')
- where
- solveUnis :: Subst' -> [EqConstraint] -> Except TypeErr Subst'
- solveUnis sub1 = \case
- [] -> pure sub1
- (Expected et, Found pos ft) : cs -> do
- sub2 <- withExcept (toTypeErr pos et ft) (unifies et ft)
- solveUnis (composeSubsts sub2 sub1) (map (substConstraint sub2) cs)
- solveClassCs :: [(SrcPos, ClassConstraint)] -> Infer (Map ClassConstraint SrcPos)
- solveClassCs = fmap Map.unions . mapM solveClassConstraint
- solveClassConstraint :: (SrcPos, ClassConstraint) -> Infer (Map ClassConstraint SrcPos)
- solveClassConstraint (pos, c) = case c of
- -- Virtual classes
- ("SameSize", [ta, tb]) -> sameSize (ta, tb)
- ("Cast", [ta, tb]) -> cast (ta, tb)
- ("Num", [ta]) -> case ta of
- TPrim _ -> ok
- TVar _ -> propagate
- TConst _ -> err
- TFun _ _ -> err
- TBox _ -> err
- ("Bitwise", [ta]) -> case ta of
- TPrim p | isIntegral p -> ok
- TPrim _ -> err
- TVar _ -> propagate
- TConst _ -> err
- TFun _ _ -> err
- TBox _ -> err
- ("Ord", [ta]) -> case ta of
- TPrim _ -> ok
- TVar _ -> propagate
- TConst _ -> err
- TFun _ _ -> err
- TBox _ -> err
- -- "Real classes"
- -- ... TODO
- _ -> ice $ "solveClassCs: invalid class constraint " ++ show c
- where
- ok = pure Map.empty
- propagate = pure (Map.singleton c pos)
- err = throwError (NoClassInstance pos c)
- isIntegral = \case
- TInt _ -> True
- TIntSize -> True
- TNat _ -> True
- TNatSize -> True
- _ -> False
- -- TODO: Maybe we should move the check against user-provided explicit signature from
- -- `generalize` to here. Like, we could keep the explicit scheme (if there is one) in
- -- the `Env`.
- --
- -- | As the name indicates, a predicate that is true / class that is instanced when two
- -- types are of the same size. If the size for either cannot be determined yet due to
- -- polymorphism, the constraint is propagated.
- sameSize :: (Type, Type) -> Infer (Map ClassConstraint SrcPos)
- sameSize (ta, tb) = do
- sizeof'' <- sizeof . sizeofTypeDef <$> view envTypeDefs
- case liftA2 (==) (sizeof'' ta) (sizeof'' tb) of
- _ | ta == tb -> ok
- Right True -> ok
- Right False -> err
- -- One or both of the two types are of unknown size due to polymorphism, so
- -- propagate the constraint to the scheme of the definition.
- Left _ -> propagate
- sizeofTypeDef tdefs (x, args) = case Map.lookup x tdefs of
- Just (params, Data variants) ->
- let sub = Map.fromList (zip params args)
- datas = map (map (subst sub) . snd) variants
- in sizeofData (sizeofTypeDef tdefs) (alignofTypeDef tdefs) datas
- Just (params, Alias _ t) ->
- let sub = Map.fromList (zip params args)
- in sizeof (sizeofTypeDef tdefs) (subst sub t)
- Nothing -> ice $ "Infer.sizeofTypeDef: undefined type " ++ show x
- alignofTypeDef tdefs (x, args) = case Map.lookup x tdefs of
- Just (params, Data variants) ->
- let sub = Map.fromList (zip params args)
- datas = map (map (subst sub) . snd) variants
- in alignmentofData (alignofTypeDef tdefs) datas
- Just (params, Alias _ t) ->
- let sub = Map.fromList (zip params args)
- in alignmentof (alignofTypeDef tdefs) (subst sub t)
- Nothing -> ice $ "Infer.sizeofTypeDef: undefined type " ++ show x
- -- | This class is instanced when the first type can be `cast` to the other.
- cast :: (Type, Type) -> Infer (Map ClassConstraint SrcPos)
- cast = \case
- (ta, tb) | ta == tb -> ok
- (TPrim _, TPrim _) -> ok
- (TVar _, _) -> propagate
- (_, TVar _) -> propagate
- (TConst _, _) -> err
- (_, TConst _) -> err
- (TFun _ _, _) -> err
- (_, TFun _ _) -> err
- (TBox _, _) -> err
- (_, TBox _) -> err
- substConstraint sub (Expected t1, Found pos t2) =
- (Expected (subst sub t1), Found pos (subst sub t2))
- toTypeErr :: SrcPos -> Type -> Type -> UnifyErr -> TypeErr
- toTypeErr pos t1 t2 = \case
- UInfType a t -> InfType pos t1 t2 a t
- UFailed t'1 t'2 -> UnificationFailed pos t1 t2 t'1 t'2
--- FIXME: Keep track of whether we've flipped the arguments. Alternatively, keep right stuff to the
--- right and vice versa. If we don't, we get confusing type errors.
-unifies :: Type -> Type -> Except UnifyErr Subst'
-unifies = curry $ \case
- (TPrim a, TPrim b) | a == b -> pure Map.empty
- (TConst (c0, ts0), TConst (c1, ts1)) | c0 == c1 -> if length ts0 /= length ts1
- then ice "lengths of TConst params differ in unify"
- else unifiesMany (zip ts0 ts1)
- (TVar a, TVar b) | a == b -> pure Map.empty
- (TVar a, t) | occursIn a t -> throwError (UInfType a t)
- -- Do not allow "override" of explicit (user given) type variables.
- (a@(TVar (TVExplicit _)), b@(TVar (TVImplicit _))) -> unifies b a
- (a@(TVar (TVExplicit _)), b) -> throwError (UFailed a b)
- (TVar a, t) -> pure (Map.singleton a t)
- (t, TVar a) -> unifies (TVar a) t
- (t@(TFun ts1 t2), u@(TFun us1 u2)) -> if length ts1 /= length us1
- then throwError (UFailed t u)
- else unifiesMany (zip (ts1 ++ [t2]) (us1 ++ [u2]))
- (TBox t, TBox u) -> unifies t u
- (t1, t2) -> throwError (UFailed t1 t2)
- where
- unifiesMany :: [(Type, Type)] -> Except UnifyErr Subst'
- unifiesMany = foldM
- (\s (t, u) -> fmap (flip composeSubsts s) (unifies (subst s t) (subst s u)))
- Map.empty
- occursIn :: TVar -> Type -> Bool
- occursIn a t = Set.member a (ftv t)
+-- import Lens.Micro.Platform (makeLenses, over, view, mapped, to, Lens')
+-- import Control.Applicative hiding (Const(..))
+-- import Control.Monad.Except
+-- import Control.Monad.Reader
+-- import Control.Monad.State.Strict
+-- import Control.Monad.Writer
+-- import Data.Bifunctor
+-- import Data.Functor
+-- import Data.Graph (SCC(..), stronglyConnComp)
+-- import Data.List hiding (span)
+-- import qualified Data.Map as Map
+-- import Data.Map (Map)
+-- import Data.Maybe
+-- import qualified Data.Set as Set
+-- import Data.Set (Set)
+-- import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
+-- import Misc
+-- import Sizeof
+-- import SrcPos
+-- import Name
+-- import FreeVars
+-- import Front.Subst
+-- import Front.Err
+-- import Front.Resolved
+-- import qualified Front.Concrete as Cst
+-- import Front.Abstract
+-- import Front.Inferred
+-- --import qualified Front.Inferred as Inferred
+-- import Front.TypeAst
+-- newtype ExpectedType = Expected Type
+-- data FoundType = Found SrcPos Type
+-- unFound :: FoundType -> Type
+-- unFound (Found _ t) = t
+-- type EqConstraint = (ExpectedType, FoundType)
+-- type Constraints = ([EqConstraint], [(SrcPos, ClassConstraint)])
+-- data Env = Env
+-- { _envTypeDefs :: TypeDefs
+-- -- Separarate global (and virtual) defs and local defs, because `generalize` only has to look
+-- -- at local defs.
+-- , _envVirtuals :: Map String Scheme
+-- , _envGlobDefs :: Map QualName Scheme
+-- , _envLocalDefs :: Map LhsName Scheme
+-- -- | Maps a constructor to its variant index in the type definition it constructs, the
+-- -- signature/left-hand-side of the type definition, the types of its parameters, and the span
+-- -- (number of constructors) of the datatype
+-- , _envCtors :: Map String (VariantIx, (String, [TVar]), [Type], Span)
+-- , _freshParams :: [String]
+-- , _envDeBruijn :: [(QualName, Type)]
+-- }
+-- makeLenses ''Env
+-- type FreshTVs = [String]
+-- type Infer a = WriterT Constraints (ReaderT Env (StateT FreshTVs (Except TypeErr))) a
+-- -- TODO: With on-demand parsing, we shouldn't be given all these things I think. Instead, we should
+-- -- take only a file name, and get all externs, globals, etc as we query them.
+-- inferTopDefs :: TypeDefs -> Ctors -> Externs -> [ResolvedDef] -> Except TypeErr InferredDefs
+-- inferTopDefs tdefs ctors externs defs =
+-- let initEnv = Env { _envTypeDefs = tdefs
+-- , _envVirtuals = builtinVirtuals
+-- , _envGlobDefs = fmap (Forall Set.empty Set.empty) externs
+-- , _envLocalDefs = Map.empty
+-- , _envCtors = ctors
+-- , _freshParams = freshParams
+-- , _envDeBruijn = []
+-- }
+-- freshTvs =
+-- let ls = "abcdehjkpqrstuvxyz"
+-- ns = map show [1 :: Word .. 99]
+-- vs = [ l : n | l <- ls, n <- ns ] ++ [ l : v | l <- ls, v <- vs ]
+-- in vs
+-- freshParams = map (("generated/param" ++) . show) [0 :: Word ..]
+-- in evalStateT (runReaderT (fmap fst (runWriterT (inferDefs envGlobDefs defs))) initEnv)
+-- freshTvs
+-- where
+-- builtinVirtuals :: Map String Scheme
+-- builtinVirtuals =
+-- let
+-- tv0 = TVImplicit 0
+-- tv1 = TVImplicit 1
+-- t0 = TVar tv0
+-- t1 = TVar tv1
+-- arithScm =
+-- Forall (Set.fromList [tv0]) (Set.singleton ("Num", [t0])) (TFun [t0, t0] t0)
+-- bitwiseScm =
+-- Forall (Set.fromList [tv0]) (Set.singleton ("Bitwise", [t0])) (TFun [t0, t0] t0)
+-- relScm =
+-- Forall (Set.fromList [tv0]) (Set.singleton ("Ord", [t0])) (TFun [t0, t0] tBool)
+-- in
+-- Map.fromList
+-- [ ("+", arithScm)
+-- , ("-", arithScm)
+-- , ("*", arithScm)
+-- , ("div", arithScm)
+-- , ("rem", arithScm)
+-- , ("shift-l", bitwiseScm)
+-- , ("lshift-r", bitwiseScm)
+-- , ("ashift-r", bitwiseScm)
+-- , ("bit-and", bitwiseScm)
+-- , ("bit-or", bitwiseScm)
+-- , ("bit-xor", bitwiseScm)
+-- , ("=", relScm)
+-- , ("not=", relScm)
+-- , (">", relScm)
+-- , (">=", relScm)
+-- , ("<", relScm)
+-- , ("<=", relScm)
+-- , ( "transmute"
+-- , Forall (Set.fromList [tv0, tv1])
+-- (Set.singleton ("SameSize", [t0, t1]))
+-- (TFun [t0] t1)
+-- )
+-- , ("deref", Forall (Set.fromList [tv0]) Set.empty (TFun [TBox t0] t0))
+-- , ("store", Forall (Set.fromList [tv0]) Set.empty (TFun [t0, TBox t0] (TBox t0)))
+-- , ( "cast"
+-- , Forall (Set.fromList [tv0, tv1])
+-- (Set.singleton ("Cast", [t0, t1]))
+-- (TFun [t0] t1)
+-- )
+-- ]
+-- checkType :: MonadError TypeErr m => (ResolvedTConst -> m Type) -> ResolvedType -> m Type
+-- checkType checkTConst = go
+-- where
+-- go = \case
+-- TVar v -> pure (TVar v)
+-- TPrim p -> pure (TPrim p)
+-- TConst tc -> checkTConst tc
+-- TFun ps r -> liftA2 TFun (mapM go ps) (go r)
+-- TBox t -> fmap TBox (go t)
+-- -- TODO: Include SrcPos in Cst.Type. The `pos` we're given here likely doesn't quite make sense.
+-- checkType' :: SrcPos -> ResolvedType -> Infer Type
+-- checkType' pos t = do
+-- tdefs <- view envTypeDefs
+-- checkType (checkTConst tdefs pos) t
+-- checkTConst :: MonadError TypeErr m => TypeDefs -> SrcPos -> ResolvedTConst -> m Type
+-- checkTConst tdefs pos (x, args) = case Map.lookup x tdefs of
+-- Nothing -> throwError (UndefType pos x)
+-- Just (params, Data _) ->
+-- let expectedN = length params
+-- foundN = length args
+-- in if expectedN == foundN
+-- then do
+-- args' <- mapM go args
+-- pure (TConst (x, args'))
+-- else throwError (TypeInstArityMismatch pos x expectedN foundN)
+-- Just (params, Alias _ u) -> subst (Map.fromList (zip params args)) <$> go u
+-- where go = checkType (checkTConst tdefs pos)
+-- inferDefs :: Lens' Env (Map LhsName Scheme) -> [ResolvedDef] -> Infer InferredDefs
+-- inferDefs envDefs defs = do
+-- checkNoDuplicateDefs Set.empty defs
+-- let ordered = orderDefs defs
+-- foldr
+-- (\scc inferRest -> do
+-- def <- inferComponent scc
+-- Topo rest <- augment envDefs (Map.fromList (defSigs def)) inferRest
+-- pure (Topo (def : rest))
+-- )
+-- (pure (Topo []))
+-- ordered
+-- where
+-- checkNoDuplicateDefs :: Set String -> [ResolvedDef] -> Infer ()
+-- checkNoDuplicateDefs already = uncons >>> fmap (first defLhs) >>> \case
+-- Just (WithPos p (Ident x), ds) -> if Set.member x already
+-- then throwError (ConflictingVarDef p x)
+-- else checkNoDuplicateDefs (Set.insert x already) ds
+-- Nothing -> pure ()
+-- -- For unification to work properly with mutually recursive functions, we need to create a
+-- -- dependency graph of non-recursive / directly-recursive functions and groups of mutual
+-- -- functions. We do this by creating a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of strongly connected
+-- -- components (SCC), where a node is a definition and an edge is a reference to another
+-- -- definition. For each SCC, we infer types for all the definitions / the single definition before
+-- -- generalizing.
+-- orderDefs :: [ResolvedDef] -> [SCC ResolvedDef]
+-- orderDefs = stronglyConnComp . graph
+-- where graph = map (\d -> (d, defLhs d, Set.toList (freeVars d)))
+-- inferComponent :: SCC ResolvedDef -> Infer InferredDef
+-- inferComponent = \case
+-- AcyclicSCC vert -> fmap VarDef (inferNonrecDef vert)
+-- CyclicSCC verts -> fmap RecDefs (inferRecDefs verts)
+-- inferNonrecDef :: ResolvedDef -> Infer InferredVarDef
+-- inferNonrecDef = \case
+-- Cst.FunDef dpos lhs mayscm params body -> do
+-- t <- fresh
+-- mayscm' <- checkScheme (idstr lhs) mayscm
+-- (fun, cs) <- listen $ inferDef t mayscm' dpos (inferFun dpos params body)
+-- (sub, ccs) <- solve cs
+-- env <- view envLocalDefs
+-- scm <- generalize (substEnv sub env) (fmap _scmConstraints mayscm') ccs (subst sub t)
+-- let fun' = substFun sub fun
+-- pure (idstr lhs, (scm, Fun fun'))
+-- Cst.FunMatchDef dpos lhs mayscm cases -> do
+-- t <- fresh
+-- mayscm' <- checkScheme (idstr lhs) mayscm
+-- (fun, cs) <- listen $ inferDef t mayscm' dpos (inferFunMatch dpos cases)
+-- (sub, ccs) <- solve cs
+-- env <- view envLocalDefs
+-- scm <- generalize (substEnv sub env) (fmap _scmConstraints mayscm') ccs (subst sub t)
+-- let fun' = substFun sub fun
+-- pure (idstr lhs, (scm, Fun fun'))
+-- Cst.VarDef dpos lhs mayscm body -> do
+-- t <- fresh
+-- mayscm' <- checkScheme (idstr lhs) mayscm
+-- (body', cs) <- listen $ inferDef t mayscm' dpos (infer body)
+-- -- TODO: Can't we get rid of this somehow? It makes our solution more complex and expensive
+-- -- if we have to do nested solves. Also re-solves many constraints in vain.
+-- --
+-- -- I think we should switch to bidirectional type checking. This will be fixed then.
+-- (sub, ccs) <- solve cs
+-- env <- view envLocalDefs
+-- scm <- generalize (substEnv sub env) (fmap _scmConstraints mayscm') ccs (subst sub t)
+-- let body'' = substExpr sub body'
+-- pure (idstr lhs, (scm, body''))
+-- inferRecDefs :: [ResolvedDef] -> Infer InferredRecDefs
+-- inferRecDefs ds = do
+-- (names, mayscms', ts) <- fmap unzip3 $ forM ds $ \d -> do
+-- let (name, mayscm) = first idstr $ case d of
+-- Cst.FunDef _ x s _ _ -> (x, s)
+-- Cst.FunMatchDef _ x s _ -> (x, s)
+-- Cst.VarDef _ x s _ -> (x, s)
+-- t <- fresh
+-- mayscm' <- checkScheme name mayscm
+-- pure (name, mayscm', t)
+-- let dummyDefs = Map.fromList $ zip names (map (Forall Set.empty Set.empty) ts)
+-- (fs, ucs) <- listen $ augment envLocalDefs dummyDefs $ mapM (uncurry3 inferRecDef)
+-- (zip3 mayscms' ts ds)
+-- (sub, cs) <- solve ucs
+-- env <- view envLocalDefs
+-- scms <- zipWithM
+-- (\s -> generalize (substEnv sub env) (fmap _scmConstraints s) cs . subst sub)
+-- mayscms'
+-- ts
+-- let fs' = map (substFun sub) fs
+-- pure (zip names (zip scms fs'))
+-- where
+-- inferRecDef :: Maybe Scheme -> Type -> ResolvedDef -> Infer InferredFun
+-- inferRecDef mayscm t = \case
+-- Cst.FunDef fpos _ _ params body -> inferDef t mayscm fpos $ inferFun fpos params body
+-- Cst.FunMatchDef fpos _ _ cases -> inferDef t mayscm fpos $ inferFunMatch fpos cases
+-- Cst.VarDef fpos _ _ (WithPos pos (Cst.Fun params body)) ->
+-- inferDef t mayscm fpos (inferFun pos params body)
+-- Cst.VarDef fpos _ _ (WithPos pos (Cst.FunMatch cs)) ->
+-- inferDef t mayscm fpos (inferFunMatch pos cs)
+-- Cst.VarDef _ (WithPos _ (Ident lhs)) _ _ -> throwError (RecursiveVarDef lhs)
+-- inferDef :: Type -> Maybe Scheme -> SrcPos -> Infer (Type, body) -> Infer body
+-- inferDef t mayscm bodyPos inferBody = do
+-- whenJust mayscm $ \(Forall _ _ scmt) -> unify (Expected scmt) (Found bodyPos t)
+-- (t', body') <- inferBody
+-- unify (Expected t) (Found bodyPos t')
+-- pure body'
+-- -- | Verify that user-provided type signature schemes are valid
+-- checkScheme :: String -> Maybe ResolvedScheme -> Infer (Maybe Scheme)
+-- checkScheme = curry $ \case
+-- ("main", Nothing) -> pure (Just (Forall Set.empty Set.empty mainType))
+-- ("main", Just s@(Cst.Forall pos vs cs t))
+-- | Set.size vs /= 0 || Set.size cs /= 0 || t /= mainType -> throwError (WrongMainType pos s)
+-- (_, Nothing) -> pure Nothing
+-- (_, Just (Cst.Forall pos vs cs t)) -> do
+-- t' <- checkType' pos t
+-- cs' <- mapM (secondM (mapM (uncurry checkType'))) (Set.toList cs)
+-- let s1 = Forall vs (Set.fromList cs') t'
+-- env <- view envLocalDefs
+-- s2@(Forall vs2 _ t2) <- generalize env (Just (_scmConstraints s1)) Map.empty t'
+-- if (vs, t') == (vs2, t2) then pure (Just s1) else throwError (InvalidUserTypeSig pos s1 s2)
+-- infer :: ResolvedExpr -> Infer (Type, InferredExpr)
+-- infer (WithPos pos e) = case e of
+-- Cst.Lit l -> pure (litType l, Lit l)
+-- Cst.Var (WithPos p (Ident "_")) -> throwError (FoundHole p)
+-- Cst.Var x -> fmap (second Var) (lookupVar x)
+-- Cst.App f as -> do
+-- tas <- mapM (const fresh) as
+-- tr <- fresh
+-- (tf', f') <- infer f
+-- case tf' of
+-- TFun tps _ -> unless (length tps == length tas)
+-- $ throwError (FunArityMismatch pos (length tps) (length tas))
+-- _ -> pure () -- If it's not k
+-- (tas', as') <- unzip <$> mapM infer as
+-- unify (Expected (TFun tas tr)) (Found (getPos f) tf')
+-- forM_ (zip3 as tas tas') $ \(a, ta, ta') -> unify (Expected ta) (Found (getPos a) ta')
+-- pure (tr, App f' as' tr)
+-- Cst.If p c a -> do
+-- (tp, p') <- infer p
+-- (tc, c') <- infer c
+-- (ta, a') <- infer a
+-- unify (Expected tBool) (Found (getPos p) tp)
+-- unify (Expected tc) (Found (getPos a) ta)
+-- pure (tc, If p' c' a')
+-- Cst.Let1 def body -> inferLet1 pos def body
+-- Cst.Let defs body ->
+-- -- FIXME: positions
+-- let (def, defs') = fromJust $ uncons defs
+-- in inferLet1 pos def $ foldr (\d b -> WithPos pos (Cst.Let1 d b)) body defs'
+-- Cst.LetRec defs b -> do
+-- Topo defs' <- inferDefs envLocalDefs defs
+-- let withDef def inferX = do
+-- (tx, x') <- withLocals (defSigs def) inferX
+-- pure (tx, Let def x')
+-- foldr withDef (infer b) defs'
+-- Cst.TypeAscr x t -> do
+-- (tx, x') <- infer x
+-- t' <- checkType' pos t
+-- unify (Expected t') (Found (getPos x) tx)
+-- pure (t', x')
+-- Cst.Fun param body -> fmap (second Fun) (inferFun pos param body)
+-- Cst.DeBruijnFun nparams body -> fmap (second Fun) (inferDeBruijnFun nparams body)
+-- Cst.DeBruijnIndex ix -> do
+-- args <- view envDeBruijn
+-- if fromIntegral ix < length args
+-- then let (x, t) = args !! fromIntegral ix in pure (t, Var x t)
+-- else throwError (DeBruijnIndexOutOfRange pos ix)
+-- Cst.FunMatch cases -> fmap (second Fun) (inferFunMatch pos cases)
+-- Cst.Match matchee cases -> inferMatch pos matchee cases
+-- Cst.Ctor c -> do
+-- (variantIx, tdefLhs, cParams, cSpan) <- lookupEnvConstructor c
+-- (tdefInst, cParams') <- instantiateConstructorOfTypeDef tdefLhs cParams
+-- let tCtion = TConst tdefInst
+-- let t = if null cParams' then tCtion else TFun cParams' tCtion
+-- pure (t, Ctor variantIx cSpan tdefInst cParams')
+-- Cst.Sizeof t -> fmap ((TPrim TNatSize, ) . Sizeof) (checkType' pos t)
+-- inferLet1
+-- :: SrcPos
+-- -> Cst.DefLike ResolvedType ResolvedName
+-- -> ResolvedExpr
+-- -> Infer (Type, InferredExpr)
+-- inferLet1 pos defl body = case defl of
+-- Cst.Def def -> do
+-- def' <- inferNonrecDef def
+-- (t, body') <- augment1 envLocalDefs (defSig def') (infer body)
+-- pure (t, Let (VarDef def') body')
+-- Cst.Deconstr pat matchee -> inferMatch pos matchee [(pat, body)]
+-- inferMatch
+-- :: SrcPos -> ResolvedExpr -> [(ResolvedPat, ResolvedExpr)] -> Infer (Type, InferredExpr)
+-- inferMatch pos matchee cases = do
+-- (tmatchee, matchee') <- infer matchee
+-- (tbody, cases') <- inferCases [tmatchee]
+-- (map (first (\pat -> WithPos (getPos pat) [pat])) cases)
+-- pure (tbody, Match (WithPos pos ([matchee'], cases', [tmatchee], tbody)))
+-- inferFun :: SrcPos -> Cst.FunPats ResolvedName -> ResolvedExpr -> Infer (Type, InferredFun)
+-- inferFun pos pats body = do
+-- (tpats, tbody, case') <- inferCase pats body
+-- let tpats' = map unFound tpats
+-- funMatchToFun pos [case'] tpats' (unFound tbody)
+-- inferDeBruijnFun :: Word -> ResolvedExpr -> Infer (Type, InferredFun)
+-- inferDeBruijnFun nparams body = genParams nparams $ \paramNames -> do
+-- tparams <- replicateM (fromIntegral nparams) fresh
+-- let params = zip paramNames tparams
+-- paramSigs = map (second (Forall Set.empty Set.empty)) params
+-- args = map (uncurry TypedVar) params
+-- (tbody, body') <- locallySet envDeBruijn args $ withLocals paramSigs (infer body)
+-- pure (TFun tparams tbody, (params, (body', tbody)))
+-- inferFunMatch :: SrcPos -> [(Cst.FunPats ResolvedName, ResolvedExpr)] -> Infer (Type, InferredFun)
+-- inferFunMatch pos cases = do
+-- arity <- checkCasePatternsArity
+-- tpats <- replicateM arity fresh
+-- (tbody, cases') <- inferCases tpats cases
+-- funMatchToFun pos cases' tpats tbody
+-- where
+-- checkCasePatternsArity = case cases of
+-- [] -> ice "inferFunMatch: checkCasePatternsArity: fun* has no cases, arity 0"
+-- (pats0, _) : rest -> do
+-- let arity = length (unpos pats0)
+-- forM_ rest $ \(WithPos pos pats, _) -> unless
+-- (length pats == arity)
+-- (throwError (FunCaseArityMismatch pos arity (length pats)))
+-- pure arity
+-- funMatchToFun :: SrcPos -> Cases -> [Type] -> Type -> Infer (Type, InferredFun)
+-- funMatchToFun pos cases' tpats tbody = genParams (length tpats) $ \paramNames -> do
+-- let paramNames' = zipWith fromMaybe paramNames $ case cases' of
+-- [(WithPos _ ps, _)] -> flip map ps $ \(Pat _ _ p) -> case p of
+-- PVar x _ -> Just x
+-- _ -> Nothing
+-- _ -> repeat Nothing
+-- params = zip paramNames' tpats
+-- args = map (Var . (NonVirt, ) . uncurry TypedVar) params
+-- pure (TFun tpats tbody, (params, (Match (WithPos pos (args, cases', tpats, tbody)), tbody)))
+-- -- | All the patterns must be of the same types, and all the bodies must be of the same type.
+-- inferCases
+-- :: [Type] -- Type of matchee(s). Expected type(s) of pattern(s).
+-- -> [(WithPos [ResolvedPat], ResolvedExpr)]
+-- -> Infer (Type, Cases)
+-- inferCases tmatchees cases = do
+-- (tpatss, tbodies, cases') <- fmap unzip3 (mapM (uncurry inferCase) cases)
+-- forM_ tpatss $ zipWithM (unify . Expected) tmatchees
+-- tbody <- fresh
+-- forM_ tbodies (unify (Expected tbody))
+-- pure (tbody, cases')
+-- inferCase
+-- :: WithPos [ResolvedPat]
+-- -> ResolvedExpr
+-- -> Infer ([FoundType], FoundType, (WithPos [Pat], InferredExpr))
+-- inferCase (WithPos pos ps) b = do
+-- (tps, ps', pvss) <- fmap unzip3 (mapM inferPat ps)
+-- let pvs' = map (bimap Cst.idstr (Forall Set.empty Set.empty . TVar))
+-- (Map.toList (Map.unions pvss))
+-- (tb, b') <- withLocals pvs' (infer b)
+-- let tps' = zipWith Found (map getPos ps) tps
+-- pure (tps', Found (getPos b) tb, (WithPos pos ps', b'))
+-- -- | Returns the type of the pattern; the pattern in the Pat format that the Match module wants,
+-- -- and a Map from the variables bound in the pattern to fresh schemes.
+-- inferPat :: ResolvedPat -> Infer (Type, Pat, Map Ident TVar)
+-- inferPat pat = fmap (\(t, p, ss) -> (t, Pat (getPos pat) t p, ss)) (inferPat' pat)
+-- where
+-- inferPat' = \case
+-- Cst.PConstruction pos c ps -> inferPatConstruction pos c ps
+-- Cst.PInt _ n -> pure (TPrim TIntSize, intToPCon n 64, Map.empty)
+-- Cst.PStr _ s ->
+-- let span' = ice "span of Con with VariantStr"
+-- p = PCon (Con (VariantStr s) span' []) []
+-- in pure (tStr, p, Map.empty)
+-- Cst.PVar (WithPos _ "_") -> do
+-- tv <- fresh
+-- pure (tv, PWild, Map.empty)
+-- Cst.PVar x@(WithPos _ x') -> do
+-- tv <- fresh'
+-- pure (TVar tv, PVar (TypedVar x' (TVar tv)), Map.singleton x tv)
+-- Cst.PBox _ p -> do
+-- (tp', p', vs) <- inferPat p
+-- pure (TBox tp', PBox p', vs)
+-- intToPCon n w = PCon
+-- (Con { variant = VariantIx (fromIntegral n), span = 2 ^ (w :: Integer), argTs = [] })
+-- []
+-- inferPatConstruction :: SrcPos -> Ident -> [ResolvedPat] -> Infer (Type, Pat', Map Ident TVar)
+-- inferPatConstruction pos c cArgs = do
+-- (variantIx, tdefLhs, cParams, cSpan) <- lookupEnvConstructor c
+-- let arity = length cParams
+-- let nArgs = length cArgs
+-- unless (arity == nArgs) (throwError (CtorArityMismatch pos (idstr c) arity nArgs))
+-- (tdefInst, cParams') <- instantiateConstructorOfTypeDef tdefLhs cParams
+-- let t = TConst tdefInst
+-- (cArgTs, cArgs', cArgsVars) <- fmap unzip3 (mapM inferPat cArgs)
+-- cArgsVars' <- nonconflictingPatVarDefs cArgsVars
+-- forM_ (zip3 cParams' cArgTs cArgs)
+-- $ \(cParamT, cArgT, cArg) -> unify (Expected cParamT) (Found (getPos cArg) cArgT)
+-- let con = Con { variant = VariantIx variantIx, span = cSpan, argTs = cArgTs }
+-- pure (t, PCon con cArgs', cArgsVars')
+-- nonconflictingPatVarDefs = flip foldM Map.empty $ \acc ks ->
+-- case listToMaybe (Map.keys (Map.intersection acc ks)) of
+-- Just (WithPos pos v) -> throwError (ConflictingPatVarDefs pos v)
+-- Nothing -> pure (Map.union acc ks)
+-- instantiateConstructorOfTypeDef :: (String, [TVar]) -> [Type] -> Infer (TConst, [Type])
+-- instantiateConstructorOfTypeDef (tName, tParams) cParams = do
+-- tVars <- mapM (const fresh) tParams
+-- let cParams' = map (subst (Map.fromList (zip tParams tVars))) cParams
+-- pure ((tName, tVars), cParams')
+-- lookupEnvConstructor :: Ident -> Infer (VariantIx, (String, [TVar]), [Type], Span)
+-- lookupEnvConstructor (WithPos pos cx) =
+-- view (envCtors . to (Map.lookup cx)) >>= maybe (throwError (UndefCtor pos cx)) pure
+-- litType :: Cst.Const -> Type
+-- litType = \case
+-- Cst.Int _ -> TPrim TIntSize
+-- Cst.F64 _ -> TPrim TF64
+-- Cst.Str _ -> tStr
+-- lookupVar :: Ident -> Infer (QualName, Type)
+-- lookupVar (WithPos pos x) = do
+-- virt <- fmap (Map.lookup x) (view envVirtuals)
+-- glob <- fmap (Map.lookup x) (view envGlobDefs)
+-- local <- fmap (Map.lookup x) (view envLocalDefs)
+-- case fmap (NonVirt, ) (local <|> glob) <|> fmap (Virt, ) virt of
+-- Just (virt, scm) -> instantiate pos scm <&> \t -> (t, (virt, TypedVar x t))
+-- Nothing -> throwError (UndefVar pos x)
+-- genParams :: Integral n => n -> ([String] -> Infer a) -> Infer a
+-- genParams n f = do
+-- ps <- view (freshParams . to (take (fromIntegral n)))
+-- locally freshParams (drop (fromIntegral n)) (f ps)
+-- withLocals :: [(String, Scheme)] -> Infer a -> Infer a
+-- withLocals = augment envLocalDefs . Map.fromList
+-- instantiate :: SrcPos -> Scheme -> Infer Type
+-- instantiate pos (Forall params constraints t) = do
+-- s <- Map.fromList <$> zipWithM (fmap . (,)) (Set.toList params) (repeat fresh)
+-- forM_ constraints $ \c -> unifyClass pos (substClassConstraint s c)
+-- pure (subst s t)
+-- generalize
+-- :: (MonadError TypeErr m)
+-- => Map String Scheme
+-- -> Maybe (Set ClassConstraint)
+-- -> Map ClassConstraint SrcPos
+-- -> Type
+-- -> m Scheme
+-- generalize env mayGivenCs allCs t = fmap (\cs -> Forall vs cs t) constraints
+-- where
+-- -- A constraint should be included in a signature if the type variables include at least one of
+-- -- the signature's forall-qualified tvars, and the rest of the tvars exist in the surrounding
+-- -- environment. If a tvar is not from the signature or the environment, it comes from an inner
+-- -- definition, and should already have been included in that signature.
+-- --
+-- -- TODO: Maybe we should handle the propagation of class constraints in a better way, so that
+-- -- ones belonging to inner definitions no longer exist at this point.
+-- constraints = fmap (Set.fromList . map fst) $ flip filterM (Map.toList allCs) $ \(c, pos) ->
+-- let vcs = ftvClassConstraint c
+-- belongs =
+-- any (flip Set.member vs) vcs
+-- && all (\vc -> Set.member vc vs || Set.member vc ftvEnv) vcs
+-- in if belongs
+-- then if matchesGiven c then pure True else throwError (NoClassInstance pos c)
+-- else pure False
+-- matchesGiven = case mayGivenCs of
+-- Just gcs -> flip Set.member gcs
+-- Nothing -> const True
+-- vs = Set.difference (ftv t) ftvEnv
+-- ftvEnv = Set.unions (map ftvScheme (Map.elems env))
+-- ftvScheme (Forall tvs _ t) = Set.difference (ftv t) tvs
+-- substEnv :: Subst' -> Map String Scheme -> Map String Scheme
+-- substEnv s = over (mapped . scmBody) (subst s)
+-- ftvClassConstraint :: ClassConstraint -> Set TVar
+-- ftvClassConstraint = mconcat . map ftv . snd
+-- substClassConstraint :: Subst' -> ClassConstraint -> ClassConstraint
+-- substClassConstraint sub = second (map (subst sub))
+-- fresh :: Infer Type
+-- fresh = fmap TVar fresh'
+-- fresh' :: Infer TVar
+-- fresh' = fmap TVImplicit (gets head <* modify tail)
+-- unify :: ExpectedType -> FoundType -> Infer ()
+-- unify e f = tell ([(e, f)], [])
+-- unifyClass :: SrcPos -> ClassConstraint -> Infer ()
+-- unifyClass p c = tell ([], [(p, c)])
+-- data UnifyErr = UInfType TVar Type | UFailed Type Type
+-- -- TODO: I actually don't really like this approach of keeping the unification solver separate from
+-- -- the inferrer. The approach of doing it "inline" is, at least in some ways, more flexible,
+-- -- and probably more performant. Consider this further -- maybe there's a big con I haven't
+-- -- considered or have forgotten. Will updating the substitution map work well? How would it
+-- -- work for nested inferDefs, compared to now?
+-- solve :: Constraints -> Infer (Subst', Map ClassConstraint SrcPos)
+-- solve (eqcs, ccs) = do
+-- sub <- lift $ lift $ lift $ solveUnis Map.empty eqcs
+-- ccs' <- solveClassCs (map (second (substClassConstraint sub)) ccs)
+-- pure (sub, ccs')
+-- where
+-- solveUnis :: Subst' -> [EqConstraint] -> Except TypeErr Subst'
+-- solveUnis sub1 = \case
+-- [] -> pure sub1
+-- (Expected et, Found pos ft) : cs -> do
+-- sub2 <- withExcept (toTypeErr pos et ft) (unifies et ft)
+-- solveUnis (composeSubsts sub2 sub1) (map (substConstraint sub2) cs)
+-- solveClassCs :: [(SrcPos, ClassConstraint)] -> Infer (Map ClassConstraint SrcPos)
+-- solveClassCs = fmap Map.unions . mapM solveClassConstraint
+-- solveClassConstraint :: (SrcPos, ClassConstraint) -> Infer (Map ClassConstraint SrcPos)
+-- solveClassConstraint (pos, c) = case c of
+-- -- Virtual classes
+-- ("SameSize", [ta, tb]) -> sameSize (ta, tb)
+-- ("Cast", [ta, tb]) -> cast (ta, tb)
+-- ("Num", [ta]) -> case ta of
+-- TPrim _ -> ok
+-- TVar _ -> propagate
+-- TConst _ -> err
+-- TFun _ _ -> err
+-- TBox _ -> err
+-- ("Bitwise", [ta]) -> case ta of
+-- TPrim p | isIntegral p -> ok
+-- TPrim _ -> err
+-- TVar _ -> propagate
+-- TConst _ -> err
+-- TFun _ _ -> err
+-- TBox _ -> err
+-- ("Ord", [ta]) -> case ta of
+-- TPrim _ -> ok
+-- TVar _ -> propagate
+-- TConst _ -> err
+-- TFun _ _ -> err
+-- TBox _ -> err
+-- -- "Real classes"
+-- -- ... TODO
+-- _ -> ice $ "solveClassCs: invalid class constraint " ++ show c
+-- where
+-- ok = pure Map.empty
+-- propagate = pure (Map.singleton c pos)
+-- err = throwError (NoClassInstance pos c)
+-- isIntegral = \case
+-- TInt _ -> True
+-- TIntSize -> True
+-- TNat _ -> True
+-- TNatSize -> True
+-- _ -> False
+-- -- TODO: Maybe we should move the check against user-provided explicit signature from
+-- -- `generalize` to here. Like, we could keep the explicit scheme (if there is one) in
+-- -- the `Env`.
+-- --
+-- -- | As the name indicates, a predicate that is true / class that is instanced when two
+-- -- types are of the same size. If the size for either cannot be determined yet due to
+-- -- polymorphism, the constraint is propagated.
+-- sameSize :: (Type, Type) -> Infer (Map ClassConstraint SrcPos)
+-- sameSize (ta, tb) = do
+-- sizeof'' <- sizeof . sizeofTypeDef <$> view envTypeDefs
+-- case liftA2 (==) (sizeof'' ta) (sizeof'' tb) of
+-- _ | ta == tb -> ok
+-- Right True -> ok
+-- Right False -> err
+-- -- One or both of the two types are of unknown size due to polymorphism, so
+-- -- propagate the constraint to the scheme of the definition.
+-- Left _ -> propagate
+-- sizeofTypeDef tdefs (x, args) = case Map.lookup x tdefs of
+-- Just (params, Data variants) ->
+-- let sub = Map.fromList (zip params args)
+-- datas = map (map (subst sub) . snd) variants
+-- in sizeofData (sizeofTypeDef tdefs) (alignofTypeDef tdefs) datas
+-- Just (params, Alias _ t) ->
+-- let sub = Map.fromList (zip params args)
+-- in sizeof (sizeofTypeDef tdefs) (subst sub t)
+-- Nothing -> ice $ "Infer.sizeofTypeDef: undefined type " ++ show x
+-- alignofTypeDef tdefs (x, args) = case Map.lookup x tdefs of
+-- Just (params, Data variants) ->
+-- let sub = Map.fromList (zip params args)
+-- datas = map (map (subst sub) . snd) variants
+-- in alignmentofData (alignofTypeDef tdefs) datas
+-- Just (params, Alias _ t) ->
+-- let sub = Map.fromList (zip params args)
+-- in alignmentof (alignofTypeDef tdefs) (subst sub t)
+-- Nothing -> ice $ "Infer.sizeofTypeDef: undefined type " ++ show x
+-- -- | This class is instanced when the first type can be `cast` to the other.
+-- cast :: (Type, Type) -> Infer (Map ClassConstraint SrcPos)
+-- cast = \case
+-- (ta, tb) | ta == tb -> ok
+-- (TPrim _, TPrim _) -> ok
+-- (TVar _, _) -> propagate
+-- (_, TVar _) -> propagate
+-- (TConst _, _) -> err
+-- (_, TConst _) -> err
+-- (TFun _ _, _) -> err
+-- (_, TFun _ _) -> err
+-- (TBox _, _) -> err
+-- (_, TBox _) -> err
+-- substConstraint sub (Expected t1, Found pos t2) =
+-- (Expected (subst sub t1), Found pos (subst sub t2))
+-- toTypeErr :: SrcPos -> Type -> Type -> UnifyErr -> TypeErr
+-- toTypeErr pos t1 t2 = \case
+-- UInfType a t -> InfType pos t1 t2 a t
+-- UFailed t'1 t'2 -> UnificationFailed pos t1 t2 t'1 t'2
+-- -- FIXME: Keep track of whether we've flipped the arguments. Alternatively, keep right stuff to the
+-- -- right and vice versa. If we don't, we get confusing type errors.
+-- unifies :: Type -> Type -> Except UnifyErr Subst'
+-- unifies = curry $ \case
+-- (TPrim a, TPrim b) | a == b -> pure Map.empty
+-- (TConst (c0, ts0), TConst (c1, ts1)) | c0 == c1 -> if length ts0 /= length ts1
+-- then ice "lengths of TConst params differ in unify"
+-- else unifiesMany (zip ts0 ts1)
+-- (TVar a, TVar b) | a == b -> pure Map.empty
+-- (TVar a, t) | occursIn a t -> throwError (UInfType a t)
+-- -- Do not allow "override" of explicit (user given) type variables.
+-- (a@(TVar (TVExplicit _)), b@(TVar (TVImplicit _))) -> unifies b a
+-- (a@(TVar (TVExplicit _)), b) -> throwError (UFailed a b)
+-- (TVar a, t) -> pure (Map.singleton a t)
+-- (t, TVar a) -> unifies (TVar a) t
+-- (t@(TFun ts1 t2), u@(TFun us1 u2)) -> if length ts1 /= length us1
+-- then throwError (UFailed t u)
+-- else unifiesMany (zip (ts1 ++ [t2]) (us1 ++ [u2]))
+-- (TBox t, TBox u) -> unifies t u
+-- (t1, t2) -> throwError (UFailed t1 t2)
+-- where
+-- unifiesMany :: [(Type, Type)] -> Except UnifyErr Subst'
+-- unifiesMany = foldM
+-- (\s (t, u) -> fmap (flip composeSubsts s) (unifies (subst s t) (subst s u)))
+-- Map.empty
+-- occursIn :: TVar -> Type -> Bool
+-- occursIn a t = Set.member a (ftv t)
M src/Front/Inferred.hs => src/Front/Inferred.hs +160 -143
@@ 1,143 1,160 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, DataKinds #-}
--- TODO: Can this and Checked be merged to a single, parametrized AST?
--- | Type annotated AST as a result of typechecking
-module Front.Inferred (module Front.Inferred, Type, TConst, WithPos(..), TVar(..), TPrim(..), Const(..), Type' (..), TConst') where
-import Data.Set (Set)
-import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import Data.Bifunctor
-import Lens.Micro.Platform (makeLenses)
-import Misc
-import qualified Front.Parsed as Parsed
-import Front.Parsed (Type, TConst, TVar(..), Const(..))
-import Front.SrcPos
-import Front.TypeAst
-data TypeErr
- = MainNotDefined
- | InvalidUserTypeSig SrcPos Scheme Scheme
- | CtorArityMismatch SrcPos String Int Int
- | ConflictingPatVarDefs SrcPos String
- | UndefCtor SrcPos String
- | UndefVar SrcPos String
- | InfType SrcPos Type Type TVar Type
- | UnificationFailed SrcPos Type Type Type Type
- | ConflictingTypeDef SrcPos String
- | ConflictingCtorDef SrcPos String
- | RedundantCase SrcPos
- | InexhaustivePats SrcPos String
- | ExternNotMonomorphic (Parsed.Id 'Parsed.Small) TVar
- | FoundHole SrcPos
- | RecTypeDef String SrcPos
- | UndefType SrcPos String
- | WrongMainType SrcPos Parsed.Scheme
- | RecursiveVarDef (WithPos String)
- | TypeInstArityMismatch SrcPos String Int Int
- | ConflictingVarDef SrcPos String
- | NoClassInstance SrcPos ClassConstraint
- | FunCaseArityMismatch SrcPos Int Int
- | FunArityMismatch SrcPos Int Int
- | DeBruijnIndexOutOfRange SrcPos Word
- | FreeVarsInData SrcPos TVar
- | FreeVarsInAlias SrcPos TVar
- deriving (Show)
-type ClassConstraint = (String, [Type])
-data Scheme = Forall
- { _scmParams :: Set TVar
- , _scmConstraints :: Set ClassConstraint
- , _scmBody :: Type
- }
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-makeLenses ''Scheme
-data TypedVar = TypedVar String Type
- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-type VariantIx = Integer
-type Span = Integer
-data Variant = VariantIx VariantIx | VariantStr String
- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-data Con = Con
- { variant :: Variant
- , span :: Span
- , argTs :: [Type]
- }
- deriving Show
-data Pat'
- = PVar TypedVar
- | PWild
- | PCon Con [Pat]
- | PBox Pat
- deriving Show
-data Pat = Pat SrcPos Type Pat'
- deriving Show
-type Fun = ([(String, Type)], (Expr, Type))
-type Cases = [(WithPos [Pat], Expr)]
-type Match = WithPos ([Expr], Cases, [Type], Type)
--- | Whether a Var refers to a builtin virtual, or a global/local definition. So we don't
--- have to keep as much state about environment definitions in later passes.
-data Virt = Virt | NonVirt deriving (Show, Eq)
-type Var = (Virt, TypedVar)
-data Expr
- = Lit Const
- | Var Var
- | App Expr [Expr] Type
- | If Expr Expr Expr
- | Let Def Expr
- | Fun Fun
- | Match Match
- | Ctor VariantIx Span TConst [Type]
- | Sizeof Type
- deriving Show
-type Defs = TopologicalOrder Def
-data Def = VarDef VarDef | RecDefs RecDefs deriving Show
-type VarDef = (String, (Scheme, Expr))
-type RecDefs = [(String, (Scheme, Fun))]
-data TypeDefRhs = Data [(WithPos String, [Type])] | Alias SrcPos Type
- deriving Show
-type TypeDefs = Map String ([TVar], TypeDefRhs)
-type TypeAliases = Map String ([TVar], Type)
-type Ctors = Map String (VariantIx, (String, [TVar]), [Type], Span)
-type Externs = Map String Type
-instance Eq Con where
- (==) (Con c1 _ _) (Con c2 _ _) = c1 == c2
-instance Ord Con where
- compare (Con c1 _ _) (Con c2 _ _) = compare c1 c2
-ftv :: Type -> Set TVar
-ftv = \case
- TVar tv -> Set.singleton tv
- TPrim _ -> Set.empty
- TFun pts rt -> Set.unions (ftv rt : map ftv pts)
- TBox t -> ftv t
- TConst (_, ts) -> Set.unions (map ftv ts)
-defSigs :: Def -> [(String, Scheme)]
-defSigs = \case
- VarDef d -> [defSig d]
- RecDefs ds -> map defSig ds
-defSig :: (String, (Scheme, a)) -> (String, Scheme)
-defSig = second fst
+module Front.Inferred where
+import SrcPos
+--import Name
+--import Front.TypeAst
+--import Front.Resolved (ResolvedScheme)
+import Front.Abstract
+type Cases = [(WithPos [Pat], InferredExpr)]
+data MatchCases = MatchCases Cases [Type] Type
+type InferredFun = Fun MatchCases
+type InferredExpr = Expr MatchCases
+type InferredVarDef = VarDef MatchCases
+type InferredRecDefs = RecDefs MatchCases
+type InferredDef = Def MatchCases
+type InferredDefs = Defs MatchCases
+-- {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+-- -- TODO: Can this and Checked be merged to a single, parametrized AST?
+-- -- | Type annotated AST as a result of typechecking
+-- module Front.Inferred (module Front.Inferred, WithPos(..), TVar(..), TPrim(..), Const(..), Type' (..), TConst') where
+-- import Data.Set (Set)
+-- import qualified Data.Set as Set
+-- import Data.Map (Map)
+-- import Data.Bifunctor
+-- import Lens.Micro.Platform (makeLenses)
+-- import Misc
+-- import SrcPos
+-- import Name
+-- import Front.Concrete (TVar (..), Const (..))
+-- import Front.Resolved
+-- -- import qualified Front.Parsed as Parsed
+-- -- import Front.Concrete (Type, TConst, TVar(..), Const(..))
+-- -- import Front.Parsed
+-- import Front.TypeAst
+-- type LhsName = Ident
+-- type TConst = ResolvedTConst
+-- type Type = ResolvedType
+-- data TypeErr
+-- = MainNotDefined
+-- | InvalidUserTypeSig SrcPos Scheme Scheme
+-- | CtorArityMismatch SrcPos String Int Int
+-- | ConflictingPatVarDefs SrcPos String
+-- | UndefCtor SrcPos String
+-- | UndefVar SrcPos String
+-- | InfType SrcPos Type Type TVar Type
+-- | UnificationFailed SrcPos Type Type Type Type
+-- | ConflictingTypeDef SrcPos String
+-- | ConflictingCtorDef SrcPos String
+-- | RedundantCase SrcPos
+-- | InexhaustivePats SrcPos String
+-- | ExternNotMonomorphic Ident TVar
+-- | FoundHole SrcPos
+-- | RecTypeDef String SrcPos
+-- | UndefType SrcPos String
+-- | WrongMainType SrcPos ResolvedScheme
+-- | RecursiveVarDef (WithPos String)
+-- | TypeInstArityMismatch SrcPos String Int Int
+-- | ConflictingVarDef SrcPos String
+-- | NoClassInstance SrcPos ClassConstraint
+-- | FunCaseArityMismatch SrcPos Int Int
+-- | FunArityMismatch SrcPos Int Int
+-- | DeBruijnIndexOutOfRange SrcPos Word
+-- | FreeVarsInData SrcPos TVar
+-- | FreeVarsInAlias SrcPos TVar
+-- deriving (Show)
+-- type ClassConstraint = (QualName, [Type])
+-- data Scheme = Forall
+-- { _scmParams :: Set TVar
+-- , _scmConstraints :: Set ClassConstraint
+-- , _scmBody :: Type
+-- }
+-- deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- makeLenses ''Scheme
+-- type VariantIx = Integer
+-- type Span = Integer
+-- data Variant = VariantIx VariantIx | VariantStr String
+-- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+-- data Con = Con
+-- { variant :: Variant
+-- , span :: Span
+-- , argTs :: [Type]
+-- }
+-- deriving Show
+-- data Pat'
+-- = PVar LhsName Type
+-- | PWild
+-- | PCon Con [Pat]
+-- | PBox Pat
+-- deriving Show
+-- data Pat = Pat SrcPos Type Pat'
+-- deriving Show
+-- type Fun = ([(LhsName, Type)], (Expr, Type))
+-- type Cases = [(WithPos [Pat], Expr)]
+-- type Match = WithPos ([Expr], Cases, [Type], Type)
+-- data Expr
+-- = Lit Const
+-- | EVar QualName Type
+-- | App Expr [Expr] Type
+-- | If Expr Expr Expr
+-- | Let Def Expr
+-- | Fun Fun
+-- | Match Match
+-- | Ctor VariantIx Span TConst [Type]
+-- | Sizeof Type
+-- deriving Show
+-- type Defs = TopologicalOrder Def
+-- data Def = VarDef VarDef | RecDefs RecDefs deriving Show
+-- type VarDef = (LhsName, (Scheme, Expr))
+-- type RecDefs = [(LhsName, (Scheme, Fun))]
+-- data TypeDefRhs = Data [(WithPos QualName, [Type])] | Alias SrcPos Type
+-- deriving Show
+-- type TypeDefs = Map QualName ([TVar], TypeDefRhs)
+-- type TypeAliases = Map QualName ([TVar], Type)
+-- type Ctors = Map String (VariantIx, (String, [TVar]), [Type], Span)
+-- type Externs = Map String Type
+-- instance Eq Con where
+-- (==) (Con c1 _ _) (Con c2 _ _) = c1 == c2
+-- instance Ord Con where
+-- compare (Con c1 _ _) (Con c2 _ _) = compare c1 c2
+-- ftv :: Type -> Set TVar
+-- ftv = \case
+-- TVar tv -> Set.singleton tv
+-- TPrim _ -> Set.empty
+-- TFun pts rt -> Set.unions (ftv rt : map ftv pts)
+-- TBox t -> ftv t
+-- TConst (_, ts) -> Set.unions (map ftv ts)
+-- defSigs :: Def -> [(LhsName, Scheme)]
+-- defSigs = \case
+-- VarDef d -> [defSig d]
+-- RecDefs ds -> map defSig ds
+-- defSig :: (LhsName, (Scheme, a)) -> (LhsName, Scheme)
+-- defSig = second fst
M src/Front/Lex.hs => src/Front/Lex.hs +52 -83
@@ 6,11 6,10 @@
-- If a parser has a variant with a "ns_" prefix, that variant does not consume succeding
-- space, while the unprefixed variant does.
-module Front.Lex (lex, toplevel, tokentree) where
+module Front.Lex (lex, tokentree) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
-import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char (isMark, isPunctuation, isSymbol)
import Data.Functor
import Data.Maybe
@@ 19,82 18,30 @@ import Text.Megaparsec hiding (parse, match, token, Token)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char hiding (space, space1)
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as Char
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as Lexer
-import Data.Set (Set)
-import qualified Data.Set as Set
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import Data.Void
import Prelude hiding (lex)
import Misc
-import Front.SrcPos
+import SrcPos
+import Name
import Front.Lexd
import Front.Literate
-import EnvVars
type Lexer = Parsec Void String
-type Import = String
-data TopLevel = TImport Import -- | TMacro Macro
- | TTokenTree TokenTree
-lex :: FilePath -> ExceptT String IO [TokenTree]
+lex :: FilePath -> ExceptT String IO Module
lex filepath = do
- modPaths <- lift modulePaths
- filepath' <- lift $ makeAbsolute filepath
- evalStateT (lexModule modPaths filepath') Set.empty
--- NOTE: For the current implementation of macros where order of definition matters, it's important
--- that we visit imports and concatenate all token trees in the correct order, which is DFS.
-lexModule :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> StateT (Set FilePath) (ExceptT String IO) [TokenTree]
-lexModule modPaths f = get >>= \visiteds -> if Set.member f visiteds
- then pure []
- else do
- modify (Set.insert f)
- s <- liftIO $ readFile f <&> \s' ->
- if takeExtension f == ".org" then untangleOrg s' else s'
- (imps, tts) <- liftEither $ parse' toplevels f s
- let ps = takeDirectory f : modPaths
- let resolve m = do
- let gs = [ p </> addExtension m e | p <- ps, e <- [".carth", ".org"] ]
- gs' <- filterM (liftIO . doesFileExist) gs
- case listToMaybe gs' of
- Nothing ->
- throwError
- $ ("Error: No file for module " ++ m ++ " exists.\n")
- ++ ("Searched paths: " ++ show ps)
- Just g' -> liftIO $ makeAbsolute g'
- impFs <- mapM resolve imps
- ttsImp <- concat <$> mapM (lexModule modPaths) impFs
- pure (ttsImp ++ tts)
-toplevels :: Lexer ([Import], [TokenTree])
-toplevels = do
- space
- tops <- many toplevel
- eof
- pure $ foldr
- (\top (is, tts) -> case top of
- TImport i -> (i : is, tts)
- TTokenTree tt -> (is, tt : tts)
- )
- ([], [])
- tops
-toplevel :: Lexer TopLevel
-toplevel = getSrcPos >>= \p ->
- parens (fmap TImport import' <|> fmap (TTokenTree . WithPos p . Parens) (many tokentree))
- where import' = andSkipSpaceAfter (string "import") *> small
+ f <- lift $ makeAbsolute filepath
+ s <- liftIO $ readFile f <&> \s' -> if takeExtension f == ".org" then untangleOrg s' else s'
+ tts <- liftEither $ parse' (many tokentree) f s
+ pure (Module tts)
tokentree :: Lexer TokenTree
-tokentree = do
- p <- getSrcPos
- tt <- tokentree'
- tt' <- option tt (ellipsis $> Ellipsis (WithPos p tt))
- pure (WithPos p tt')
+tokentree = withPos tokentree'
tokentree' = choice
[ fmap Parens (parens (many tokentree))
@@ 103,14 50,12 @@ tokentree = do
, fmap Backslashed (string "\\" *> tokentree)
, string "#" *> ((Octothorped <$> tokentree) <|> (Octothorpe <$ space))
, fmap Reserved reserved
- , fmap Keyword (string ":" *> small)
- , fmap Small smallSpecial
- , fmap Big bigSpecial
- , fmap Small smallNormal
- , fmap Big bigNormal
+ , fmap Keyword (string ":" *> ident)
+ , lexdName <&> \case
+ x `LIn` LRelative -> LIdent x
+ x -> LName x
, fmap Lit lit
- ellipsis = try (string "..." *> notFollowedBy identLetter *> space)
lit = try num <|> fmap Str strlit
num = andSkipSpaceAfter ns_num
ns_num = do
@@ 152,18 97,39 @@ reserved = andSkipSpaceAfter . choice $ map
, string "type" $> Rtype
-small, smallSpecial, smallNormal :: Lexer String
-small = smallSpecial <|> smallNormal
-smallSpecial = string "id@" *> strlit
-smallNormal = andSkipSpaceAfter $ liftA2 (:) smallStart identRest
- where
- smallStart =
- lowerChar <|> otherChar <|> try (oneOf ("-+" :: String) <* notFollowedBy digitChar)
+-- small, smallSpecial, smallNormal :: Lexer String
+-- small = smallSpecial <|> smallNormal
+-- smallSpecial = string "id@" *> strlit
+-- smallNormal = andSkipSpaceAfter $ liftA2 (:) smallStart identRest
+-- where
+-- smallStart =
+-- lowerChar <|> otherChar <|> try (oneOf ("-+" :: String) <* notFollowedBy digitChar)
+-- bigSpecial, bigNormal :: Lexer String
+-- bigSpecial = string "id@" *> strlit
+-- bigNormal = andSkipSpaceAfter $ liftA2 (:) bigStart identRest
+-- where bigStart = upperChar <|> char ':'
+lexdName :: Lexer LexdName
+lexdName = do
+ root <- option LRelative (char '/' $> LAbsolute)
+ xs <- sepBy1 ns_ident (char '/')
+ pure $ foldr LIn root xs
-bigSpecial, bigNormal :: Lexer String
-bigSpecial = string "id@" *> strlit
-bigNormal = andSkipSpaceAfter $ liftA2 (:) bigStart identRest
- where bigStart = upperChar <|> char ':'
+ident :: Lexer Ident
+ident = fmap Ident ident'
+ns_ident :: Lexer Ident
+ns_ident = fmap Ident ns_ident'
+ident' :: Lexer String
+ident' = andSkipSpaceAfter ns_ident'
+ns_ident' :: Lexer String
+ns_ident' = liftA2 (:) identStart identRest
+ where
+ identStart =
+ letterChar <|> otherChar <|> try (oneOf ("-+" :: String) <* notFollowedBy digitChar)
identRest :: Lexer String
identRest = many identLetter
@@ 176,21 142,21 @@ otherChar = satisfy
(\c -> and
[ any ($ c) [isMark, isPunctuation, isSymbol]
, c `notElem` ("()[]{}" :: String)
- , c `notElem` ("\"-+:•" :: String)
+ , c `notElem` ("\"-+:•/" :: String)
parens, ns_parens :: Lexer a -> Lexer a
parens = andSkipSpaceAfter . ns_parens
-ns_parens = between (symbol "(") (string ")")
+ns_parens = between (symbol "(") (char ')')
brackets, ns_brackets :: Lexer a -> Lexer a
brackets = andSkipSpaceAfter . ns_brackets
-ns_brackets = between (symbol "[") (string "]")
+ns_brackets = between (symbol "[") (char ']')
braces, ns_braces :: Lexer a -> Lexer a
braces = andSkipSpaceAfter . ns_braces
-ns_braces = between (symbol "{") (string "}")
+ns_braces = between (symbol "{") (char '}')
andSkipSpaceAfter :: Lexer a -> Lexer a
andSkipSpaceAfter = Lexer.lexeme space
@@ 206,3 172,6 @@ getSrcPos :: Lexer SrcPos
getSrcPos = fmap
(\(SourcePos f l c) -> SrcPos f (fromIntegral (unPos l)) (fromIntegral (unPos c)) Nothing)
+withPos :: Lexer a -> Lexer (WithPos a)
+withPos = liftA2 WithPos getSrcPos
M src/Front/Lexd.hs => src/Front/Lexd.hs +11 -5
@@ 2,7 2,8 @@
module Front.Lexd where
-import Front.SrcPos
+import SrcPos
+import Name
data Const
= Int Int
@@ 36,17 37,22 @@ data Reserved
data TokenTree'
= Reserved Reserved
- | Keyword String
+ | Keyword Ident
| Lit Const
- | Small String
- | Big String
+ | LIdent Ident
+ | LName LexdName
| Parens [TokenTree]
| Brackets [TokenTree]
| Braces [TokenTree]
| Backslashed TokenTree
| Octothorped TokenTree
| Octothorpe
- | Ellipsis TokenTree
+ | Quote
+ | Backquote
+ | Unquote TokenTree
+ | UnquoteSplicing TokenTree
deriving (Eq, Show)
type TokenTree = WithPos TokenTree'
+newtype Module = Module [TokenTree]
M src/Front/Macro.hs => src/Front/Macro.hs +164 -117
@@ 1,133 1,180 @@
module Front.Macro (expandMacros) where
-import Control.Applicative
+-- import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Except
-import Control.Monad.Reader
-import Control.Monad.State
-import Data.Bifunctor
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import Data.Set (Set)
-import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
+-- import Control.Monad.Reader
+-- import Control.Monad.State
+-- import Data.Bifunctor
+-- import Data.Map (Map)
+-- import Data.Set (Set)
+-- import qualified Data.Set as Set
+-- import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Misc
-import Front.SrcPos
+-- import Name
+import SrcPos
import Front.Lexd
-import Front.Parser
+-- import Front.Parser
-type Literals = Set String
-type Rules = [([TokenTree], [TokenTree])]
-type Macros = Map String (Literals, Rules)
-type Bindings = Map String TokenTree'
-type Expand = ReaderT (Bindings, Maybe SrcPos) (StateT Macros (Except (SrcPos, String)))
+-- type Literals = Set Ident
+-- type Rules = [([TokenTree], [TokenTree])]
+-- type Macros = Map Ident (Literals, Rules)
+-- type Bindings = Map Ident TokenTree'
+-- type Expand = ReaderT (Bindings, Maybe SrcPos) (StateT Macros (Except (SrcPos, String)))
-expandMacros :: [TokenTree] -> Except (SrcPos, String) [TokenTree]
-expandMacros tts = evalStateT (runReaderT (toplevels tts) (Map.empty, Nothing)) Map.empty
+expandMacros :: Module -> Except (SrcPos, String) Module
+expandMacros = nyi "expandMacros"
-toplevels :: [TokenTree] -> Expand [TokenTree]
-toplevels = fmap concat . mapM toplevel
+-- expandMacros :: [TokenTree] -> Except (SrcPos, String) [TokenTree]
+-- expandMacros tts = evalStateT (runReaderT (toplevels tts) (Map.empty, Nothing)) Map.empty
-toplevel :: TokenTree -> Expand [TokenTree]
-toplevel = \case
- WithPos mpos (Parens (WithPos _ (Reserved Rdefmacro) : tts)) -> do
- (name, lits, rules) <- case runParser pdefmacro mpos tts of
- (result, []) -> (lift . lift . liftEither) result
- (_, messages) ->
- ice
- $ "Macro.toplevel: There were messages when running the pdefmacro parser: "
- ++ show messages
- modify (Map.insert name (lits, rules))
- pure []
- tt -> expand tt
+-- toplevels :: [TokenTree] -> Expand [TokenTree]
+-- toplevels = fmap concat . mapM toplevel
-pdefmacro :: Parser (String, Literals, Rules)
-pdefmacro = liftA3 (,,) small' (fmap Set.fromList (parens (many small'))) (some prule)
- where
- prule = parens $ do
- reserved Rcase
- params <- parens (many anyToken)
- template <- many anyToken
- pure (params, template)
+-- toplevel :: TokenTree -> Expand [TokenTree]
+-- toplevel = \case
+-- WithPos mpos (Parens (WithPos _ (Reserved Rdefmacro) : tts)) -> do
+-- (name, lits, rules) <- case runParser pdefmacro mpos tts of
+-- (result, []) -> (lift . lift . liftEither) result
+-- (_, messages) ->
+-- ice
+-- $ "Macro.toplevel: There were messages when running the pdefmacro parser: "
+-- ++ show messages
+-- modify (Map.insert name (lits, rules))
+-- pure []
+-- tt -> expand tt
-expand :: TokenTree -> Expand [TokenTree]
-expand (WithPos tpos tt') = do
- (bs, expPos) <- ask
- ms <- get
- let tpos' = tpos { inExpansion = expPos }
- let tt = WithPos tpos' tt'
- let par ctor tts = fmap (pure . WithPos tpos' . ctor) (expands tts)
- case tt' of
- Lit _ -> pure [tt]
- Small x -> case Map.lookup x bs of
- Just xtt -> pure [WithPos tpos' xtt]
- Nothing -> pure [tt]
- Big _ -> pure [tt]
- Reserved _ -> pure [tt]
- Keyword _ -> pure [tt]
- Backslashed tt' -> map (WithPos tpos' . Backslashed) <$> expand tt'
- Octothorped tt' -> map (WithPos tpos' . Octothorped) <$> expand tt'
- Octothorpe -> pure [tt]
- Parens (WithPos _ (Small x) : tts1) | Just m <- Map.lookup x ms -> do
- tts2 <- expands tts1
- local (second (const (Just tpos'))) $ do
- tts3 <- uncurry (applyMacro tpos' tts2) m
- expands tts3
- Parens tts -> par Parens tts
- Brackets tts -> par Brackets tts
- Braces tts -> par Braces tts
- Ellipsis (WithPos epos (Small x)) -> case Map.lookup x bs of
- Just (Parens xtts) -> expands xtts
- Just (Brackets xtts) -> expands xtts
- Just (Braces xtts) -> expands xtts
- Just _ ->
- throwError (epos, "Cannot ellipsis splice non-sequence macro pattern variable")
- Nothing -> throwError (epos, "Unbound macro pattern variable")
- Ellipsis (WithPos epos _) ->
- throwError (epos, "Can only ellipsis splice macro pattern variable")
+-- pdefmacro :: Parser (Ident, Literals, Rules)
+-- pdefmacro = liftA3 (,,)
+-- (unpos <$> smallLhs)
+-- (fmap Set.fromList (parens (many (unpos <$> smallLhs))))
+-- (some prule)
+-- where
+-- prule = parens $ do
+-- reserved Rcase
+-- params <- parens (many anyToken)
+-- template <- many anyToken
+-- pure (params, template)
-expands :: [TokenTree] -> Expand [TokenTree]
-expands = fmap concat . mapM expand
+-- subst :: Map Ident TokenTree -> TokenTree -> [TokenTree]
+-- subst s (WithPos tpos tt) = case tt of
+-- Lit _ -> _
+-- -- (bs, expPos) <- ask
+-- -- ms <- get
+-- -- let tpos' = tpos { inExpansion = expPos }
+-- -- let tt = WithPos tpos' tt'
+-- -- let par ctor tts = fmap (pure . WithPos tpos' . ctor) (expands tts)
+-- -- case tt' of
+-- -- Lit _ -> pure [tt]
+-- -- LIdent x -> case Map.lookup x bs of
+-- -- Just xtt -> pure [WithPos tpos' xtt]
+-- -- Nothing -> pure [tt]
+-- -- -- LRelName _ -> pure [tt]
+-- -- -- LQualName _ -> pure [tt]
+-- -- Reserved _ -> pure [tt]
+-- -- Keyword _ -> pure [tt]
+-- -- Backslashed tt' -> map (WithPos tpos' . Backslashed) <$> expand tt'
+-- -- Octothorped tt' -> map (WithPos tpos' . Octothorped) <$> expand tt'
+-- -- Octothorpe -> pure [tt]
+-- -- Parens (WithPos _ (LIdent x) : tts1) | Just m <- Map.lookup x ms -> do
+-- -- tts2 <- expands tts1
+-- -- local (second (const (Just tpos'))) $ do
+-- -- tts3 <- uncurry (applyMacro tpos' tts2) m
+-- -- expands tts3
+-- -- Parens tts -> par Parens tts
+-- -- Brackets tts -> par Brackets tts
+-- -- Braces tts -> par Braces tts
+-- -- Ellipsis (WithPos epos (LIdent x)) -> case Map.lookup x bs of
+-- -- Just (Parens xtts) -> expands xtts
+-- -- Just (Brackets xtts) -> expands xtts
+-- -- Just (Braces xtts) -> expands xtts
+-- -- Just _ ->
+-- -- throwError (epos, "Cannot ellipsis splice non-sequence macro pattern variable")
+-- -- Nothing -> throwError (epos, "Unbound macro pattern variable")
+-- -- Ellipsis (WithPos epos _) ->
+-- -- throwError (epos, "Can only ellipsis splice macro pattern variable")
-applyMacro :: SrcPos -> [TokenTree] -> Literals -> Rules -> Expand [TokenTree]
-applyMacro appPos args lits = \case
- [] -> throwError (appPos, "No rule matched in application of macro")
- (params, template) : rules -> case matchRule (map unpos params, args) of
- Just bindings -> local (first (Map.union bindings)) (expands template)
- Nothing -> applyMacro appPos args lits rules
- where
- matchRule :: ([TokenTree'], [TokenTree]) -> Maybe (Map String TokenTree')
- matchRule = \case
- ([], []) -> Just mempty
- (Ellipsis (WithPos _ x) : xs, ys) ->
- let ms = takeWhileJust (matchPat x) ys
- ys' = drop (length ms) ys
- -- By default, each pattern variable in an ellipsis pattern should be bound to an
- -- empty Parens, even if ys was empty
- ms' = Map.fromSet (const []) (fvPat x) : map (fmap pure) ms
- ms'' = fmap Parens (Map.unionsWith (++) ms')
- in fmap (Map.union ms'') (matchRule (xs, ys'))
- (x : xs, y : ys) -> liftA2 (Map.union . fmap unpos) (matchPat x y) (matchRule (xs, ys))
- ([], _ : _) -> Nothing
- (_ : _, []) -> Nothing
+-- expand :: TokenTree -> Expand [TokenTree]
+-- expand (WithPos tpos tt') = do
+-- (bs, expPos) <- ask
+-- ms <- get
+-- let tpos' = tpos { inExpansion = expPos }
+-- let tt = WithPos tpos' tt'
+-- let par ctor tts = fmap (pure . WithPos tpos' . ctor) (expands tts)
+-- case tt' of
+-- Lit _ -> pure [tt]
+-- LIdent x -> case Map.lookup x bs of
+-- Just xtt -> pure [WithPos tpos' xtt]
+-- Nothing -> pure [tt]
+-- -- LRelName _ -> pure [tt]
+-- -- LQualName _ -> pure [tt]
+-- Reserved _ -> pure [tt]
+-- Keyword _ -> pure [tt]
+-- Backslashed tt' -> map (WithPos tpos' . Backslashed) <$> expand tt'
+-- Octothorped tt' -> map (WithPos tpos' . Octothorped) <$> expand tt'
+-- Octothorpe -> pure [tt]
+-- Parens (WithPos _ (LIdent x) : tts1) | Just m <- Map.lookup x ms -> do
+-- tts2 <- expands tts1
+-- local (second (const (Just tpos'))) $ do
+-- tts3 <- uncurry (applyMacro tpos' tts2) m
+-- expands tts3
+-- Parens tts -> par Parens tts
+-- Brackets tts -> par Brackets tts
+-- Braces tts -> par Braces tts
+-- Ellipsis (WithPos epos (LIdent x)) -> case Map.lookup x bs of
+-- Just (Parens xtts) -> expands xtts
+-- Just (Brackets xtts) -> expands xtts
+-- Just (Braces xtts) -> expands xtts
+-- Just _ ->
+-- throwError (epos, "Cannot ellipsis splice non-sequence macro pattern variable")
+-- Nothing -> throwError (epos, "Unbound macro pattern variable")
+-- Ellipsis (WithPos epos _) ->
+-- throwError (epos, "Can only ellipsis splice macro pattern variable")
- matchPat :: TokenTree' -> TokenTree -> Maybe (Map String TokenTree)
- matchPat p (WithPos apos a) = case (p, a) of
- (Small x, _) | not (Set.member x lits) -> Just (Map.singleton x (WithPos apos a))
- (Parens xs, Parens ys) -> par xs ys
- (Brackets xs, Brackets ys) -> par xs ys
- (Braces xs, Braces ys) -> par xs ys
- (_, _) | p == a -> Just mempty
- | otherwise -> Nothing
- where
- par xs ys = if length xs == length ys
- then Map.unions <$> zipWithM matchPat (map unpos xs) ys
- else Nothing
+-- expands :: [TokenTree] -> Expand [TokenTree]
+-- expands = fmap concat . mapM expand
- fvPat = \case
- Small x | not (Set.member x lits) -> Set.singleton x
- Parens tts -> par tts
- Brackets tts -> par tts
- Braces tts -> par tts
- Ellipsis tt -> fvPat (unpos tt)
- _ -> Set.empty
- where par = Set.unions . map (fvPat . unpos)
+-- applyMacro :: SrcPos -> [TokenTree] -> Literals -> Rules -> Expand [TokenTree]
+-- applyMacro appPos args lits = \case
+-- [] -> throwError (appPos, "No rule matched in application of macro")
+-- (params, template) : rules -> case matchRule (map unpos params, args) of
+-- -- FIXME: bindings should be replaced, not joined?
+-- Just bindings -> local (first (Map.union bindings)) (expands template)
+-- Nothing -> applyMacro appPos args lits rules
+-- where
+-- matchRule :: ([TokenTree'], [TokenTree]) -> Maybe (Map String TokenTree')
+-- matchRule = \case
+-- ([], []) -> Just mempty
+-- (Ellipsis (WithPos _ x) : xs, ys) ->
+-- let ms = takeWhileJust (matchPat x) ys
+-- ys' = drop (length ms) ys
+-- -- By default, each pattern variable in an ellipsis pattern should be bound to an
+-- -- empty Parens, even if ys was empty
+-- ms' = Map.fromSet (const []) (fvPat x) : map (fmap pure) ms
+-- ms'' = fmap Parens (Map.unionsWith (++) ms')
+-- in fmap (Map.union ms'') (matchRule (xs, ys'))
+-- (x : xs, y : ys) -> liftA2 (Map.union . fmap unpos) (matchPat x y) (matchRule (xs, ys))
+-- ([], _ : _) -> Nothing
+-- (_ : _, []) -> Nothing
+-- matchPat :: TokenTree' -> TokenTree -> Maybe (Map String TokenTree)
+-- matchPat p (WithPos apos a) = case (p, a) of
+-- -- (Small x, _) | not (Set.member x lits) -> Just (Map.singleton x (WithPos apos a))
+-- (Parens xs, Parens ys) -> par xs ys
+-- (Brackets xs, Brackets ys) -> par xs ys
+-- (Braces xs, Braces ys) -> par xs ys
+-- (_, _) | p == a -> Just mempty
+-- | otherwise -> Nothing
+-- where
+-- par xs ys = if length xs == length ys
+-- then Map.unions <$> zipWithM matchPat (map unpos xs) ys
+-- else Nothing
+-- fvPat = \case
+-- -- Small x | not (Set.member x lits) -> Set.singleton x
+-- Parens tts -> par tts
+-- Brackets tts -> par tts
+-- Braces tts -> par tts
+-- Ellipsis tt -> fvPat (unpos tt)
+-- _ -> Set.empty
+-- where par = Set.unions . map (fvPat . unpos)
M src/Front/Match.hs => src/Front/Match.hs +1 -1
@@ 22,7 22,7 @@ import Lens.Micro.Platform (makeLenses, view, to)
import Misc hiding (augment)
import Pretty
-import Front.SrcPos
+import SrcPos
import Front.Err
import qualified Front.Inferred as Inferred
import Front.Inferred (Pat (..), Pat'(..), Variant(..))
M src/Front/Monomorphic.hs => src/Front/Monomorphic.hs +11 -10
@@ 21,20 21,21 @@ import Data.Void
import FreeVars
import Misc
-import Front.Checked (VariantIx, Span, Access (..), Virt (..))
-import Front.Parsed (Const(..))
+import Front.Abstract
+import Front.Checked
+import Front.Concrete (Const(..))
import Front.TypeAst
type TConst = TConst' Void
-type Type = Type' Void
+type MonoType = Type' Void
data TypedVar = TypedVar
{ tvName :: String
- , tvType :: Type
+ , tvType :: MonoType
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-type VariantTypes = [Type]
+type VariantTypes = [MonoType]
type VarBindings = [(TypedVar, Access)]
@@ 45,7 46,7 @@ data DecisionTree
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Ction = (VariantIx, Span, TConst, [Expr])
-type Fun = ([TypedVar], (Expr, Type))
+type Fun = ([TypedVar], (Expr, MonoType))
data Expr
= Lit Const
@@ 56,18 57,18 @@ data Expr
| Let Def Expr
| Match [Expr] DecisionTree
| Ction Ction
- | Sizeof Type
- | Absurd Type
+ | Sizeof MonoType
+ | Absurd MonoType
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Defs = TopologicalOrder Def
data Def = VarDef VarDef | RecDefs RecDefs deriving (Show, Eq)
-type Inst = [Type]
+type Inst = [MonoType]
type VarDef = (TypedVar, (Inst, Expr))
type RecDefs = [FunDef]
type FunDef = (TypedVar, (Inst, Fun))
type Datas = Map TConst [(String, VariantTypes)]
-type Externs = [(String, Type)]
+type Externs = [(String, MonoType)]
data Program = Program Defs Datas Externs
deriving Show
M src/Front/Monomorphize.hs => src/Front/Monomorphize.hs +1 -1
@@ 40,7 40,7 @@ instance Monoid DefInsts where
monomorphize :: Checked.Program -> Program
monomorphize (Checked.Program (Topo defs) datas externs) =
- callMain = Checked.Var (NonVirt, Checked.TypedVar "main" Checked.mainType)
+ callMain = Checked.Var (NonVirt, Checked.TypedVar "main" mainType)
monoExterns = mapM (\(x, t) -> fmap (x, ) (monotype t)) (Map.toList externs)
monoDefs = foldr (\d1 md2s -> fmap (uncurry (++)) (monoLet' d1 md2s))
(mono callMain $> [])
M src/Front/Parse.hs => src/Front/Parse.hs +68 -82
@@ 5,40 5,46 @@ module Front.Parse (parse, c_validIdent, c_validIdentFirst, c_validIdentRest, c_
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Applicative hiding (many, some)
import Control.Monad
-import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Combinators
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Char
-import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Lens.Micro.Platform (set, view)
import Misc
-import Front.SrcPos
-import Front.Lexd hiding (Big, Small)
+import SrcPos
+import Name
+import Front.Lexd hiding (Module, Lit)
import qualified Front.Lexd as Lexd
+import Front.TypeAst
+--import qualified Front.Concrete as Concrete
import Front.Parser
-import Front.Parsed hiding (Lit)
-import qualified Front.Parsed as Parsed
+import Front.Concrete
+import Front.Parsed
+-- import qualified Front.Concrete as Cst
-parse :: [TokenTree] -> (Either (SrcPos, String) Program, [Message])
-parse = runParser' (fmap (\(ds, ts, es) -> Program ds ts es) toplevels)
+parse :: Lexd.Module -> (Either (SrcPos, String) ParsedModule, [Message])
+parse (Lexd.Module tts) =
+ runParser' (fmap (\(is, ds, ts, es) -> Module is ds ts es) toplevels) tts
-toplevels :: Parser ([Def], [TypeDef], [Extern])
+toplevels :: Parser ([ParsedImport], [ParsedDef], [ParsedTypeDef], [ParsedExtern])
toplevels = fmap mconcat (manyTill toplevel end)
toplevel = tryParens' $ \topPos -> choice
- [ fmap (\d -> ([d], [], [])) (def topPos)
- , fmap (\t -> ([], [t], [])) data_
- , fmap (\t -> ([], [t], [])) typealias
- , fmap (\e -> ([], [], [e])) extern
+ [ fmap (\i -> ([i], [], [], [])) import_
+ , fmap (\d -> ([], [d], [], [])) (def topPos)
+ , fmap (\t -> ([], [], [t], [])) data_
+ , fmap (\t -> ([], [], [t], [])) typealias
+ , fmap (\e -> ([], [], [], [e])) extern
-extern :: Parser Extern
+import_ :: Parser ParsedImport
+import_ = reserved Rimport *> option () (keyword "macros") *> smallName
+extern :: Parser ParsedExtern
extern = do
reserved Rextern
- x@(Id (WithPos pos x')) <- small
+ x@(WithPos pos (Ident x')) <- smallLhs
unless (c_validIdent x') $ scribe
[ Warning
@@ 47,35 53,35 @@ extern = do
Extern x <$> type_
-data_ :: Parser TypeDef
+data_ :: Parser ParsedTypeDef
data_ = do
_ <- reserved Rdata
- let onlyName = fmap (, []) big
- let nameAndSome = parens . liftA2 (,) big . some
- (name, params) <- onlyName <|> nameAndSome small
+ let onlyName = fmap (, []) bigLhs
+ let nameAndSome = parens . liftA2 (,) bigLhs . some
+ (name, params) <- onlyName <|> nameAndSome smallLhs
constrs <- many (onlyName <|> nameAndSome type_)
pure (TypeDef name params (ConstructorDefs constrs))
-typealias :: Parser TypeDef
+typealias :: Parser ParsedTypeDef
typealias = do
_ <- reserved Rtype
- let onlyName = fmap (, []) big
- let nameAndSome = parens . liftA2 (,) big . some
- (name, params) <- onlyName <|> nameAndSome small
+ let onlyName = fmap (, []) bigLhs
+ let nameAndSome = parens . liftA2 (,) bigLhs . some
+ (name, params) <- onlyName <|> nameAndSome smallLhs
TypeAlias name params <$> type_
-def :: SrcPos -> Parser Def
+def :: SrcPos -> Parser ParsedDef
def topPos = (reserved Rdefun *> funDef) <|> (reserved Rdef *> varDef)
body inner = do
ds <- many (tryParens' def)
if null ds then expr else fmap (\b -> WithPos (getPos b) (LetRec ds b)) inner
varDef = do
- name <- small
+ name <- smallLhs
scm <- option Nothing (fmap Just (keyword "of" *> scheme))
VarDef topPos name scm <$> body expr
funDef = do
- name <- small
+ name <- smallLhs
params <- withPos $ brackets (some pat)
@@ 89,25 95,22 @@ def topPos = (reserved Rdefun *> funDef) <|> (reserved Rdef *> varDef)
pure $ FunMatchDef topPos name scm cases'
-expr :: Parser Expr
+expr :: Parser ParsedExpr
expr = withPos expr'
data BindingLhs
- = VarLhs (Id 'Small)
- | CaseVarLhs Pat
+ = VarLhs LhsName
+ | CaseVarLhs ParsedPat
-expr' :: Parser Expr'
+expr' :: Parser ParsedExpr'
expr' = choice [var, lit, eConstructor, etuple, deBruijnFun, deBruijnIndex, pexpr]
lit = token "constant literal" $ const $ \case
- Lit c -> Just (Parsed.Lit c)
+ Lexd.Lit c -> Just (Lit c)
_ -> Nothing
- eConstructor = fmap Ctor big
- -- FIXME: These positions are completely wack. Gotta get a separate variant in the AST for
- -- pairs. Similar to Box.
- etuple = fmap unpos $ tuple expr (\p -> WithPos p (Ctor (Id (WithPos p "Unit")))) $ \l r ->
- let p = getPos l in WithPos p (App (WithPos p (Ctor (Id (WithPos p "Cons")))) [l, r])
- var = fmap Var small
+ eConstructor = fmap Ctor bigName
+ etuple = ETuple <$> tuple expr
+ var = fmap Var smallName
pexpr = parens' $ \p -> choice [match, if', fun, let1 p, let', letrec, typeAscr, sizeof, app]
match = reserved Rmatch
*> liftA2 Match expr (many (parens (reserved Rcase *> liftA2 (,) pat expr)))
@@ 128,7 131,7 @@ expr' = choice [var, lit, eConstructor, etuple, deBruijnFun, deBruijnIndex, pexp
scribe deBruijnIndices [i]
pure (DeBruijnIndex i)
index = token "integral index" $ const $ \case
- Lit (Int n) | n >= 0 -> Just (fromIntegral n :: Word)
+ Lexd.Lit (Int n) | n >= 0 -> Just (fromIntegral n :: Word)
_ -> Nothing
let1 p = reserved Rlet1 *> (varLhs <|> caseVarLhs) >>= \case
VarLhs lhs -> liftA2 (Let1 . Def) (varBinding p lhs) expr
@@ 148,7 151,7 @@ expr' = choice [var, lit, eConstructor, etuple, deBruijnFun, deBruijnIndex, pexp
binding p = varLhs >>= \case
VarLhs lhs -> varBinding p lhs
CaseVarLhs _ -> ice "letrec binding: CaseVarLhs"
- varLhs = fmap VarLhs small
+ varLhs = fmap VarLhs smallLhs
caseVarLhs = fmap CaseVarLhs pat
varBinding pos lhs = VarDef pos lhs Nothing <$> expr
typeAscr = reserved Rcolon *> liftA2 TypeAscr expr type_
@@ 158,25 161,24 @@ expr' = choice [var, lit, eConstructor, etuple, deBruijnFun, deBruijnIndex, pexp
rands <- some expr
pure (App rator rands)
-pat :: Parser Pat
+pat :: Parser ParsedPat
pat = choice [patInt, patStr, patCtor, patVar, patTuple, ppat]
patInt = token "integer literal" $ \p -> \case
- Lit (Int x) -> Just (PInt p x)
+ Lexd.Lit (Int x) -> Just (PInt p x)
_ -> Nothing
patStr = liftA2 PStr getSrcPos strlit
strlit = token "string literal" $ const $ \case
- Lit (Str s) -> Just s
+ Lexd.Lit (Str s) -> Just s
_ -> Nothing
- patCtor = fmap (\x -> PConstruction (getPos x) x []) big
- patVar = fmap PVar small
- patTuple = tuple pat (\p -> PConstruction p (Id (WithPos p "Unit")) [])
- $ \l r -> let p = getPos l in PConstruction p (Id (WithPos p "Cons")) [l, r]
+ patCtor = fmap (\x -> PConstruction (getPos x) x []) bigName
+ patVar = fmap PVar smallLhs
+ patTuple = liftA2 PTuple getSrcPos (tuple pat)
ppat = parens' $ \pos -> choice [patBox pos, patCtion pos]
patBox pos = reserved RBox *> fmap (PBox pos) pat
- patCtion pos = liftM3 PConstruction (pure pos) big (some pat)
+ patCtion pos = liftM3 PConstruction (pure pos) bigName (some pat)
-scheme :: Parser Scheme
+scheme :: Parser ParsedScheme
scheme = do
pos <- getSrcPos
let wrap = fmap (Forall pos Set.empty Set.empty)
@@ 186,43 188,21 @@ scheme = do
constrs = parens (reserved Rwhere *> fmap Set.fromList (some (parens tapp)))
wrap nonptype <|> parens (universal <|> wrap ptype)
-type_ :: Parser Type
+type_ :: Parser ParsedType
type_ = nonptype <|> parens ptype
-nonptype :: Parser Type
-nonptype = choice [fmap TPrim tprim, fmap TVar tvar, fmap (TConst . (, []) . idstr) big, ttuple]
- where
- tprim = token "primitive type" $ const $ \case
- Lexd.Big ('N' : 'a' : 't' : s) | isWord s -> Just (TNat (read s))
- Lexd.Big ('I' : 'n' : 't' : s) | isWord s -> Just (TInt (read s))
- Lexd.Big "Nat" -> Just TNatSize
- Lexd.Big "Int" -> Just TIntSize
- Lexd.Big "F32" -> Just TF32
- Lexd.Big "F64" -> Just TF64
- _ -> Nothing
- ttuple = tuple type_ (const (TConst ("Unit", []))) $ \l r -> TConst ("Cons", [l, r])
--- | FIXME: Positions in here are kind of bad
-tuple :: Parser a -> (SrcPos -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> Parser a
-tuple p unit f = brackets $ do
- a <- p
- as <- many (try p)
- let ls = a : as
- pos <- gets stOuterPos
- r <- option (unit pos) (try (reserved Rdot *> p))
- pure $ foldr f r ls
+nonptype :: Parser ParsedType
+nonptype = choice [fmap PTVar tvar, fmap (`PTConst` []) bigName, PTTuple <$> tuple type_]
-ptype :: Parser Type
-ptype = choice [tfun, tbox, fmap (TConst . second (map snd)) tapp]
- where
- tfun = reserved RFun *> liftA2 TFun (brackets (some type_)) type_
- tbox = reserved RBox *> fmap TBox type_
+ptype :: Parser ParsedType
+ptype = tfun <|> fmap (uncurry PTConst . second (map snd)) tapp
+ where tfun = reserved RFun *> liftA2 PTFun (brackets (some type_)) type_
-tapp :: Parser (String, [(SrcPos, Type)])
-tapp = liftA2 ((,) . idstr) big (some (liftA2 (,) getSrcPos type_))
+tapp :: Parser (ParsedName, [(SrcPos, ParsedType)])
+tapp = liftA2 (,) bigName (some (liftA2 (,) getSrcPos type_))
tvar :: Parser TVar
-tvar = fmap TVExplicit small
+tvar = fmap TVExplicit smallLhs
backslashed' :: (SrcPos -> Parser a) -> Parser a
backslashed' = sexpr "`\\`" $ \case
@@ 239,8 219,14 @@ octothorpe = token "`#`" $ const $ \case
Octothorpe -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
-isWord :: String -> Bool
-isWord s = isJust (readMaybe s :: Maybe Word)
+tuple :: Parser a -> Parser (Tuple a)
+tuple p = brackets $ do
+ as <- many1 (try p)
+ b <- option Nothing (fmap Just (try (reserved Rdot *> p)))
+ pure $ Tuple as b
+-- isWord :: String -> Bool
+-- isWord s = isJust (readMaybe s :: Maybe Word)
-- | Valid identifiers in the C language according to the C11 standard "ISO/IEC 9899:2011",
-- excluding "other implementation-defined characters".
M src/Front/Parsed.hs => src/Front/Parsed.hs +19 -166
@@ 1,170 1,23 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+module Front.Parsed where
-module Front.Parsed (module Front.Parsed, Const (..), TPrim(..), Type' (..), TConst') where
-import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import Data.Set (Set)
-import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
-import Data.Bifunctor
-import Front.SrcPos
-import FreeVars
+import Name
+import SrcPos
+import Front.Concrete
import Front.TypeAst
-import Front.Lexd (Const (..))
-data Message = Warning SrcPos String
- deriving Show
-data IdCase = Big | Small
-newtype Id (case' :: IdCase) = Id (WithPos String)
+type ParsedName = WithPos LexdName
+data ParsedType
+ = PTVar TVar
+ | PTConst ParsedName [ParsedType]
+ | PTFun [ParsedType] ParsedType
+ | PTTuple (Tuple ParsedType)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-data TVar
- = TVExplicit (Id 'Small)
- | TVImplicit String
- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-type TConst = TConst' TVar
-type Type = Type' TVar
-type ClassConstraint = (String, [(SrcPos, Type)])
-data Scheme = Forall SrcPos (Set TVar) (Set ClassConstraint) Type
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-data Pat
- = PConstruction SrcPos (Id 'Big) [Pat]
- | PInt SrcPos Int
- | PStr SrcPos String
- | PVar (Id 'Small)
- | PBox SrcPos Pat
- -- TODO: Add special pattern for Lazy
- deriving Show
-type FunPats = WithPos [Pat]
-data Expr'
- = Lit Const
- | Var (Id 'Small)
- | App Expr [Expr]
- | If Expr Expr Expr
- | Let1 DefLike Expr
- | Let [DefLike] Expr
- | LetRec [Def] Expr
- | TypeAscr Expr Type
- | Match Expr [(Pat, Expr)]
- | Fun FunPats Expr
- | DeBruijnFun Word Expr
- | DeBruijnIndex Word
- | FunMatch [(FunPats, Expr)]
- | Ctor (Id 'Big)
- | Sizeof Type
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-type Expr = WithPos Expr'
-data Def = VarDef SrcPos (Id 'Small) (Maybe Scheme) Expr
- | FunDef SrcPos (Id 'Small) (Maybe Scheme) FunPats Expr
- | FunMatchDef SrcPos (Id 'Small) (Maybe Scheme) [(FunPats, Expr)]
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-data DefLike = Def Def | Deconstr Pat Expr
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-newtype ConstructorDefs = ConstructorDefs [(Id 'Big, [Type])]
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-data TypeDef
- = TypeDef (Id 'Big) [Id 'Small] ConstructorDefs
- | TypeAlias (Id 'Big) [Id 'Small] Type
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-data Extern = Extern (Id 'Small) Type
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-data Program = Program [Def] [TypeDef] [Extern]
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-instance Eq Pat where
- (==) = curry $ \case
- (PConstruction _ x ps, PConstruction _ x' ps') -> x == x' && ps == ps'
- (PVar x, PVar x') -> x == x'
- _ -> False
-instance FreeVars Def (Id 'Small) where
- freeVars = \case
- VarDef _ _ _ rhs -> freeVars rhs
- FunDef _ _ _ pats rhs ->
- Set.difference (freeVars rhs) (Set.unions (map bvPat (unpos pats)))
- FunMatchDef _ _ _ cs -> fvCases (map (first unpos) cs)
-instance FreeVars DefLike (Id 'Small) where
- freeVars = \case
- Def d -> freeVars d
- Deconstr _ matchee -> freeVars matchee
-instance FreeVars Expr (Id 'Small) where
- freeVars = fvExpr
-instance HasPos (Id a) where
- getPos (Id x) = getPos x
-instance HasPos Pat where
- getPos = \case
- PConstruction p _ _ -> p
- PInt p _ -> p
- PStr p _ -> p
- PVar v -> getPos v
- PBox p _ -> p
-fvExpr :: Expr -> Set (Id 'Small)
-fvExpr = unpos >>> fvExpr'
- where
- fvExpr' = \case
- Lit _ -> Set.empty
- Var x -> Set.singleton x
- App f as -> fvApp f as
- If p c a -> fvIf p c a
- Let1 b e -> Set.union (freeVars b) (Set.difference (freeVars e) (bvDefLike b))
- Let bs e -> foldr
- (\b fvs -> Set.union (freeVars b) (Set.difference fvs (bvDefLike b)))
- (freeVars e)
- bs
- LetRec ds e -> fvLet (unzip (map (\d -> (defLhs d, d)) ds)) e
- TypeAscr e _t -> freeVars e
- Match e cs -> fvMatch e cs
- Fun (WithPos _ pats) e -> Set.difference (freeVars e) (Set.unions (map bvPat pats))
- DeBruijnFun _ body -> freeVars body
- DeBruijnIndex _ -> Set.empty
- FunMatch cs -> fvCases (map (first unpos) cs)
- Ctor _ -> Set.empty
- Sizeof _t -> Set.empty
- bvDefLike = \case
- Def d -> Set.singleton (defLhs d)
- Deconstr pat _ -> bvPat pat
-defLhs :: Def -> Id 'Small
-defLhs = \case
- VarDef _ lhs _ _ -> lhs
- FunDef _ lhs _ _ _ -> lhs
- FunMatchDef _ lhs _ _ -> lhs
-fvMatch :: Expr -> [(Pat, Expr)] -> Set (Id 'Small)
-fvMatch e cs = Set.union (freeVars e) (fvCases (map (first pure) cs))
-fvCases :: [([Pat], Expr)] -> Set (Id 'Small)
-fvCases = Set.unions . map (\(ps, e) -> Set.difference (freeVars e) (Set.unions (map bvPat ps)))
-bvPat :: Pat -> Set (Id 'Small)
-bvPat = \case
- PConstruction _ _ ps -> Set.unions (map bvPat ps)
- PInt _ _ -> Set.empty
- PStr _ _ -> Set.empty
- PVar x -> Set.singleton x
- PBox _ p -> bvPat p
-idstr :: Id a -> String
-idstr (Id (WithPos _ x)) = x
+type ParsedImport = ParsedName
+type ParsedScheme = Scheme ParsedType ParsedName
+type ParsedPat = Pat ParsedName
+type ParsedExpr' = Expr' ParsedType ParsedName
+type ParsedExpr = Expr ParsedType ParsedName
+type ParsedDef = Def ParsedType ParsedName
+type ParsedTypeDef = TypeDef ParsedType
+type ParsedExtern = Extern ParsedType
+type ParsedModule = Module ParsedType ParsedName
M src/Front/Parser.hs => src/Front/Parser.hs +38 -12
@@ 2,7 2,8 @@
module Front.Parser where
-import Control.Applicative hiding (many, some)
+import Control.Applicative hiding (some)
+import Data.Char
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Writer
@@ 15,9 16,11 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Lens.Micro.Platform (makeLenses, view)
import Misc
-import Front.SrcPos
-import Front.Lexd
+import SrcPos
+import Name
+import Front.Concrete
import Front.Parsed
+import Front.Lexd
import Pretty
data Err = Err
@@ 46,6 49,9 @@ data St = St
deriving Show
+data Message = Warning SrcPos String
+ deriving Show
data Out = Out
{ _deBruijnIndices :: [Word]
, _messages :: [Message]
@@ 174,19 180,36 @@ trySexpr expected extract f = do
modify (\st -> st { stOuterPos = pOld, stInput = ttsOld })
pure a
-big :: Parser (Id 'Front.Parsed.Big)
-big = token "big identifier" $ \p -> \case
- Front.Lexd.Big x -> Just (Id (WithPos p x))
+-- small' :: Parser String
+-- small' = fmap (idstr . unpos) small
+bigLhs :: Parser LhsName
+bigLhs = token "big identifier" $ \p -> \case
+ Front.Lexd.LIdent x@(Ident (c : _)) | isUpper c -> Just (WithPos p x)
+ _ -> Nothing
+smallLhs :: Parser LhsName
+smallLhs = token "small identifier" $ \p -> \case
+ Front.Lexd.LIdent x@(Ident (c : _)) | not (isUpper c) -> Just (WithPos p x)
+ _ -> Nothing
+bigName :: Parser ParsedName
+bigName = bigName' <|> fmap (mapPosd (`LIn` LRelative)) bigLhs
+bigName' :: Parser ParsedName
+bigName' = token "big name" $ \p -> \case
+ Front.Lexd.LName x@(Ident (c : _) `LIn` _) | isUpper c -> Just (WithPos p x)
_ -> Nothing
-small' :: Parser String
-small' = fmap idstr small
+smallName :: Parser ParsedName
+smallName = smallName' <|> fmap (mapPosd (`LIn` LRelative)) smallLhs
-small :: Parser (Id 'Front.Parsed.Small)
-small = token "small identifier" $ \p -> \case
- Front.Lexd.Small x -> Just (Id (WithPos p x))
+smallName' :: Parser ParsedName
+smallName' = token "small name" $ \p -> \case
+ Front.Lexd.LName x@(Ident (c : _) `LIn` _) | not (isUpper c) -> Just (WithPos p x)
_ -> Nothing
reserved :: Reserved -> Parser ()
reserved k = token (pretty k) $ const $ \case
Reserved k' | k == k' -> Just ()
@@ 194,5 217,8 @@ reserved k = token (pretty k) $ const $ \case
keyword :: String -> Parser ()
keyword k = token k $ const $ \case
- Keyword k' | k == k' -> Just ()
+ Keyword (Ident k') | k == k' -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
+many1 :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
+many1 p = liftM2 (:) p (many p)
A src/Front/Resolve.hs => src/Front/Resolve.hs +1 -0
@@ 0,0 1,1 @@
+module Front.Resolve () where
A src/Front/Resolved.hs => src/Front/Resolved.hs +15 -0
@@ 0,0 1,15 @@
+module Front.Resolved where
+import Name
+import SrcPos
+import Front.Concrete
+import Front.TypeAst
+type ResolvedName = WithPos QualName
+type ResolvedTConst = TConst' TVar
+type ResolvedType = Type' TVar
+type ResolvedPat = Pat ResolvedName
+type ResolvedScheme = Scheme ResolvedType ResolvedName
+type ResolvedExpr = Expr ResolvedType ResolvedName
+type ResolvedDef = Def ResolvedType ResolvedName
+type ResolvedModule = Module ResolvedType ResolvedName
M src/Front/Subst.hs => src/Front/Subst.hs +13 -18
@@ 5,61 5,56 @@ import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Maybe
-import Front.SrcPos
+import SrcPos
+import Front.TypeAst
+import Front.Abstract
import Front.Inferred
-- | Map of substitutions from type-variables to more specific types
type Subst = TVar -> Maybe Type
type Subst' = Map TVar Type
-substDef :: Subst -> Def -> Def
+substDef :: Subst -> InferredDef -> InferredDef
substDef s = \case
VarDef d -> VarDef (second (second (substExpr' s)) d)
RecDefs ds -> RecDefs (map (second (second (substFun' s))) ds)
-substExpr :: Map TVar Type -> Expr -> Expr
+substExpr :: Map TVar Type -> InferredExpr -> InferredExpr
substExpr s = substExpr' (flip Map.lookup s)
-substExpr' :: Subst -> Expr -> Expr
+substExpr' :: Subst -> InferredExpr -> InferredExpr
substExpr' s expr = case expr of
Lit c -> Lit c
- Var v -> Var (second (substTypedVar s) v)
+ EVar x t -> EVar x (subst' s t)
App f as rt -> App (substExpr' s f) (map (substExpr' s) as) (subst' s rt)
If p c a -> If (substExpr' s p) (substExpr' s c) (substExpr' s a)
Let def body -> Let (substDef s def) (substExpr' s body)
Fun f -> Fun (substFun' s f)
- Match m -> Match (substMatch' s m)
+ Match ms (MatchCases cs tps tb) -> Match
+ (map (substExpr' s) ms)
+ (MatchCases (substCases s cs) (map (subst' s) tps) (subst' s tb))
Ctor i span' (tx, tts) ps -> Ctor i span' (tx, map (subst' s) tts) (map (subst' s) ps)
Sizeof t -> Sizeof (subst' s t)
-substFun :: Map TVar Type -> Fun -> Fun
+substFun :: Map TVar Type -> InferredFun -> InferredFun
substFun s = substFun' (flip Map.lookup s)
-substFun' :: Subst -> Fun -> Fun
+substFun' :: Subst -> InferredFun -> InferredFun
substFun' s (ps, b) = (map (second (subst' s)) ps, bimap (substExpr' s) (subst' s) b)
-substMatch' :: Subst -> Match -> Match
-substMatch' s = mapPosd
- (\(ms, cs, tps, tb) ->
- (map (substExpr' s) ms, substCases s cs, map (subst' s) tps, subst' s tb)
- )
substCases :: Subst -> Cases -> Cases
substCases s = map (bimap (mapPosd (map (substPat s))) (substExpr' s))
substPat :: Subst -> Pat -> Pat
substPat s (Pat pos t pat) = Pat pos (subst' s t) $ case pat of
PWild -> PWild
- PVar v -> PVar (substTypedVar s v)
+ PVar x t -> PVar x (subst' s t)
PBox p -> PBox (substPat s p)
PCon c ps -> PCon (substCon s c) (map (substPat s) ps)
substCon :: Subst -> Con -> Con
substCon s (Con ix sp ts) = Con ix sp (map (subst' s) ts)
-substTypedVar :: Subst -> TypedVar -> TypedVar
-substTypedVar s (TypedVar x t) = TypedVar x (subst' s t)
subst :: Map TVar Type -> Type -> Type
subst s = subst' (flip Map.lookup s)
M src/Front/TypeAst.hs => src/Front/TypeAst.hs +33 -25
@@ 5,6 5,9 @@ module Front.TypeAst where
import Data.Word
+import Name
+import SrcPos
data TPrim
= TNat Word32
| TNatSize
@@ 14,7 17,12 @@ data TPrim
| TF64
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-type TConst' var = (String, [Type' var])
+type TConst' var = (QualName, [Type' var])
+data TVar
+ = TVExplicit (WithPos Ident)
+ | TVImplicit String
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Type' var
= TVar var
@@ 31,29 39,29 @@ unTconst _ = Nothing
mainType :: Type' var
mainType = TFun [tUnit] tUnit
-tByte :: Type' var
-tByte = TPrim (TNat 8)
-tBox' :: Type' var -> TConst' var
-tBox' t = ("Box", [t])
-tStr :: Type' var
-tStr = TConst tStr'
-tStr' :: TConst' var
-tStr' = ("Str", [])
-tArray :: Type' var -> Type' var
-tArray a = TConst ("Array", [a])
+--tByte :: Type' var
+--tByte = TPrim (TNat 8)
+--tBox' :: Type' var -> TConst' var
+--tBox' t = ("Box", [t])
+--tStr :: Type' var
+--tStr = TConst tStr'
+--tStr' :: TConst' var
+--tStr' = ("Str", [])
+--tArray :: Type' var -> Type' var
+--tArray a = TConst ("Array", [a])
tUnit :: Type' var
-tUnit = TConst tUnit'
-tUnit' :: TConst' var
-tUnit' = ("Unit", [])
+tUnit = TConst (QName "Unit" QMBuiltin, [])
+-- tUnit' :: TConst' var
+--tUnit' =
tBool :: Type' var
-tBool = TConst ("Bool", [])
-tBool' :: TConst' var
-tBool' = ("Bool", [])
+tBool = TConst (QName "Bool" QMBuiltin, [])
+--tBool' :: TConst' var
+--tBool' = ("Bool", [])
A src/Name.hs => src/Name.hs +30 -0
@@ 0,0 1,30 @@
+module Name where
+import Data.String
+newtype Ident = Ident {idstr :: String }
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+data LexdName
+ = LIn Ident LexdName
+ | LAbsolute
+ | LRelative
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+-- | A fully qualified module name, e.g. `/std/collections/hashmap`
+-- Stored in "reversed" order. So "/std/collections/hashmap" becomes
+-- `(QMName "hashmap" (QMName "collections" (QMPkg "std")))`.
+data QualModuleName
+ = QMName Ident QualModuleName
+ | QMPkg Ident
+ | QMSelf
+ | QMBuiltin
+ | QMLocal
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+data QualName = QName Ident QualModuleName
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+instance IsString Ident where
+ fromString = Ident
M src/Pretty.hs => src/Pretty.hs +51 -34
@@ 1,6 1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-module Pretty (pretty, Pretty(..), prettyTConst) where
+module Pretty (pretty, prettyTConst, Pretty(..)) where
import Prelude hiding (showChar)
import Data.Bifunctor
@@ 13,10 13,12 @@ import qualified Prettyprinter as Prettyprint
import Misc
import Front.TypeAst
-import Front.SrcPos
+import SrcPos
+import Name
import qualified Front.Lexd as Lexd
-import qualified Front.Parsed as Parsed
-import qualified Front.Inferred as Inferred
+import qualified Front.Abstract as Ast
+import qualified Front.Concrete as Cst
+import Front.Resolved
-- Pretty print starting at some indentation depth
@@ 57,23 59,38 @@ instance Pretty Lexd.Reserved where
Lexd.Rdefmacro -> "defmacro"
Lexd.Rtype -> "type"
-instance Pretty var => Pretty (Type' var) where
+instance (Pretty var) => Pretty (Type' var) where
pretty' _ = prettyType
instance Pretty TPrim where
pretty' _ = prettyTPrim
-instance Pretty Parsed.Scheme where
- pretty' _ (Parsed.Forall _ ps cs t) =
- prettyScheme ps (map (second (map snd)) (Set.toList cs)) t
-instance Pretty Parsed.TVar where
+instance Pretty ResolvedScheme where
+ pretty' _ (Cst.Forall _ ps cs t) =
+ prettyScheme ps (map (bimap unpos (map snd)) (Set.toList cs)) t
+instance Pretty Ast.Scheme where
+ pretty' _ (Ast.Forall ps cs t) = prettyScheme ps (Set.toList cs) t
+instance Pretty TVar where
pretty' _ = prettyTVar
-instance Pretty (Parsed.Id a) where
- pretty' _ = Parsed.idstr
+instance Pretty Ident where
+ pretty' _ = idstr
+instance Pretty QualName where
+ pretty' _ = prettyQName
instance Pretty Void where
pretty' _ = absurd
-prettyType :: Pretty var => Type' var -> String
+prettyQName :: QualName -> String
+prettyQName (QName x m) = prettyQMName m ++ "/" ++ pretty x
+prettyQMName :: QualModuleName -> String
+prettyQMName = \case
+ QMBuiltin -> "/builtin"
+ QMSelf -> "/self"
+ QMPkg p -> "/" ++ pretty p
+ QMLocal -> ""
+ QMName x m -> prettyQMName m ++ "/" ++ pretty x
+prettyType :: (Pretty var) => Type' var -> String
prettyType = \case
TVar tv -> pretty tv
TPrim c -> pretty c
@@ 81,48 98,48 @@ prettyType = \case
TBox t -> prettyTBox t
TConst tc -> prettyTConst tc
-prettyScheme :: (Pretty p, Pretty var) => Set p -> [(String, [Type' var])] -> Type' var -> String
+prettyScheme :: (Pretty var) => Set TVar -> [(QualName, [Type' var])] -> Type' var -> String
prettyScheme ps cs t = concat
[ "(forall (" ++ spcPretty (Set.toList ps) ++ ") "
, "(where " ++ unwords (map prettyTConst cs) ++ ") "
, pretty t ++ ")"
-prettyTConst :: (Pretty var) => (String, [Type' var]) -> String
+prettyTConst :: (Pretty var) => (QualName, [Type' var]) -> String
prettyTConst = \case
- ("Cons", [t1, t2]) -> "[" ++ pretty t1 ++ prettyConses t2
- ("Cons", []) -> ice "prettyTConst: Cons hasn't two types"
- (c, []) -> c
- (c, ts) -> concat ["(", c, " ", spcPretty ts, ")"]
+ (QName "Cons" QMBuiltin, [t1, t2]) -> "[" ++ pretty t1 ++ prettyConses t2
+ (QName "Cons" QMBuiltin, []) -> ice "prettyTConst: Cons hasn't two types"
+ (c, []) -> pretty c
+ (c, ts) -> concat ["(", pretty c, " ", spcPretty ts, ")"]
prettyConses t = case unTconst t of
- Just ("Cons", [t1, t2]) -> " " ++ pretty t1 ++ prettyConses t2
- Just ("Unit", _) -> "]"
+ Just (QName "Cons" QMBuiltin, [t1, t2]) -> " " ++ pretty t1 ++ prettyConses t2
+ Just (QName "Unit" QMBuiltin, _) -> "]"
_ -> " . " ++ pretty t ++ "]"
prettyTBox :: Pretty t => t -> String
prettyTBox t = "(Box " ++ pretty t ++ ")"
-prettyTFun :: Pretty var => [Type' var] -> Type' var -> String
+prettyTFun :: (Pretty t) => [t] -> t -> String
prettyTFun as b = concat ["(Fun [", spcPretty as, "] ", pretty b, ")"]
-prettyTPrim :: Parsed.TPrim -> String
+prettyTPrim :: Cst.TPrim -> String
prettyTPrim = \case
- Parsed.TNat w -> "Nat" ++ show w
- Parsed.TNatSize -> "Nat"
- Parsed.TInt w -> "Int" ++ show w
- Parsed.TIntSize -> "Int"
- Parsed.TF32 -> "F32"
- Parsed.TF64 -> "F64"
-prettyTVar :: Parsed.TVar -> String
+ Cst.TNat w -> "Nat" ++ show w
+ Cst.TNatSize -> "Nat"
+ Cst.TInt w -> "Int" ++ show w
+ Cst.TIntSize -> "Int"
+ Cst.TF32 -> "F32"
+ Cst.TF64 -> "F64"
+prettyTVar :: TVar -> String
prettyTVar = \case
- Parsed.TVExplicit v -> Parsed.idstr v
- Parsed.TVImplicit v -> "•" ++ v
+ TVExplicit v -> idstr (unpos v)
+ TVImplicit v -> "•" ++ v
-instance Pretty Inferred.Scheme where
- pretty' _ (Inferred.Forall ps cs t) = prettyScheme ps (Set.toList cs) t
+-- instance Pretty Inferred.Scheme where
+-- pretty' _ (Inferred.Forall ps cs t) = prettyScheme ps (Set.toList cs) t
instance Pretty Module where
pretty' _ = show . Prettyprint.pretty
A src/Query.hs => src/Query.hs +15 -0
@@ 0,0 1,15 @@
+module Query where
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import Name
+import qualified Front.Lexd as Lexd
+import Front.Parsed
+import Front.Resolved
+data Cache = Cache
+ { lexdCache :: Map QualModuleName Lexd.Module
+ , expandedCache :: Map QualModuleName Lexd.Module
+ , parsedCache :: Map QualModuleName ParsedModule
+ , resolvedCache :: Map QualModuleName ResolvedModule
+ }
M src/Sizeof.hs => src/Sizeof.hs +2 -1
@@ 7,7 7,8 @@ import qualified Data.Vector as Vec
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Misc
-import Front.Inferred (Span)
+import Front.Abstract
+-- import Front.Inferred (Span)
import Front.TypeAst
type SizeofConst tvar = TConst' tvar -> Either tvar Word
R src/Front/SrcPos.hs => src/SrcPos.hs +1 -1
@@ 1,4 1,4 @@
-module Front.SrcPos where
+module SrcPos where
import Text.Megaparsec.Pos